原文分隔線====================== while writing go this morning, I found that the wrong code are not under lined by red line This is really difficult for me and time consuming to keep writing. After 1 hour of wasting time trying to figure out what happened, I decide to kill it all and start again. Hope this will be helpful for those who wants to complete remove vscode on their mac ATTENTION please write down your extension lists, and settings (JSON) because you won’t be seeing this anymore (screen shot?) remember to quit vscode first Step1 remove settings and configs sudo rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Code // if you're using insider* sudo rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Code\ -\ Insiders/ Step2 remove all the extensions sudo rm -rf $HOME/.vscode // if you're using insider* sudo rm -rf $HOME/.vscode-insiders/ Step3 remove vscode from application Step4 download vscode and install again ;)