React16源碼解析(一)- 圖解Fiber架構
在 React16源碼解析(二)-建立更新 這篇文章的最後,三種類型的更新最後都調用 scheduleWork 進入了任務調度。react
// current爲RootFiber scheduleWork(current, expirationTime)
二、模擬瀏覽器 requestldleCallback API
不會的童鞋能夠先去了解哦~ 我這裏就不詳細介紹了。性能優化
isWorking:commitRoot和renderRoot開始都會設置爲true,而後在他們各自階段結束的時候都重置爲false。用來標誌是否當前有更新正在進行,不區分階段。 nextRoot:用於記錄下一個將要渲染的root節點 nextRenderExpirationTime:下一個要渲染的任務的ExpirationTime firstScheduledRoot & lastScheduledRoot:用於存放有任務的全部root的單列表結構。在findHighestPriorityRoot用來檢索優先級最高的root,在addRootToSchedule中會修改。 callbackExpirationTime & callbackID:callbackExpirationTime記錄請求ReactScheduler的時候用的過時時間,若是在一次調度期間有新的調度請求進來了,並且優先級更高,那麼須要取消上一次請求,若是更低則無需再次請求調度。callbackID是ReactScheduler返回的用於取消調度的 ID。 nextFlushedRoot & nextFlushedExpirationTime:用來標誌下一個須要渲染的root和對應的expirtaionTime,注意:經過findHighestPriorityRoot找到最高優先級的,經過flushRoot會直接設置指定的,不進行篩選
咱們更新完 fiber的 updateQueue以後,就調用 scheduleWork 開始調度此次的工做。scheduleWork 主要的事情就是找到咱們要處理的 root設置剛纔獲取到的執行優先級,而後調用 requestWork。app
三、OK上面的2符合條件以後,若是如今不處於render階段,或者nextRoot !== root,則做爲享受vip待遇的任務能夠請求調度了:requestWork。
function scheduleWork(fiber: Fiber, expirationTime: ExpirationTime) { // 獲取FiberRoot const root = scheduleWorkToRoot(fiber, expirationTime); if (root === null) { return; } // 這個分支表示高優先級任務打斷低優先級任務 // 這種狀況發生於如下場景:有一個優先級較低的任務(必然是異步任務)沒有執行完, // 執行權交給了瀏覽器,這個時候有一個新的高優先級任務進來了 // 這時候須要去執行高優先級任務,因此須要打斷低優先級任務 if ( !isWorking && nextRenderExpirationTime !== NoWork && expirationTime < nextRenderExpirationTime ) { // 記錄被誰打斷的 interruptedBy = fiber; // 重置 stack resetStack(); } // ...... if ( // If we're in the render phase, we don't need to schedule this root // for an update, because we'll do it before we exit... !isWorking || isCommitting || // ...unless this is a different root than the one we're rendering. nextRoot !== root ) { const rootExpirationTime = root.expirationTime; // 請求任務 requestWork(root, rootExpirationTime); } // 在某些生命週期函數中 setState 會形成無限循環 // 這裏是告知你的代碼觸發無限循環了 if (nestedUpdateCount > NESTED_UPDATE_LIMIT) { // Reset this back to zero so subsequent updates don't throw. nestedUpdateCount = 0; invariant( false, 'Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a ' + 'component repeatedly calls setState inside ' + 'componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits ' + 'the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.', ); } }
它維護了一條 scheduledRoot 的單向鏈表,好比說 lastScheduleRoot == null,意味着咱們當前已經沒有要處理的 root,這時候就把 firstScheduleRoot、lastScheduleRoot、root.nextScheduleRoot 都設置爲 root。若是 lastScheduleRoot !== null,則把 lastScheduledRoot.nextScheduledRoot設置爲root,等 lastScheduledRoot調度完就會開始處理當前 root。
二、是不是同步任務?是:performSyncWork 否:scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime
function requestWork(root: FiberRoot, expirationTime: ExpirationTime) { // 將Root加入到Schedule,更新root.expirationTime addRootToSchedule(root, expirationTime); if (isRendering) { // Prevent reentrancy. Remaining work will be scheduled at the end of // the currently rendering batch. return; } // 判斷是否須要批量更新 // 當咱們觸發事件回調時,其實回調會被 batchedUpdates 函數封裝一次 // 這個函數會把 isBatchingUpdates 設爲 true,也就是說咱們在事件回調函數內部 // 調用 setState 不會立刻觸發 state 的更新及渲染,只是單純建立了一個 updater,而後在這個分支 return 了 // 只有當整個事件回調函數執行完畢後恢復 isBatchingUpdates 的值,而且執行 performSyncWork // 想必不少人知道在相似 setTimeout 中使用 setState 之後 state 會立刻更新,若是你想在定時器回調中也實現批量更新, // 就可使用 batchedUpdates 將你須要的代碼封裝一下 if (isBatchingUpdates) { // Flush work at the end of the batch. // 判斷是否不須要批量更新 if (isUnbatchingUpdates) { // ...unless we're inside unbatchedUpdates, in which case we should // flush it now. nextFlushedRoot = root; nextFlushedExpirationTime = Sync; performWorkOnRoot(root, Sync, true); } return; } // TODO: Get rid of Sync and use current time? // 判斷優先級是同步仍是異步,異步的話須要調度 if (expirationTime === Sync) { performSyncWork(); } else { // 函數核心是實現了 requestIdleCallback 的 polyfill 版本 // 由於這個函數瀏覽器的兼容性不好 // 具體做用能夠查看 MDN 文檔 // 這個函數可讓瀏覽器空閒時期依次調用函數,這就可讓開發者在主事件循環中執行後臺或低優先級的任務, // 並且不會對像動畫和用戶交互這樣延遲敏感的事件產生影響 scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime(root, expirationTime); } } function addRootToSchedule(root: FiberRoot, expirationTime: ExpirationTime) { // Add the root to the schedule. // Check if this root is already part of the schedule. // 判斷 root 是否調度過 if (root.nextScheduledRoot === null) { // This root is not already scheduled. Add it. // root 沒有調度過 root.expirationTime = expirationTime; if (lastScheduledRoot === null) { firstScheduledRoot = lastScheduledRoot = root; root.nextScheduledRoot = root; } else { lastScheduledRoot.nextScheduledRoot = root; lastScheduledRoot = root; lastScheduledRoot.nextScheduledRoot = firstScheduledRoot; } } else { // This root is already scheduled, but its priority may have increased. // root 已經調度過,判斷是否須要更新優先級 const remainingExpirationTime = root.expirationTime; if ( remainingExpirationTime === NoWork || expirationTime < remainingExpirationTime ) { // Update the priority. root.expirationTime = expirationTime; } } }
一、若是有一個callback已經在調度(callbackExpirationTime !== NoWork )的狀況下,優先級大於當前callback(expirationTime > callbackExpirationTime),函數直接返回。若是優先級小於當前callback,就取消它的callback(cancelDeferredCallback(callbackID))
二、計算出timeout而後scheduleDeferredCallback(performAsyncWork, {timeout})
function scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime( root: FiberRoot, expirationTime: ExpirationTime, ) { // 判斷上一個 callback 是否執行完畢 if (callbackExpirationTime !== NoWork) { // A callback is already scheduled. Check its expiration time (timeout). // 當前任務若是優先級小於上個任務就退出 if (expirationTime > callbackExpirationTime) { // Existing callback has sufficient timeout. Exit. return; } else { // 不然的話就取消上個 callback if (callbackID !== null) { // Existing callback has insufficient timeout. Cancel and schedule a // new one. cancelDeferredCallback(callbackID); } } // The request callback timer is already running. Don't start a new one. } else { // 沒有須要執行的上一個 callback,開始定時器,這個函數用於 devtool startRequestCallbackTimer(); } callbackExpirationTime = expirationTime; // 當前 和程序剛執行時的 相減 const currentMs = now() - originalStartTimeMs; // 轉化成 ms const expirationTimeMs = expirationTimeToMs(expirationTime); // 當前任務的延遲過時時間,由過時時間 - 當前任務建立時間得出,超過期表明任務過時須要強制更新 const timeout = expirationTimeMs - currentMs; // 生成一個 callbackID,用於關閉任務 callbackID = scheduleDeferredCallback(performAsyncWork, {timeout}); }
scheduleDeferredCallback 函數在是:Scheduler.js中的unstable_scheduleCallback
二、咱們把任務按照過時時間排好順序了,那麼什麼時候去執行任務呢?怎麼去執行呢?答案是有兩種狀況,1是當添加第一個任務節點的時候開始啓動任務執行,2是當新添加的任務取代以前的節點成爲新的第一個節點的時候。由於1意味着任務從無到有,應該 馬上啓動。2意味着來了新的優先級最高的任務,應該中止掉以前要執行的任務,從新重新的任務開始執行。上面兩種狀況就對應ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled方法執行的兩種狀況。
