public class InvoiceAppService : ApplicationService { // 緩存管理器 private readonly ICacheManager _cacheManager; // 倉儲 private readonly IRepository<Invoice> _rep; public TestAppService(ICacheManager cacheMgr, IRepository<Invoice> rep) { _cacheManager;= cacheMgr; _rep = rep; } public void ChanelInvoice() { // 獲取緩存 var cache = _cacheManager.GetCache("cache1"); // 轉換強類型緩存 var typedCache = cache.AsTyped<int, string>(); // 獲取緩存的值,存在則直接從緩存中取,不存在則按照你給定的方式取出值,而後添加進緩存中 // 這裏是利用倉儲從數據庫中取出 var cacheValue = typedCache.Get(10, id => _rep.Get(id).Name); } }
Abp中的緩存能夠看做一個大衣櫃,裏面有許多方格, 咱們第一步 _cacheManager.GetCache獲得的就是一個方格,裏面有許多的value,value就是咱們緩存的值.
在說的詳細點,緩存分類裏有user user裏面有user1,user2... ,分類裏還有invoice, invoice裏面有invoice1,invoice2
public interface ICacheManager : IDisposable { // 獲取全部緩存 IReadOnlyList<ICache> GetAllCaches(); // 根據名稱取出緩存 [NotNull] ICache GetCache([NotNull] string name); }
public abstract class CacheManagerBase : ICacheManager, ISingletonDependency { // ioc管理器 protected readonly IIocManager IocManager; // 緩存配置器 protected readonly ICachingConfiguration Configuration; // 存放緩存的字典 protected readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICache> Caches; // Constructor. protected CacheManagerBase(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration) { IocManager = iocManager; Configuration = configuration; Caches = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICache>(); } // 獲取全部緩存 public IReadOnlyList<ICache> GetAllCaches() { return Caches.Values.ToImmutableList();// 轉換成不可變集合 } // 根據名稱獲取緩存 ICache public virtual ICache GetCache(string name) { // 空值檢測 Check.NotNull(name, nameof(name)); // 若是已經存在,則直接取出. // 不存在則建立一個. return Caches.GetOrAdd(name, (cacheName) => { // 具體建立緩存的方法。該方法由具體的實現類,實現. var cache = CreateCacheImplementation(cacheName); // 獲取緩存配置項 (c => c.CacheName == null 這是全部緩存的設置,後面會有說到) var configurators = Configuration.Configurators.Where(c => c.CacheName == null || c.CacheName == cacheName); // 爲緩存設置 配置項中的配置(時間等..) foreach (var configurator in configurators) { configurator.InitAction?.Invoke(cache); } return cache; }); } // 釋放 public virtual void Dispose() { DisposeCaches(); Caches.Clear(); } // 調用ioc管理器依次釋放 protected virtual void DisposeCaches() { foreach (var cache in Caches) { IocManager.Release(cache.Value); } } // 實際建立緩存的方法.由子類實現.(多是redis,或者memcache等) protected abstract ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name); }
public class AbpMemoryCacheManager : CacheManagerBase { // 日誌 public ILogger Logger { get; set; } // ctor public AbpMemoryCacheManager(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration) : base(iocManager, configuration) { Logger = NullLogger.Instance; } // 重寫CacheManagerBase的CreateCacheImplementation方法,建立AbpMemoryCache protected override ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name) { return new AbpMemoryCache(name) { Logger = Logger }; } // 釋放 protected override void DisposeCaches() { foreach (var cache in Caches.Values) { cache.Dispose(); } } }
public class AbpMemoryCache : CacheBase { private MemoryCache _memoryCache; // ctor public AbpMemoryCache(string name) : base(name) { _memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new OptionsWrapper<MemoryCacheOptions>(new MemoryCacheOptions())); } // 根據key獲取值 public override object GetOrDefault(string key) { return _memoryCache.Get(key); } // 設置key和值 public override void Set(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null) { if (value == null) { throw new AbpException("Can not insert null values to the cache!"); } if (absoluteExpireTime != null) { _memoryCache.Set(key, value, DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(absoluteExpireTime.Value)); } else if (slidingExpireTime != null) { _memoryCache.Set(key, value, slidingExpireTime.Value); } else if (DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime != null) { _memoryCache.Set(key, value, DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime.Value)); } else { _memoryCache.Set(key, value, DefaultSlidingExpireTime); } } // 根據key移除 public override void Remove(string key) { _memoryCache.Remove(key); } // 清空 public override void Clear() { _memoryCache.Dispose(); _memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new OptionsWrapper<MemoryCacheOptions>(new MemoryCacheOptions())); } // 釋放 public override void Dispose() { _memoryCache.Dispose(); base.Dispose(); } }
