
  • Torque or force mode

  When the joint motor is enabled and the control loop is disabled, then the joint will try to reach the desired target velocity given the maximum torque/force it is capable to deliver. When that maximum torque/force is very high, the target velocity is instantaneously reached and the joint operates in velocity control, otherwise it operates at the specified torque/force until the desired target velocity is reached (torque/force control).php


  When the joint motor is enabled and the control loop is enabled, then the user has 3 control modes available:spring

  • Custom control: a joint control callback script will be in charge of controlling the dynamic behaviour of the joint, allowing you to control the joint with any imaginable algorithm.
  • Position control (PID): the joint will be controlled in position via a PID controller that will adjust the joint velocity in following way (the Δt divider is to keep the controller independent of the selected controller time step):

  • Spring-damper mode: the joint will act like a spring-damper system via a force/torque modulation:

  根據上面的思路,在作一些底層控制涉及到調節關節力矩時能夠經過修改關節控制回調腳本(腳本默認進行PID控制,控制量爲關節速度),按照需求計算力矩並返回給VREP的物理引擎,這種方式比調用simSetJointForce函數要方便不少。下面是一個簡單的例子:新建一個場景,添加一個連桿並將其用轉動關節鏈接到大地。而後雙擊轉動關節圖標,將其設置爲力矩模式,進行Custom control。修改關節控制腳本(joint control callback scripts):ide

-- Following data is handed over from V-REP:
init,revolute,cyclic,jointHandle,passCnt,totalPasses,currentPos,targetPos,errorValue,effort,dynStepSize,lowLimit,highLimit,targetVel,maxForceTorque,velUpperLimit=... --Retrieves the current simulation time
local t = simGetSimulationTime() forceOrTorqueToApply = math.sin(math.pi * t / 2) maxVelocity = 9.0e+04

-- Following data must be returned to V-REP:
return forceOrTorqueToApply,maxVelocity -- forceOrTorqueToApply: the maximum force/torque that the joint will be able to exert -- maxVelocity: max. velocity allowed.




function sliderChange(ui, id, newVal)
    simExtCustomUI_setLabelText(ui, 3000,'Mass set to '..newVal)

    if id == 3001   then
        simSetShapeMassAndInertia(L1_handle, newVal, L1_inertiaMatrix, L1_centerOfMass)
        simSetFloatSignal('L1_mass', newVal)
    elseif id == 3002 then
        simSetShapeMassAndInertia(L2_handle, newVal, L2_inertiaMatrix, L2_centerOfMass)
        simSetFloatSignal('L2_mass', newVal)


if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then
    xml = [[
        <tab title="Set link mass">
            <label text="Sliders can be oriented horizontally or vertically, and have optional properties that can be set (in the XML) such as minimum and maximum value." wordwrap="true" />
            <label text="" id="3000" wordwrap="true" />
            <hslider id="3001" tick-position="above" tick-interval="1" minimum="1" maximum="20" onchange="sliderChange" />
            <vslider id="3002" minimum="1" maximum="20" onchange="sliderChange" />
            <label text="Spinboxes allow editing a numeric value using two buttons for increase and decrease, or direct text input. Spinboxes can display a prefix and a suffix text." wordwrap="true" />
            <spinbox minimum="1" maximum="20" suffix="Kg"/>
            <spinbox minimum="1" maximum="20" suffix="Kg" />
            <stretch />
    ui = simExtCustomUI_create(xml)

    L1_handle = simGetObjectHandle('L1')
    L2_handle = simGetObjectHandle('L2')
    L1_mass,L1_inertiaMatrix,L1_centerOfMass = simGetShapeMassAndInertia(L1_handle)
    L2_mass,L2_inertiaMatrix,L2_centerOfMass = simGetShapeMassAndInertia(L2_handle)
    simSetFloatSignal('L1_mass', L1_mass)
    simSetFloatSignal('L2_mass', L2_mass)

if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_actuation) then

if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_sensing) then


if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_cleanup) then
    simSetShapeMassAndInertia(L1_handle, 1, L1_inertiaMatrix, L1_centerOfMass)
    simSetShapeMassAndInertia(L2_handle, 1, L2_inertiaMatrix, L2_centerOfMass)
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J1 joint control callback scripts:ui


local m1 = simGetFloatSignal('L1_mass')
local m2 = simGetFloatSignal('L2_mass')

forceOrTorqueToApply = (2.5*m1 + 7.5*m2)

maxVelocity = 9.0e+04

-- Following data must be returned to V-REP:
return forceOrTorqueToApply,maxVelocity
View Code

J2 joint control callback scripts:spa

init,revolute,cyclic,jointHandle,passCnt,totalPasses,currentPos,targetPos,errorValue,effort,dynStepSize,lowLimit,highLimit,targetVel,maxForceTorque,velUpperLimit=... local m2 = simGetFloatSignal('L2_mass') forceOrTorqueToApply = (2.5 * m2) maxVelocity = 9.0e+04

-- Following data must be returned to V-REP:
return forceOrTorqueToApply,maxVelocity
View Code

  爲了在仿真過程當中查看信號變量,能夠將模型signal monitor(Models/other/signal monitor.ttm)拖入場景中,顯示信號的變化:code

signal monitor.ttm



Joint types and operation


How do I simulate a torque motor?

Joints Torque Control
