lua基本類型: nil、boolean、string、userdata、function、thread、table 函數type返回類型 Lua 保留字: and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while 運算符: < > <= >= == ~= 邏輯運算符: and or not 鏈接運算符: .. 運算符優先級: ^ not - (unary) * / + - .. < > <= >= ~= == and or table構造: tab = {1,2,3} tab[1] 訪問容器從下標1開始 lua table構造list: list = nil for line in io.lines() do list = {next=list, value=line} end l = list while l do print(l.value) l = end 賦值語句: a, b = 10, 2*x x, y = y, x 使用local 建立一個局部變量 if conditions then then-part elseif conditions then elseif-part ..--->多個elseif else else-part end; while condition do statements; end ; repeat statements; until conditions; for var=exp1,exp2,exp3 do loop-part end for i=10,1,-1 do print(i) end 加載文件: dofile require loadlib(加載庫) pcall 在保護模式下調用他的第一個參數並運行,所以能夠捕獲全部的異常和錯誤。 若是沒有異常和錯誤,pcall 返回true 和調用返回的任何值;不然返回nil加錯誤信息。 local status, err = pcall(function () error( "my error" ) end ) print(err) 能夠在任什麼時候候調用debug.traceback 獲取當前運行的 traceback 信息 多線程: co = coroutine.create(function () for i=1,10 do print("co", i) coroutine.yield() end end ) coroutine.resume(co) print(coroutine.status(co)) coroutine.resume(co) coroutine.resume(co) coroutine.resume(co) 完整實例 function receive (prod) local status, value = coroutine.resume(prod) return value end function send (x) coroutine.yield(x) end function producer () return coroutine.create( function () while true do local x = -- produce new value send(x) end end ) end function filter (prod) return coroutine.create( function () local line = 1 while true do local x = receive(prod) -- get new value x = string.format("%5d %s" , line, x) send(x) -- send it to consumer line = line + 1 end end ) end function consumer (prod) while true do local x = receive(prod) -- get new value io.write(x, "\n") -- consume new value end end p = producer() f = filter(p) consumer(f)