public class AbpRedisCacheManager : CacheManagerBase { public AbpRedisCacheManager(IIocManager iocManager, ICachingConfiguration configuration) : base(iocManager, configuration) { // 瞬時註冊AbpRedisCache IocManager.RegisterIfNot<AbpRedisCache>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient); } // 實現基類的CreateCacheImplementation方法 建立緩存 protected override ICache CreateCacheImplementation(string name) { // 從ioc容器中獲取,這裏須要name做爲參數(若是你對ioc容器建立對象這個過程瞭解的話,就知道我說的是什麼) return IocManager.Resolve<AbpRedisCache>(new { name }); } }
public interface ICache : IDisposable { // 緩存名字(惟一的) string Name { get; } // 滑動過時時間,默認 1h 能夠經過configuration設置 TimeSpan DefaultSlidingExpireTime { get; set; } // 絕對過時時間 默認是null. TimeSpan? DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime { get; set; } // 獲取緩存數據,不存在則執行 Func 委託 object Get(string key, Func<string, object> factory); // 上面方法作了批量處理 object[] Get(string[] keys, Func<string, object> factory); // 異步獲取 Task<object> GetAsync(string key, Func<string, Task<object>> factory); // 同上 Task<object[]> GetAsync(string[] keys, Func<string, Task<object>> factory); // 獲取緩存數據,沒有的話爲null object GetOrDefault(string key); // 批量 object[] GetOrDefault(string[] keys); // 異步處理 Task<object> GetOrDefaultAsync(string key); Task<object[]> GetOrDefaultAsync(string[] keys); // 設置緩存 void Set(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null); void Set(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null); // 異步處理 Task SetAsync(string key, object value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null); Task SetAsync(KeyValuePair<string, object>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null); // 根據key移除緩存 void Remove(string key); void Remove(string[] keys); Task RemoveAsync(string key); Task RemoveAsync(string[] keys); // 清除該緩存下的全部數據 void Clear(); Task ClearAsync(); }
public static class CacheExtensions { // 其餘代碼 // 轉換強類型緩存 public static ITypedCache<TKey, TValue> AsTyped<TKey, TValue>(this ICache cache) { return new TypedCacheWrapper<TKey, TValue>(cache); } // 其餘代碼 }
經過ICache轉換成強類型緩存,那麼咱們的緩存的值 也是強類型的了,不須要在手動強轉了
public class TypedCacheWrapper<TKey, TValue> : ITypedCache<TKey, TValue> { // 具體調用AsTyped這個靜態方法的Icache對象 public ICache InternalCache { get; private set; } public TypedCacheWrapper(ICache internalCache) { InternalCache = internalCache; } // 緩存名字 public string Name { get { return InternalCache.Name; } } // 滑動過時時間 public TimeSpan DefaultSlidingExpireTime { get { return InternalCache.DefaultSlidingExpireTime; } set { InternalCache.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = value; } } // 絕對過時時間 public TimeSpan? DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime { get { return InternalCache.DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime; } set { InternalCache.DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime = value; } } // 釋放 public void Dispose() { InternalCache.Dispose(); } // 清空 public void Clear() { InternalCache.Clear(); } public Task ClearAsync() { return InternalCache.ClearAsync(); } // 取 刪 。。。。 其實調用的仍是ICache的擴展方法 // return (TValue)cache.Get(key.ToString(), (k) => (object)factory(key)); // 最後仍是作了強轉 public TValue Get(TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> factory) { return InternalCache.Get(key, factory); } public TValue[] Get(TKey[] keys, Func<TKey, TValue> factory) { return InternalCache.Get(keys, factory); } public Task<TValue> GetAsync(TKey key, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>> factory) { return InternalCache.GetAsync(key, factory); } public Task<TValue[]> GetAsync(TKey[] keys, Func<TKey, Task<TValue>> factory) { return InternalCache.GetAsync(keys, factory); } public TValue GetOrDefault(TKey key) { return