1. 一個使用@Query註解的簡單例子java
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.price>?1 and b.price<?2")
List<Book> findByPriceRange(long price1, long price2);
2. Like表達式spring
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name like %:name%")
List<Book> findByNameMatch(@Param("name") String name);
3. 使用Native SQL Querysql
@Query(value = "select * from book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Book> findByName(String name);
4. 使用@Param註解注入參數spa
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name = :name AND b.author=:author AND b.price=:price")
List<Book> findByNamedParam(@Param("name") String name, @Param("author") String author,
@Param("price") long price);
5. SPEL表達式(使用時請參考最後的補充說明)code
public interface BookQueryRepositoryExample extends Repository<Book, Long>{
@Query(value = "select * from #{#entityName} b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Book> findByName(String name);blog
6. 一個較完整的例子it
public interface BookQueryRepositoryExample extends Repository<Book, Long> {
@Query(value = "select * from Book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Book> findByName(String name);// 此方法sql將會報錯(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException),看出緣由了嗎,若沒看出來,請看下一個例子
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.price>?1 and b.price<?2")
List<Book> findByPriceRange(long price1, long price2);
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name like %:name%")
List<Book> findByNameMatch(@Param("name") String name);
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name = :name AND b.author=:author AND b.price=:price")
List<Book> findByNamedParam(@Param("name") String name, @Param("author") String author,
@Param("price") long price);
7. 解釋例6中錯誤的緣由:io
由於指定了nativeQuery = true,即便用原生的sql語句查詢。使用java對象'Book'做爲表名來查天然是不對的。只需將Book替換爲表名book。
@Query(value = "select * from book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Book> findByName(String name);
可是若是使用了@Entity(name = "book")來註解實體類Book,此時'#{#entityName}'的值就變成了'book'。