function unstable_scheduleCallback(callback, deprecated_options) { var startTime = currentEventStartTime !== -1 ? currentEventStartTime : getCurrentTime(); // 這裏其實只會進第一個 if 條件,由於外部寫死了必定會傳 deprecated_options.timeout // 越小優先級越高,同時也表明一個任務的過時時間 var expirationTime; if ( typeof deprecated_options === 'object' && deprecated_options !== null && typeof deprecated_options.timeout === 'number' ) { // FIXME: Remove this branch once we lift expiration times out of React. expirationTime = startTime + deprecated_options.timeout; } else { switch (currentPriorityLevel) { case ImmediatePriority: expirationTime = startTime + IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; break; case UserBlockingPriority: expirationTime = startTime + USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY; break; case IdlePriority: expirationTime = startTime + IDLE_PRIORITY; break; case NormalPriority: default: expirationTime = startTime + NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT; } } // 環形雙向鏈表結構 var newNode = { callback, priorityLevel: currentPriorityLevel, expirationTime, next: null, previous: null, }; // Insert the new callback into the list, ordered first by expiration, then // by insertion. So the new callback is inserted any other callback with // equal expiration. // 核心思路就是 firstCallbackNode 優先級最高 lastCallbackNode 優先級最低 // 新生成一個 newNode 之後,就從頭開始比較優先級 // 若是新的高,就把新的往前插入,不然就日後插,直到沒有一個 node 的優先級比他低 // 那麼新的節點就變成 lastCallbackNode // 在改變了firstCallbackNode的狀況下,須要從新調度 if (firstCallbackNode === null) { // This is the first callback in the list. firstCallbackNode = = newNode.previous = newNode; ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled(); } else { var next = null; var node = firstCallbackNode; do { if (node.expirationTime > expirationTime) { // The new callback expires before this one. next = node; break; } node =; } while (node !== firstCallbackNode); if (next === null) { // No callback with a later expiration was found, which means the new // callback has the latest expiration in the list. next = firstCallbackNode; } else if (next === firstCallbackNode) { // The new callback has the earliest expiration in the entire list. firstCallbackNode = newNode; ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled(); } var previous = next.previous; = next.previous = newNode; = next; newNode.previous = previous; } return newNode; }
一、判斷是否已經存在有host callback,若是已經存cancelHostCallback(),而後開始requestHostCallback(flushWork, expirationTime),傳入flushWork就是沖刷任務的函數(隨後講解)和隊首的任務節點的過時時間。這裏咱們沒有立馬執行flushWork,而是交給了requestHostCallback。由於咱們並不想直接把任務鏈表中的任務立馬執行掉,也不是一口氣把鏈表中的全部任務所有都執行掉。JS是單線程的,咱們執行這些任務一直佔據着主線程,會致使瀏覽器的其餘任務一直等待,好比動畫,就會出現卡頓,因此咱們要選擇合適的時期去執行它。因此咱們交給requestHostCallback去處理這件事情,把flushWork交給了它。這裏你能夠暫時把flushWork簡單的想成執行鏈表中的任務。
注:這裏咱們想一想,咱們須要保證應用的流暢性,由於瀏覽器是一幀一幀渲染的,每一幀渲染結束以後會有一些空閒時間能夠執行別的任務,那麼咱們就想利用這點空閒時間來執行咱們的任務。這樣咱們立馬想到一個原生api: requestIdleCallback。但因爲某些緣由,react團隊放棄了這個api,轉而利用requestAnimationFrame和MessageChannel pollyfill了一個requestIdleCallback。
function ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled() { // 調度正在執行 返回 也就是不能打斷已經在執行的 if (isExecutingCallback) { // Don't schedule work yet; wait until the next time we yield. return; } // Schedule the host callback using the earliest expiration in the list. // 讓優先級最高的 進行調度 若是存在已經在調度的 直接取消 var expirationTime = firstCallbackNode.expirationTime; if (!isHostCallbackScheduled) { isHostCallbackScheduled = true; } else { // Cancel the existing host callback. // 取消正在調度的callback cancelHostCallback(); } // 發起調度 requestHostCallback(flushWork, expirationTime); }
