Zhou D, Frémont V, Quost B, et al. Moving Object Detection and Segmentation in Urban Environments from a Moving Platform ☆[J]. Image & Vision Computing, 2017, 68.
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This paper proposes an effective approach to detect and segment moving objects from two time-consecutive stereo frames, which leverages the uncertainties in camera motion estimation and in disparity computation. First, the relative camera motion and its uncertainty are computed by tracking and matching sparse features in four images(是雙目相機). Then, the motion likelihood at each pixel is estimated by taking into account the ego-motion uncertainty and disparity in computation procedure. Finally, the motion likelihood, color and depth cues are combined in the graph-cut framework for moving object segmentation. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated on the KITTI benchmarking datasets, and our experiments show that the proposed approach is robust against both global (camera motion) and local (optical flow) noise. Moreover, the approach is dense as it applies to all pixels in an image, and even partially occluded moving objects can be detected successfully. Without dedicated tracking strategy, our approach achieves high recall and comparable precision on the KITTI benchmarking sequences.
Making the vehicles to automatically perceive and understand their 3D environment is a challenging and important task,Due to the improvement of the sensor tech- nologies, processing techniques and researchers’ contributions, several Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs) have been developed for various purposes such as forward collision warning systems, parking assist systems, blind spot detection systems and adaptive cruise control systems
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moving objects are considered as outliers and RANSAC strategy is applied to get rid of them efficiently. However, this strategy will fail when the moving objects are the dominant part of the image. Thus, efficiently and effectively detecting moving objects turns out to be a crucial issue for the accuracy of such systems.
In this article, we focus on the specific problem of moving object detection. We propose a detection and segmentation system based on two time-consecutive stereo images. The key idea is to detect the moving pixels by compensating the image changes caused by the global camera motion. The uncertainty of the camera motion is also considered to obtain reliable detection results. Furthermore, color and depth information is also employed to remove some false detection
此文章 重點解決移動對象檢測的具體問題。 提出了一種基於時間連續立體圖像的兩幀圖像移動物體的檢測和分割系統。 關鍵思想是經過補償由全局相機運動引發的圖像變化來檢測運動像素。 攝像機運動的不肯定性也被認爲是得到可靠的檢測結果。 此外,還使用顏色和深度信息來消除一些錯誤檢測!!!(什麼是經過補償相機的全局運動引發的圖像變換來檢測相機運動)
可是本文使用的雙目,相比於單目攝像頭,雙目(stereo vision system SVS)提供了深度信息和視差信息。
Dense or sparse depth/disparity maps computed by global [10] or semi-global [11] matching approaches can be used to build 3D information on the environment. Theoretically, by obtaining the 3D information, any kind of motion can be detected, even the case of degenerate motion mentioned above. In [12], 3D point clouds are reconstructed from linear stereo vision systems first and then objects are detected based on a spectral clustering technique from the 3D points. Common used methods for Moving Object Detection (MOD) in stereo rig can be divided into sparse feature based [13, 14] and dense scene flow-based approaches [15, 16, 17]
經過全局[10]或半全局[11]匹配方法計算的密集或稀疏深度/視差圖可用於重構環境的3D信息。 理論上,經過得到3D信息,即便是在自車運動退化的狀況,也能夠檢測任何類型的運動。 在[12]中,首先從線性立體視覺系統重建3D點雲,而後基於來自3D點的光譜聚類技術檢測物體。 在立體相機中用於運動物體檢測(MOD)的經常使用方法能夠分爲基於稀疏特徵的[13,14]和基於密集場景流的方法[15,16,17]。
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