# yum -y install epel-release # yum list all *ansible* # yum info ansible # yum -y install ansible
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg 主配置文件 /etc/ansible/hosts Inventory /usr/bin/ansible-doc 幫助文件 /usr/bin/ansible-playbook 指定運行任務文件
# cd /etc/ansible/ # cp hosts{,.bak} # > hosts # cat hosts [webserver] [dbserver]
# ssh-keygen -t rsa # ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ # ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ # ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@
# ansible-doc -l 列出ansible全部的模塊 # ansible-doc -s MODULE_NAME 查看指定模塊具體適用
語法:ansible <host-pattern> [-f forks] [-m module_name] [-a args] <host-pattern> 此次命令對哪些主機生效的 inventory group name ip all -f forks 一次處理多少個主機 -m module_name 要使用的模塊 -a args 模塊特有的參數 # ansible -m command -a 'date' # ansible webserver -m command -a 'date' # ansible all -m command -a 'date'
command 命令模塊(默認模塊)用於在遠程主機執行命令;不能使用變量,管道等 # ansible all -a 'date'
cron 計劃任務 month 指定月份 minute 指定分鐘 job 指定任務 day 表示那一天 hour 指定小時 weekday 表示周幾 state 表示是添加仍是刪除 present:安裝 absent:移除 # ansible webserver -m cron -a 'minute="*/10" job="/bin/echo hello" name="test cron job"' #不寫默認都是*,每一個任務都必須有一個名字 # ansible webserver -a 'crontab -l' # ansible webserver -m cron -a 'minute="*/10" job="/bin/echo hello" name="test cron job" state=absent' #移除任務
user 用戶帳號管理 name 用戶名 uid uid state 狀態 group 屬於哪一個組 groups 附加組 home 家目錄 createhome 是否建立家目錄 comment 註釋信息 system 是不是系統用戶 # ansible all -m user -a 'name="user1"' # ansible all -m user -a 'name="user1" state=absent'
group 組管理 gid gid name 組名 state 狀態 system 是不是系統組 # ansible webserver -m group -a 'name=mysql gid=306 system=yes' # ansible webserver -m user -a 'name=mysql uid=306 system=yes group=mysql'
copy 複製文件(複製本地文件到遠程主機的指定位置) src 定義本地源文件路徑 dest 定義遠程目錄文件路徑(絕對路徑) owner 屬主 group 屬組 mode 權限 content 取代src=,表示直接用此處的信息生成爲文件內容 # yum -y install libselinux-python # ansible all -m copy -a 'src=/etc/fstab dest=/tmp/fstab.ansible owner=root mode=640' # ansible all -m copy -a 'content="hello ansiblenHi ansible" dest=/tmp/test.ansible'
file 設置文件的屬性 path|dest|name 對那個文件作設定 建立文件的符號連接: src: 指定源文件 path: 指明符號連接文件路徑 # ansible all -m file -a 'owner=mysql group=mysql mode=644 path=/tmp/fstab.ansible' # ansible all -m file -a 'path=/tmp/fstab.link src=/tmp/fstab.ansible state=link'
ping 測試指定主機是否能鏈接 # ansible all -m ping
service 管理服務運行狀態 enabled 是否開機自動啓動 name 指定服務名 state 指定服務狀態 started 啓動服務 stoped 中止服務 restarted 重啓服務 arguments 服務的參數 # ansible webserver -m service -a 'enabled=true name=httpd state=started'
shell 在遠程主機上運行命令 尤爲是用到管道變量等功能的複雜命令 # ansible all -m shell -a 'echo magedu | passwd --stdin user1'
script 將本地腳本複製到遠程主機並運行之 # ansible all -m script -a '/tmp/test.sh'
yum 安裝程序包 name 程序包名稱(不指定版本就安裝最新的版本latest) state present,latest表示安裝,absent表示卸載 # ansible webserver -m yum -a 'name=httpd' # ansible all -m yum -a 'name=ntpdate' #默認就是安裝 # ansible all -m yum -a 'name=ntpdate state=absent'
setup 收集遠程主機的facts 每一個被管理節點在接受並運行管理命令以前,會將本身主機相關信息,如操做系統版本,IP地址等報告給遠程的ansible主機 # ansible all -m setup
inventory #如下操做應用的主機 modules #調用哪些模塊作什麼樣的操做 ad hoc commands #在這些主機上運行哪些命令 playbooks tasks #任務,即調用模塊完成的某操做 variable #變量 templates #模板 handlers #處理器,由某事件觸發執行的操做 roles #角色
YAML是一個可讀性高的用來表達資料序列的格式。YAML參考了其它多種語言,包括:XML、C語言、Python、Perl以及電子郵件格式RFC2822等。ClarkEvans在2001年首次發表了這種語言,另外Ingy dot Net與Oren Ben-Kiki也是這語言的共同設計者。node
YAML Ain't Markup Language,即YAML不是XML,不過,在開發這種語言時,YAML的意思實際上是:"Yet Another Markup Language"(還是一種標記語言),其特性:python
更多的內容及規範參見 http://www.yaml.org
name: john smith age: 41 gender: male spouse: name:jane smith age:37 gender: female children: - name:jimmy smith age:17 gender: male - name:jenny smith age: 13 gender: female
# A list of testy fruits - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango
--- # An employee record name: Example Developer job: Developer skill: Elite
--- #An exmloyee record {name: Example Developer, job: Developer, skill: Elite}
#ansible hostname -m setup
tasks: - shell: /usr/bin/foo register: foo_result ignore_errors: True
#ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars "hosts=www user=mageedu"
- hosts: webserver roles: - common - {role: foo_app_instance, dir: '/web/htdocs/a.com', port: 8080}
ansible的主要功用在於批量主機操做,爲了便捷的使用其中的部分主機,能夠在inventory file中將其分組命名,默認的inventory file爲/etc/ansible/hosts
inventory file能夠有多個,且也能夠經過Dynamic Inventory來動態生成。