requestHostCallback = function(callback, absoluteTimeout) { scheduledHostCallback = callback; timeoutTime = absoluteTimeout; // isFlushingHostCallback 只在 channel.port1.onmessage 被設爲 true // isFlushingHostCallback表示所添加的任務須要當即執行 // 也就是說當正在執行任務或者新進來的任務已通過了過時時間 // 立刻執行新的任務,再也不等到下一幀 if (isFlushingHostCallback || absoluteTimeout < 0) { // Don't wait for the next frame. Continue working ASAP, in a new event. // 發送消息,channel.port1.onmessage 會監聽到消息並執行 window.postMessage(messageKey, '*'); } else if (!isAnimationFrameScheduled) { // If rAF didn't already schedule one, we need to schedule a frame. // TODO: If this rAF doesn't materialize because the browser throttles, we // might want to still have setTimeout trigger rIC as a backup to ensure // that we keep performing work. // isAnimationFrameScheduled 設爲 true 的話就不會再進這個分支了 // 可是內部會有機制確保 callback 執行 isAnimationFrameScheduled = true; requestAnimationFrameWithTimeout(animationTick); } };
稍等一下,咱們之前使用requestAnimationFrame的時候,是須要循環調用本身的,否則不就只執行了一次…..它在哪裏遞歸調用的呢? 咱們在仔細觀察,這個函數傳入了一個參數callback,這個callback是上一個函數傳入進來的animationTick,這是什麼東東?沒見過啊?
var ANIMATION_FRAME_TIMEOUT = 100; var rAFID; var rAFTimeoutID; var requestAnimationFrameWithTimeout = function(callback) { // schedule rAF and also a setTimeout // 這裏的 local 開頭的函數指的是 requestAnimationFrame 及 setTimeout // requestAnimationFrame 只有頁面在前臺時纔會執行回調 // 若是頁面在後臺時就不會執行回調,這時候會經過 setTimeout 來保證執行 callback // 兩個回調中均可以互相 cancel 定時器 // callback 指的是 animationTick rAFID = localRequestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp) { // cancel the setTimeout localClearTimeout(rAFTimeoutID); callback(timestamp); }); rAFTimeoutID = localSetTimeout(function() { // cancel the requestAnimationFrame localCancelAnimationFrame(rAFID); callback(getCurrentTime()); }, ANIMATION_FRAME_TIMEOUT); };
frameDeadline 初始值爲0,計算當前幀的截止時間
activeFrameTime 初始值爲33 ,一幀的渲染時間33ms,這裏假設 1s 30幀
var nextFrameTime = rafTime - frameDeadline + activeFrameTime;
三、在每一幀的回調函數最後,都會調用window.postMessage(messageKey, ‘’);啥?這是個啥?不是應該調用flushWork來執行任務嗎?還有咱們上面提到的一個疑問,requestHostCallback裏面若是任務過時,立馬執行任務。他執行的是flushWork嗎?咱們去瞧一瞧:在以前的requestHostCallback函數中,瞪大眼睛一看:window.postMessage(messageKey, ''); What???他執行的也是這個方法。
var animationTick = function(rafTime) { if (scheduledHostCallback !== null) { // Eagerly schedule the next animation callback at the beginning of the // frame. If the scheduler queue is not empty at the end of the frame, it // will continue flushing inside that callback. If the queue *is* empty, // then it will exit immediately. Posting the callback at the start of the // frame ensures it's fired within the earliest possible frame. If we // waited until the end of the frame to post the callback, we risk the // browser skipping a frame and not firing the callback until the frame // after that. // scheduledHostCallback 不爲空的話就繼續遞歸 // 可是注意這裏的遞歸併非同步的,下一幀的時候纔會再執行 animationTick requestAnimationFrameWithTimeout(animationTick); } else { // No pending work. Exit. isAnimationFrameScheduled = false; return; } // rafTime 就是,不管是執行哪一個定時器 // 假如咱們應用第一次執行 animationTick,那麼 frameDeadline = 0 activeFrameTime = 33 // 也就是說此時 nextFrameTime = + 33 // 便於後期計算,咱們假設 nextFrameTime = 5000 + 33 = 5033 // 而後 activeFrameTime 爲何是 33 呢?