use noc_dpi; CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS tmp_yym_app(appname STRING, mdn_num int, inputoctets int,outputoctet int) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile location '/user/noc/private/tmp_yym_app'; insert overwrite table tmp_yym_app select tt.appname,count(distinct mdn),sum(tt.inputoctets),sum(tt.outputoctets) from (select t.* from NOC_3G_APP_USER_SUMMARY t join liming_test_mdn m on t.mdn=m.mdn and m.mdn<>'' and m.mdn is not null where t.dt=$appdate1 union all select t.* from NOC_4G_APP_USER_SUMMARY t join liming_test_mdn m on t.mdn=m.mdn and m.mdn<>'' and m.mdn is not null where t.dt=$appdate1) tt group by tt.appname