select t1.fnumber as 物料代碼,t1.FName as 物料名稱,t1.FModel as 規格型號 ,t2.FName as 倉庫, w1.fqty as 即時庫存
From ICInventory w1,t_ICItem t1,t_Stock t2,t_MeasureUnit t3,t_MeasureUnit t4ide
Where w1.FItemID=t1.FItemID And
w1.FStockID=t2.FItemID And
w1.FQty<>0 And
t1.FUnitID=t3.FMeasureUnitID And
t1.FStoreUnitID=t4.FMeasureUnitID And
w1.FItemID in
Select S.FItemID
(Select v1.FItemID,u1.FDate
from ICStockBill u1
inner join ICStockBillEntry v1 on u1.FInterID=v1.FInterID And u1.FCancellation=0
Union All
Select u1.FItemID,u1.FStockInDate as FDate
From ICInvInitial u1
Where u1.Fbegqty <> 0) S
group by S.FItemID
Having DateDiff(DD, Max(FDate), GetDate()) > 91spa
And t1.FNumber>='03.01.0001' And t1.FNumber<='03.02.0262' And t2.FTypeID<>502orm
Group By t1.FItemID,t1.FNumber,t1.FShortNumber,t1.FName,t1.FModel,w1.FBatchNo,
t3.FName , t4.FName,w1.fqty
Order By t1.FNumber,t2.FNumberblog
本文出自 「金蝶軟件技術服務」 博客,請務必保留此出處