local socket = require('socket')
print('LuaSocket ver: ', socket._VERSION)
2. tcp經常使用方法:
1)socket.bind(address, port [, backlog])學習
建立一個tcp server object bind to (address, port), backlog是用於listen函數的。熟悉Linux下的socket編程,會以爲這些都很熟悉的。此函數返回一個tcp server object,若是失敗返回nil。
Waits for a remote connection on the server object and returns a client object representing that connection.
3)client:getsockname() : 獲取socket的ip與port
4)server:getpeername() : 獲取對端的ip與port
5)client:receive([pattern [, prefix]])
接收數據,pattern與lua file I/O format相似,取值有:
’*all‘, ’*a' : reads from the socket until the connection is closed. No end-of-line translation is performed;
'*line', '*l' : reads a line of text from the socket. The line is terminated by a LF character (ASCII 10), optionally preceded by a CR character (ASCII 13). The CR and LF characters are not included in the returned line. In fact, all CR characters are ignored by the pattern. This is the default pattern;
number : causes the method to read a specified number of bytes from the socket.
If successful, the method returns the received pattern.
In case of error, the method returns nil followed by an error message which can be the string 'closed' in case the connection was closed before the transmission was completed or the string 'timeout' in case there was a timeout during the operation. Also, after the error message, the function returns the partial result of the transmission.
6) client:send(data [, i [, j]])
Sends data through client object.
Data is the string to be sent. The optional arguments i and j work exactly like the standard string.sub Lua function to allow the selection of a substring to be sent.
If successful, the method returns the index of the last byte within [i, j] that has been sent.
In case of error, the method returns nil, followed by an error message,followed by the index of the last byte within [i, j] that has been sent.
7) client:close() : Closes a TCP object.
8)master:settimeout(value [, mode])
Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, all I/O operations are blocking.
9) server:setoption(option [, value])
Sets options for the TCP object. Options are only needed by low-level or time-critical applications.
如咱們經常使用的:'keepalive', 'reuseaddr', 'tcp-nodelay'
11) master:connect(address, port) : 用於戶客戶端發起鏈接請求
-- echo server local socket = require('socket') local serv = socket.bind('*', 8000) -- bind to any ip and 8000 port. if not serv then print('bind error') os.exit(-1) end while true do print('begin accept') local client = serv:accept() if not client then print('accept failed') os.exit(-1) end local peer_ip, peer_port = client:getpeername() print(string.format('handle %s:%d request begin', peer_ip, peer_port)) while true do local data, err = client:receive('*line') -- read one line data if not err then print('data: ', data) client:send(data) -- send data back to client else print('err: ', err) break end end client:close() end
-- echo client local socket = require('socket') local client = socket.connect('localhost', 8000) -- connect to localhost:8000 if not client then print('connect failed') os.exit(-1) end while true do local data = io.read('*line') if not data then print('EOF') break end client:send(data) local resp, err, partial = client:receive() if not err then print('receive: ', resp) else print('err: ', err) break end end client:close()
2、Lua bit operation module
local bit = require('bit')
y = bit.band(x1 [,x2...]) : 按位與
y = bit.bor(x1 [,x2...]) : 按位或
y = bit.bxor(x1 [,x2...]) : 按位異或
y = bit.bnot(x) : 按位取反
y = bit.lshift(x, n) : 邏輯左移
y = bit.rshift(x, n) : 邏輯右移
y = bit.arshift(x, n) : 算術右移
3、 string模塊使用到的一些方法
uin8_t head[4] ; head[0] = 0xA5; // head frame head[1] = 0x1l; // cmd_id uint16_t len = 0x0010; head[2] = len & 0xff; // low byte of len head[3] = len >> 8; // hight byte of len
local len = 0x0010 local t = {0xA5, 0x1, bit.band(len, 0xff), bit.rshift(len, 8)} local data = string.char(unpack(t)) client:send(data)
那麼接收方,在收取到數據頭時,須要怎麼去解析呢? string.byte()
local req , err = client:receive(4) if not err then local req_t = {string.byte(req, 1, -1)} local frame = req_t[1] local cmd_id = req_t[2] local len = req_t[3] + bit.lshift(req_t[4], 8) print(string.format('frame:%02x, cmd_id:%02x, len:%d', frame, cmd_id, len)) else print('err: ', err) client:close() end
PS : 關於Lua編程的學習,能夠參考《lua程序設計》這本書,還有一個博客lua step by step,內容也是根據此書寫的,寫的很是的好,http://www.cnblogs.com/stephen-liu74/archive/2012/07/30/2487201.html