A Flutter plugin for h5pay(Support WeChat and Alipay)web
A Rich Link Preview flutter plugin.api
Makes it possible to safely execute and retry a Future inside a StatelessWidgetless
Flutter plugin (android) for sharing bytes and files Offline, (Based on the android Nearby Connections API)
A Tiled Dart library
a pure flutter toast library
A new Flutter MaterialAlertDialog package project.Flutter package to implement animated, smiling_face_with_three_hearts Attractive, artstylish Material Dialog in Flutter easily
A Flutter Package to render Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Equations based on LaTeX
Android and IOS upgrade plugin/Flutter應用升級/下載插件(帶通知欄進度)
An assets picker in WeChat style, support multi assets picking.
Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App
A generic file system abstraction for Dart.
A Flutter application architecture created from real world scenarios
Supports hls on chrome and other browsers.
A ListView widget capable of pinning a child to the top of the list.
This plugin provides simple recorder and player functionalities for both android
and ios
platforms. This plugin handles file from remote url. This plugin can handle playback stream from native (To sync exact time with bridging).
Wrapper for flutter_test that adds a tester argument to setUp and tearDown functions
An Advanced floating action button that expands itself to reveal its hidden widget.
Simple Dart package for creating mailto links in your Flutter apps or web pages
A Flutter plugin to store data in secure storage
Flutter plugin to play audio in the background while the screen is off.
A Flutter plugin project to help with App/Deep Links (Android) and Universal Links and Custom URL schemes (iOS).
Flutter plugin to implement a Material Design Speed Dial
SqfEntity is based on SQFlite plugin and lets you build and execute SQL commands easily and quickly with the help of fluent methods similar to .Net Entity Framework
A Flutter plugin for sharing files & text with other applications.
A Flutter plugin to get location updates in the background for both Android and iOS (Requires iOS 10.0+). Uses CoreLocation for iOS and FusedLocationProvider for Android
A Flutter plugin to access TensorFlow Lite apis.
A flutter plugin to detect edges of objects, scan paper, detect corner, detect rectangle. It allows cropping of the detected object image and returns the path of the cropped image.
A simple flutter widget to paint with your fingers
a white noise app developed with Flutter. It helps you meditate, sleep better, focus, relax and be calm.
Habit formation is an Android & iOS app which is built using Flutter UI Toolkit.
Flutter UI challenge, Smart washing machine app
Open source code for Bonfire app (may be deprecated code compared to private repository)
IntelliJ Plugin to ease the process of localizing hard coded strings in Flutter projects
An installation toolkit for Flutter SDK on Windows PCs
原文地址:https://flutterweekly.dev/flutter-weekly-issue-55/ 版權聲明:禁止一切形式的轉載-禁止商用-禁止衍生