由於 React 這裏假設你的刷新率是 30hz // 一秒對應 1000 毫秒,1000 / 30 ≈ 33 // ------------------------------- 如下注釋是第二次的 // 第二次進來這裏執行,由於 animationTick 回調確定是下一幀執行的,假如咱們屏幕是 60hz 的刷新率 // 那麼一幀的時間爲 1000 / 60 ≈ 16 // 此時 nextFrameTime = 5000 + 16 - 5033 + 33 = 16 // ------------------------------- 如下注釋是第三次的 // nextFrameTime = 5000 + 16 * 2 - 5048 + 33 = 17 var nextFrameTime = rafTime - frameDeadline + activeFrameTime; // 這個 if 條件第一次確定進不去 // ------------------------------- 如下注釋是第二次的 // 此時 16 < 33 && 5033 < 33 = false,也就是說第二幀的時候這個 if 條件仍是進不去 // ------------------------------- 如下注釋是第三次的 // 此時 17 < 33 && 16 < 33 = true,進條件了,也就是說若是刷新率大於 30hz,那麼得等兩幀纔會調整 activeFrameTime if ( nextFrameTime < activeFrameTime && previousFrameTime < activeFrameTime ) { // 這裏小於 8 的判斷,是由於不能處理大於 120 hz 刷新率以上的瀏覽器了 if (nextFrameTime < 8) { // Defensive coding. We don't support higher frame rates than 120hz. // If the calculated frame time gets lower than 8, it is probably a bug. nextFrameTime = 8; } // If one frame goes long, then the next one can be short to catch up. // If two frames are short in a row, then that's an indication that we // actually have a higher frame rate than what we're currently optimizing. // We adjust our heuristic dynamically accordingly. For example, if we're // running on 120hz display or 90hz VR display. // Take the max of the two in case one of them was an anomaly due to // missed frame deadlines. // 第三幀進來之後,activeFrameTime = 16 < 17 ? 16 : 17 = 16 // 而後下次就按照一幀 16 毫秒來算了 activeFrameTime = nextFrameTime < previousFrameTime ? previousFrameTime : nextFrameTime; } else { // 第一次進來 5033 // 第二次進來 16 previousFrameTime = nextFrameTime; } // 第一次 frameDeadline = 5000 + 33 = 5033 // ------------------------------- 如下注釋是第二次的 // frameDeadline = 5016 + 33 = 5048 frameDeadline = rafTime + activeFrameTime; // 確保這一幀內再也不 postMessage // postMessage 屬於宏任務 // const channel = new MessageChannel(); // const port = channel.port2; // channel.port1.onmessage = function(event) { // console.log(1) // } // requestAnimationFrame(function (timestamp) { // setTimeout(function () { // console.log('setTimeout') // }, 0) // port.postMessage(undefined) // Promise.resolve(1).then(function (value) { // console.log(value, 'Promise') // }) // }) // 以上代碼輸出順序爲 Promise -> onmessage -> setTimeout // 由此可知微任務最早執行,而後是宏任務,而且在宏任務中也有順序之分 // onmessage 會優先於 setTimeout 回調執行 // 對於瀏覽器來講,當咱們執行 requestAnimationFrame 回調後 // 會先讓頁面渲染,而後判斷是否要執行微任務,最後執行宏任務,而且會先執行 onmessage // 固然其實比 onmessage 更快的宏任務是 setImmediate,可是這個 API 只能在 IE 下使用 if (!isMessageEventScheduled) { isMessageEventScheduled = true; window.postMessage(messageKey, '*'); } };
三、因此咱們使用window.postMessage,他是macrotask,onmessage的回調函數的調用時機是在一幀的paint完成以後,react scheduler內部正是利用了這一點來在一幀渲染結束後的剩餘時間來執行任務的。
四、window.postMessage(messageKey, '*')對應的window.addEventListener('message', idleTick, false)的監聽,會觸發idleTick函數的調用。
var messageKey = '__reactIdleCallback$' + Math.random() .toString(36) .slice(2); var idleTick = function(event) { if (event.source !== window || !== messageKey) { return; } // 一些變量的設置 isMessageEventScheduled = false; var prevScheduledCallback = scheduledHostCallback; var prevTimeoutTime = timeoutTime; scheduledHostCallback = null; timeoutTime = -1; // 獲取當前時間 var currentTime = getCurrentTime(); var didTimeout = false; // 判斷以前計算的時間是否小於當前時間,時間超了說明瀏覽器渲染等任務執行時間超過一幀了,這一幀沒有空閒時間了 if (frameDeadline - currentTime <= 0) { // There's no time left in this idle period. Check if the callback has // a timeout and whether it's been exceeded. // 判斷當前任務是否過時 if (prevTimeoutTime !