InternalCache.GetOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(key); } public TValue[] GetOrDefault(TKey[] keys) { return InternalCache.GetOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(keys); } public Task<TValue> GetOrDefaultAsync(TKey key) { return InternalCache.GetOrDefaultAsync<TKey, TValue>(key); } public Task<TValue[]> GetOrDefaultAsync(TKey[] keys) { return InternalCache.GetOrDefaultAsync<TKey, TValue>(keys); } public void Set(TKey key, TValue value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null) { InternalCache.Set(key.ToString(), value, slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime); } public void Set(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null) { var stringPairs = pairs.Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(p.Key.ToString(), p.Value)); InternalCache.Set(stringPairs.ToArray(), slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime); } public Task SetAsync(TKey key, TValue value, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null) { return InternalCache.SetAsync(key.ToString(), value, slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime); } public Task SetAsync(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] pairs, TimeSpan? slidingExpireTime = null, TimeSpan? absoluteExpireTime = null) { var stringPairs = pairs.Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, object>(p.Key.ToString(), p.Value)); return InternalCache.SetAsync(stringPairs.ToArray(), slidingExpireTime, absoluteExpireTime); } public void Remove(TKey key) { InternalCache.Remove(key.ToString()); } public void Remove(TKey[] keys) { InternalCache.Remove(keys.Select(key => key.ToString()).ToArray()); } public Task RemoveAsync(TKey key) { return InternalCache.RemoveAsync(key.ToString()); } public Task RemoveAsync(TKey[] keys) { return InternalCache.RemoveAsync(keys.Select(key => key.ToString()).ToArray()); } }
public virtual void Initialize() { IocManager.IocContainer.Install(new AbpCoreInstaller()); } internal class AbpCoreInstaller : IWindsorInstaller { public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store) { container.Register( // 其餘配置組建(略).. Component.For<ICachingConfiguration, CachingConfiguration>().ImplementedBy<CachingConfiguration>().LifestyleSingleton() ); } }
public override void PreInitialize() { Configuration.Caching.ConfigureAll(z=>z.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)); }
internal class CachingConfiguration : ICachingConfiguration { public IAbpStartupConfiguration AbpConfiguration { get; private set; } // 緩存配置器集合 private readonly List<ICacheConfigurator> _configurators; public IReadOnlyList<ICacheConfigurator> Configurators { get { return _configurators.ToImmutableList(); } } // ctor public CachingConfiguration(IAbpStartupConfiguration abpConfiguration) { AbpConfiguration = abpConfiguration; _configurators = new List<ICacheConfigurator>(); } // 爲全部緩存設置 一些配置. public void ConfigureAll(Action<ICache> initAction) { _configurators.Add(new CacheConfigurator(initAction)); } // 爲指定名稱的緩存 設置一些配置。 public void Configure(string cacheName, Action<ICache> initAction) { _configurators.Add(new CacheConfigurator(cacheName, initAction)); } }
internal class CacheConfigurator : ICacheConfigurator { // 緩存名字 public string CacheName { get; private set; } // 執行的配置操做 public Action<ICache> InitAction { get; private set; } public CacheConfigurator(Action<ICache> initAction) { InitAction = initAction; } public CacheConfigurator(string cacheName, Action<ICache> initAction) { CacheName = cacheName; InitAction = initAction; } }
根據ConfigureAll和Configure方法能夠看出,你在初始化的時候,ConfigureAll是會初始化一個cacheName=null的 CacheConfigurator
這也是爲何,CacheManagerBase中獲取全部緩存配置,是這樣過濾的, 獲取全部緩存都要的配置 以及 指定緩存 本身的配置 var configurators = Configuration.Configurators.Where(c => c.CacheName == null || c.CacheName == cacheName);
在緩存這一塊,ABP用了兩個設計模式: 模板方法模式:父類實現主要算法,定義調用順序和過程,子類實現具體算法,CacheManagerBase,AbpMemoryCacheManager,AbpRedisCacheManager 橋接模式:ICacheManager,ICache 獨立變化Manager和Cache,使Manager和Cache能夠獨自擴展