



Who handles conventional project manager duties in agile development?


Traditional project managers usually take on a great deal of responsibility. They are responsible for managing scope, cost, quality, personnel, communication, risk, procurement and more.ui


Agile project management often puts the traditional project manager in a difficult position. He or she is told, for example, to make scope/schedule tradeoff decisions knowing that a product manager or customer might second-guess those decisions if the project goes poorly.scala


Agile acknowledges this difficult position, and distributes the traditional project manager's responsibilities. What is agile about this new paradigm is that many of these duties, such as task assignment and day-to-day project decisions revert back to the team where they rightfully belong.three


Responsibility for scope and schedule tradeoff goes to the product owner. Quality management becomes a responsibility shared among the team, a product owner and Scrum Master. Other traditional tasks are distributed as well among a team’s agile project management roles.項目管理

項目範圍和責任歸於產品負責人負責。質量管理被團隊成員,產品負責人和Scrum Master共同承擔。其它一些傳統的任務也被敏捷項目管理中的角色分擔。開發




Do agile projects scale with agile project management?


Agile processes like Scrum are definitely scalable. While the typical agile project has between five and 20 people across one to three teams, agile implementation has been successful on projects with 200 to 500 – even 1,000 people.


As you might expect, projects of that size must introduce more points of coordination and agile project management than small-scale implementation.


To coordinate the work of many teams, larger projects sometimes include a role called 「project manager.」 While involving someone on the project with this title or background can be very helpful, we need to be careful of the baggage associated with the project manager title.


Even on a very large agile project, the team will still do much of the project management. For example, teams decide how to allocate tasks, not a project manager; so the project manager role becomes more of a project coordinator.


Duties would include allocating and tracking the budget; communicating with outside stakeholders, contractors and others; maintaining the risk census with guidance from the teams, Scrum Masters and product owners; and so on. This is a true agile project management role.

 任務將會是分配和跟蹤項目預算;與外部項目干係人,合做商以及其餘人交流;根據團隊,Scrum masters和產品負責人的引導來維護風險列表;以及其它。這纔是真正敏捷項目管理的角色