== -1 && prevTimeoutTime <= currentTime) { // Exceeded the timeout. Invoke the callback even though there's no // time left. didTimeout = true; } else { // No timeout. // 沒過時的話再丟到下一幀去執行 if (!isAnimationFrameScheduled) { // Schedule another animation callback so we retry later. isAnimationFrameScheduled = true; requestAnimationFrameWithTimeout(animationTick); } // Exit without invoking the callback. scheduledHostCallback = prevScheduledCallback; timeoutTime = prevTimeoutTime; return; } } // 最後執行 flushWork,這裏涉及到的 callback 全是 flushWork if (prevScheduledCallback !== null) { isFlushingHostCallback = true; try { prevScheduledCallback(didTimeout); } finally { isFlushingHostCallback = false; } } };
二、最後,若是還有任務的話,再啓動一輪新的任務執行調度,ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled(),來重置callback鏈表。重置全部的調度常量,老 callback 就不會被執行。
function flushWork(didTimeout) { // 一些變量的設置 isExecutingCallback = true; deadlineObject.didTimeout = didTimeout; try { // 判斷是否超時 if (didTimeout) { // Flush all the expired callbacks without yielding. while (firstCallbackNode !== null) { // Read the current time. Flush all the callbacks that expire at or // earlier than that time. Then read the current time again and repeat. // This optimizes for as few calls as possible. // 超時的話,獲取當前時間,判斷任務是否過時,過時的話就執行任務 // 而且判斷下一個任務是否也已通過期 var currentTime = getCurrentTime(); if (firstCallbackNode.expirationTime <= currentTime) { do { flushFirstCallback(); } while ( firstCallbackNode !== null && firstCallbackNode.expirationTime <= currentTime ); continue; } break; } } else { // Keep flushing callbacks until we run out of time in the frame. // 沒有超時說明還有時間能夠執行任務,執行任務完成後繼續判斷 if (firstCallbackNode !== null) { do { flushFirstCallback(); } while ( firstCallbackNode !== null && getFrameDeadline() - getCurrentTime() > 0 ); } } } finally { isExecutingCallback = false; if (firstCallbackNode !== null) { // There's still work remaining. Request another callback. ensureHostCallbackIsScheduled(); } else { isHostCallbackScheduled = false; } // Before exiting, flush all the immediate work that was scheduled. flushImmediateWork(); } }
這裏調用的是當前任務節點flushedNode.callback,那咱們這個callback是啥呢?時間開始倒流,回到scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime函數scheduleDeferredCallback(performAsyncWork, {timeout})相信你們對這個還有印象,它其實就是咱們進入Scheduler.js的入口函數。如它傳入performAsyncWork做爲回調函數,也就是在此函數中調用的回調函數就是這個。
function flushFirstCallback() { var flushedNode = firstCallbackNode; // Remove the node from the list before calling the callback. That way the // list is in a consistent state even if the callback throws. // 鏈表操做 var next =; if (firstCallbackNode === next) { // This is the last callback in the list. // 當前鏈表中只有一個節點 firstCallbackNode = null; next = null; } else { // 有多個節點,從新賦值 firstCallbackNode,用於以前函數中下一次的 while 判斷 var lastCallbackNode = firstCallbackNode.previous; firstCallbackNode = = next; next.previous = lastCallbackNode; } // 清空指針 = flushedNode.previous = null; // Now it's safe to call the callback. // 這個 callback 是 performAsyncWork 函數 var callback = flushedNode.callback; var expirationTime = flushedNode.expirationTime; var priorityLevel = flushedNode.priorityLevel; var previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel; var previousExpirationTime = currentExpirationTime; currentPriorityLevel = priorityLevel; currentExpirationTime = expirationTime; var continuationCallback; try { // 執行回調函數 continuationCallback = callback(deadlineObject); } finally { currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel; currentExpirationTime = previousExpirationTime; } // ...... }
