/* Cumulative image of the multiplication of p1.*p2. p1 and p2 can be the same pointer and it becomes square cumulative image. The returned cumulative image MUST be freed by the caller! */ template <class T1, class T2, class T3> BOOL MultiplyCumImage(T1 *p1, T2 *p2, T3 **ppCum) { long i, j; long Width = GetWidth(); long Height = GetHeight(); long integral_len = (Width + 1)*(Height + 1); // Only allocate cumulative image memory when *ppCum is NULL
if (*ppCum == NULL) { try { *ppCum = new T3[integral_len]; } catch (CException *pe) { pe->Delete(); return FALSE; } } memset(*ppCum, 0, sizeof(T3)*integral_len); // The cumulative values of the leftmost and the topmost pixels are always 0.
for (i = 1; i <= Height; i++) { T3 *prow, *puprow; prow = *ppCum + i*(Width + 1); puprow = *ppCum + (i - 1)*(Width + 1); T3 sum = 0; long up_row_idx = (i - 1)*Width; for (j = 1; j <= Width; j++) { long idx = up_row_idx + j - 1; sum += p1[idx] * p2[idx]; prow[j] = puprow[j] + sum; } } return TRUE; }
long len = Width*Height; // Cululative image and square cululative for guided image G
UINT64 *pCum = NULL, *pSquareCum = NULL; CumImage(pGuidedData, &pCum); MultiplyCumImage(pGuidedData, pGuidedData, &pSquareCum); // Allocate memory for a and b
float *pa, *pb; pa = new float[len]; pb = new float[len]; memset(pa, 0, sizeof(float)*len); memset(pb, 0, sizeof(float)*len); UINT64 *pInputCum = NULL, *pGPCum = NULL; CumImage(pData, &pInputCum); MultiplyCumImage(pGuidedData, pData, &pGPCum); int field_size; UINT64 cum, square_cum; long uprow, downrow, upidx, downidx; // In cumulative image
long leftcol, rightcol; float g_mean, g_var; // mean and variance of guided image
long row_idx = 0; UINT64 p_cum, gp_cum; float p_mean; // Calculate a and b // Since we're going to calculate cumulative image of a and b, we have to calculate the whole image of a and b.
for (i = 0; i < Height; i++) { // Check the boundary for radius
if (i < radius) uprow = 0; else uprow = i - radius; upidx = uprow*(Width + 1); if (i + radius >= Height) downrow = Height; else downrow = i + radius + 1; downidx = downrow*(Width + 1); for (j = 0; j < Width; j++) { // Check the boundary for radius
if (j < radius) leftcol = 0; else leftcol = j - radius; if (j + radius >= Width) rightcol = Width; else rightcol = j + radius + 1; field_size = (downrow - uprow)*(rightcol - leftcol); long p1, p2, p3, p4; p1 = downidx + rightcol; p2 = downidx + leftcol; p3 = upidx + rightcol; p4 = upidx + leftcol; // Guided image summary in the field
cum = pCum[p1] - pCum[p2] - pCum[p3] + pCum[p4]; // Guided image square summary in the field
square_cum = pSquareCum[p1] - pSquareCum[p2] - pSquareCum[p3] + pSquareCum[p4]; // Field mean
g_mean = (float)(cum) / field_size; // Field variance
g_var = float(square_cum) / field_size - g_mean * g_mean; // Summary of input image in the field
p_cum = pInputCum[p1] - pInputCum[p2] - pInputCum[p3] + pInputCum[p4]; // Input image field mean
p_mean = float(p_cum) / field_size; // Multiply summary in the field
gp_cum = pGPCum[p1] - pGPCum[p2] - pGPCum[p3] + pGPCum[p4]; long idx = row_idx + j; pa[idx] = (float(gp_cum) / field_size - g_mean*p_mean) / (g_var + epsilon); pb[idx] = p_mean - g_mean*pa[idx]; } row_idx += Width; } // not needed after this
delete[] pCum; delete[] pSquareCum; delete[] pInputCum; delete[] pGPCum; // Cumulative image of a and b
float *pCuma = NULL, *pCumb = NULL; CumImage(pa, &pCuma); CumImage(pb, &pCumb); // Finally calculate the output image q=ag+b
float mean_a, mean_b; row_idx = Hstart*Width; for (i = Hstart; i < Hend; i++) { // Check the boundary for radius
if (i < radius) uprow = 0; else uprow = i - radius; upidx = uprow*(Width + 1); if (i + radius >= Height) downrow = Height; else downrow = i + radius + 1; downidx = downrow*(Width + 1); for (j = Wstart; j < Wend; j++) { // Check the boundary for radius
if (j < radius) leftcol = 0; else leftcol = j - radius; if (j + radius >= Width) rightcol = Width; else rightcol = j + radius + 1; field_size = (downrow - uprow)*(rightcol - leftcol); long p1, p2, p3, p4; p1 = downidx + rightcol; p2 = downidx + leftcol; p3 = upidx + rightcol; p4 = upidx + leftcol; // Field mean
mean_a = (pCuma[p1] - pCuma[p2] - pCuma[p3] + pCuma[p4]) / field_size; // Field mean
mean_b = (pCumb[p1] - pCumb[p2] - pCumb[p3] + pCumb[p4]) / field_size; // New pixel value
long idx = row_idx + j; int value = int(mean_a*pGuidedData[idx] + mean_b); CLAMP0255(value); pData[idx] = value; } row_idx += Width; } delete[] pa; delete[] pb; delete[] pCuma; delete[] pCumb;
原圖 半徑3,ε=52
半徑3,ε=102 半徑3,ε=202
原圖 半徑5,ε=202