Todo lists color in org-mode

Emacs org-mode todo colors

A quick tip on how to customize the look of todo items in Emacsorg-mode. php

Emacs org-mode

Org is a mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, and doing project planning with a fast and effective plain-text system. html

Kilde ui

All from within the wonderful world of Emacs. this

Todo lists in org-mode

One of the features I most frequently use in Org is todo lists. However, the built-in states of "TODO" and "DONE" are a bit scarce. Usually I add atleast another state, "INPR" (as in "in progress"), and sometimes more ("TEST", "IMP" as in impeded, and so on). This can easily be done by adding the following to the top of your .org file: spa


The only problem with this is that all states other than DONE will be red by default (DONE is green). This makes it hard to get a nice overview, and so I wanted my "in progress" state to be yellow. Turns out, it's really easy: code

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
        ("INPR" . (:foreground "yellow" :weight bold))

Stick this in your.emacs, and voila! You have shiny yellow in progress items. htm