var deadlineObject = { timeRemaining, didTimeout: false, };
function shouldYield() { if (deadlineDidExpire) { return true; } if ( deadline === null || deadline.timeRemaining() > timeHeuristicForUnitOfWork ) { // Disregard deadline.didTimeout. Only expired work should be flushed // during a timeout. This path is only hit for non-expired work. return false; } deadlineDidExpire = true; return true; }
二、調用performWork(NoWork, dl);第一個參數爲minExpirationTime這裏傳入NoWork=0,第二個參數Deadline=dl。
function performAsyncWork(dl) { // 判斷任務是否過時 if (dl.didTimeout) { // The callback timed out. That means at least one update has expired. // Iterate through the root schedule. If they contain expired work, set // the next render expiration time to the current time. This has the effect // of flushing all expired work in a single batch, instead of flushing each // level one at a time. if (firstScheduledRoot !== null) { recomputeCurrentRendererTime(); let root: FiberRoot = firstScheduledRoot; do { didExpireAtExpirationTime(root, currentRendererTime); // The root schedule is circular, so this is never null. root = (root.nextScheduledRoot: any); } while (root !== firstScheduledRoot); } } performWork(NoWork, dl); }
到這裏須要插一句,還記得 requestWork 中若是是同步的狀況嗎?退到這個函數咱們瞧瞧,若是是同步的狀況,直接調用performSyncWork。performSyncWork和performAsyncWork長得如此相像,莫非是失散多年的親兄弟?去到performSyncWork去看看,嗯…沒錯,他和performAsyncWork調用了同一個方法,只是參數傳遞的不同,performWork(Sync, null);,他傳入的第一個參數爲Sync=1。第二個參數爲null。
if (expirationTime === Sync) { // 同步 performSyncWork(); } else { // 異步,開始調度 scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime(root, expirationTime); }
function performSyncWork() { performWork(Sync, null); }
一、若是是同步(deadline == null),壓根不考慮幀渲染是否有空餘時間,同步任務也沒有過時時間之說,遍歷全部的root,而且把全部root中同步的任務所有執行掉。
二、若是是異步(deadline !== null),遍歷全部的root,執行完全部root中的過時任務,由於過時任務是必需要執行的。若是這一幀還有空閒時間,儘量的執行更多任務。
// currentRendererTime 計算從頁面加載到如今爲止的毫秒數 // currentSchedulerTime 也是加載到如今的時間,isRendering === true的時候用做固定值返回,否則每次requestCurrentTime都會從新計算新的時間 function performWork(minExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, dl: Deadline | null) { // 這裏注意deadline指向了傳進來的deadlineObject對象(dl) deadline = dl; // Keep working on roots until there's no more work, or until we reach // the deadline. // 找到優先級最高的下一個須要渲染的 root: nextFlushedRoot 和對應的 expirtaionTime: nextFlushedExpirationTime findHighestPriorityRoot(); // 異步 if (deadline !== null) { // 從新計算 currentRendererTime recomputeCurrentRendererTime(); currentSchedulerTime = currentRendererTime; // ...... while ( nextFlushedRoot !== null && nextFlushedExpirationTime !== NoWork && (minExpirationTime === NoWork || minExpirationTime >= nextFlushedExpirationTime) && // deadlineDidExpire 判斷時間片是否過時, shouldYield 中判斷 // 當前渲染時間 currentRendererTime 比較 nextFlushedExpirationTime 判斷任務是否已經超時 // currentRendererTime >= nextFlushedExpirationTime 超時了 (!deadlineDidExpire || currentRendererTime >= nextFlushedExpirationTime) ) { performWorkOnRoot( nextFlushedRoot, nextFlushedExpirationTime, currentRendererTime >= nextFlushedExpirationTime, ); findHighestPriorityRoot(); recomputeCurrentRendererTime(); currentSchedulerTime = currentRendererTime; } } else { // 同步 while ( nextFlushedRoot !== null && nextFlushedExpirationTime !