Dart package for creating a credit card slidergit
A Flutter plugin for device's orientationgithub
A responsive tabs demo at two different screen size namely tablet and phone.json
A Flutter package to detect up, down, left, right swipes.app
A new Flutter package project for simple a awesome dialogsdom
一個簡單的友盟 umeng app+ 統計ide
A really easy to use flutter toast library學習
For Flutter plugin development: StreamsChannel is inspired from EventChannel. It allows to create streams of events between Flutter and platform side.字體
Semantic dialogui
Flutter desktop pluginsspa
package library for extended_image, extended_text and extended_text_field,provide common base class.
Flutter plugin that can support audio recording and level metering
Flutter UI challenge- Parallax scroll effect
A flutter utility to easily create flavors in your flutter application
A Flutter package which provides 360 view of the images with rotation and gesture customisations.
A Flutter package to read and return the set device locales
An easy to implement Foldable Sidebar Navigation Drawer for Flutter Applications.
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android to open whatsApp.
RainbowColor simplifies interpolation a numerical domain onto a multi-color range.
A flutter plugin to use convert Json to Form
仿追書神器,具備仿真、滑動和滾動翻頁、字體大小、行高、背景、目錄等功能的Flutter 閱讀APP
Flutter仿微博客戶端, 包含首頁、視頻、發現、消息(仿微博聊界面)及我的中心模塊
Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage
Sample repository with Bazel support for Flutter projects
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原文地址: https://flutterweekly.dev/flutter-weekly-issue-58/
公衆號: Android開發技術週刊