== NoWork && // 普通狀況 minExpirationTime 應該就等於nextFlushedExpirationTime 由於都來自同一個 root,nextFlushedExpirationTime 是在 findHighestPriorityRoot 階段讀取出來的 root.expirationTime (minExpirationTime === NoWork || minExpirationTime >= nextFlushedExpirationTime) ) { performWorkOnRoot(nextFlushedRoot, nextFlushedExpirationTime, true); findHighestPriorityRoot(); } } // We're done flushing work. Either we ran out of time in this callback, // or there's no more work left with sufficient priority. // If we're inside a callback, set this to false since we just completed it. if (deadline !== null) { callbackExpirationTime = NoWork; callbackID = null; } // If there's work left over, schedule a new callback. if (nextFlushedExpirationTime !== NoWork) { scheduleCallbackWithExpirationTime( ((nextFlushedRoot: any): FiberRoot), nextFlushedExpirationTime, ); } // Clean-up. deadline = null; deadlineDidExpire = false; finishRendering(); }
renderRoot 渲染階段
completeRoot 提交階段
四、在二、3步調用renderRoot以前還會作一件事,判斷 finishedWork !== null ,由於前一個時間片可能 renderRoot 結束了沒時間 completeRoot,若是在這個時間片中有完成 renderRoot 的 finishedWork 就直接 completeRoot。
function performWorkOnRoot( root: FiberRoot, expirationTime: ExpirationTime, isExpired: boolean, ) { // ...... isRendering = true; // Check if this is async work or sync/expired work. if (deadline === null || isExpired) { // 同步或者任務已通過期,不可打斷任務 // Flush work without yielding. // TODO: Non-yieldy work does not necessarily imply expired work. A renderer // may want to perform some work without yielding, but also without // requiring the root to complete (by triggering placeholders). // 判斷是否存在已完成的 finishedWork,存在話就完成它 let finishedWork = root.finishedWork; if (finishedWork !== null) { // This root is already complete. We can commit it. completeRoot(root, finishedWork, expirationTime); } else { root.finishedWork = null; // If this root previously suspended, clear its existing timeout, since // we're about to try rendering again. const timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle; if (timeoutHandle !== noTimeout) { root.timeoutHandle = noTimeout; // $FlowFixMe Complains noTimeout is not a TimeoutID, despite the check above cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle); } const isYieldy = false; // 不然就去渲染成 DOM renderRoot(root, isYieldy, isExpired); finishedWork = root.finishedWork; if (finishedWork !== null) { // We've completed the root. Commit it. completeRoot(root, finishedWork, expirationTime); } } } else { // 異步任務未過時,可打斷任務 // Flush async work. let finishedWork = root.finishedWork; if (finishedWork !== null) { // This root is already complete. We can commit it. completeRoot(root, finishedWork, expirationTime); } else { root.finishedWork = null; // If this root previously suspended, clear its existing timeout, since // we're about to try rendering again. const timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle; if (timeoutHandle !== noTimeout) { root.timeoutHandle = noTimeout; // $FlowFixMe Complains noTimeout is not a TimeoutID, despite the check above cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle); } const isYieldy = true; renderRoot(root, isYieldy, isExpired); finishedWork = root.finishedWork; if (finishedWork !== null) { // We've completed the root. Check the deadline one more time // before committing. if (!shouldYield()) { // Still time left. Commit the root. completeRoot(root, finishedWork, expirationTime); } else { // There's no time left. Mark this root as complete. We'll come // back and commit it later. root.finishedWork = finishedWork; } } } } isRendering = false; }