ntp.magedu.com [webserver] www1.magedu.com:2222 www2.magedu.com [dbserver] db1.magedu.com db2.magedu.com db3.magedu.com 若是主機名遵循類似的命名模式,還可以使用列表的方式標識個主機,例如: [webserver] www[01:50].example.com [databases] db-[a:f].example.com
[webserver] www1.magedu.com http_port=80 maxRequestsPerChild=808 www2.magedu.com http_port=8080 maxRequestsPerChild=909
[webserver] www1.magedu.com www2.magedu.com [webserver:vars] ntp_server=ntp.magedu.com nfs_server=nfs.magedu.com
5.2.4 組嵌套
[apache] httpd1.magedu.com httpd2.magedu.com [nginx] ngx1.magedu.com ngx2.magedu.com [webserver:children] #固定格式 apache nginx [webserver:vars] ntp_server=ntp.magedu.com
ansible_ssh_host ansible_ssh_port ansible_ssh_user ansible_ssh_pass ansible_sudo_pass ansible_connection ansible_ssh_private_key_file ansible_shell_type ansible_python_interpreter
tasks: - name: 'shutdown debian flavored system" command: /sbin/shutdown -h now when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
tasks: - command:/bin/false register: result ignore_errors: True - command: /bin/something when: result|failed - command: /bin/something_else when: result|success - command: /bin/still/something_else when: result|skipped
# cat cond.yml - hosts: all remote_user: root vars: - username: user10 tasks: - name: create {{ username }} user user: name={{ username }} when: ansible_fqdn == "node1.exercise.com"
- name: add server user user: name={{ item }} state=persent groups=wheel with_items: - testuser1 - testuser2
- name: add user testuser1 user: name=testuser1 state=present group=wheel - name: add user testuser2 user: name=testuser2 state=present group=wheel
- name: add several users user: name={{ item.name}} state=present groups={{ item.groups }} with_items: - { name: 'testuser1', groups: 'wheel'} - { name: 'testuser2', groups: 'root'}
Ansible的循環機制還有更多的高級功能,具體請參考官方文檔 http://docs.ansible.com/playb...
# grep '{{' conf/httpd.conf MaxClients {{ maxClients }} Listen {{ httpd_port }} # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [webserver] httpd_port=80 maxClients=100 httpd_port=8080 maxClients=200 # cat apache.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root vars: - package: httpd - service: httpd tasks: - name: install httpd package yum: name={{ package }} state=latest - name: install configuration file for httpd template: src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf notify: - restart httpd - name: start httpd service service: enabled=true name={{ service }} state=started handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted
- hosts: webserver vars: http_port: 80 max_clients: 256 remote_user: root tasks: - name: ensure apache is at the latest version yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: ensure apache is running service: name=httpd state=started handlers: - name: restart apache service: name=httpd state=restarted
- hosts: webserver remote_user: root
- hosts: webserver remote_user: magedu tasks: - name: test connection ping: remote_user: magedu sudo: yes
play的主題部分是task list。task list中的各任務按次序逐個在hosts中指定的全部主機上執行,即在全部主機上完成第一個任務後再開始第二個。在運行自上而下某playbook時,若是中途發生錯誤,全部已執行任務均可能回滾,在更正playbook後從新執行一次便可。
定義task可使用"action: module options"或」module:options「的格式推薦使用後者以實現向後兼容。若是action一行的內容過多,也中使用在行首使用幾個空白字符進行換行。
tasks: - name:make sure apache is running service: name=httpd state=started
tasks: - name: run this command and ignore the result shell: /usr/bin/somecommand || /bin/true
tasks: - name: disable selinux command: /sbin/setenforce 0
tasks: - name: run this command and ignore the result shell: /usr/bin/somecommand ignore_errors: True
- name: template configuration file template: src=template.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf notify: - restart memcached - restart apache
handlers: - name: restart memcached service: name=memcached state=restarted - name: restart apache service: name=apache state=restarted
# cat nginx.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: create nginxn group group: name=nginx system=yes gid=208 - name: create nginx user user: name=nginx uid=208 group=nginx system=yes - hosts: dbserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: copy file to dbserver copy: src=/etc/inittab dest=/tmp/inittab.ans # ansible-playbook nginx.yml
# cat apache.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: install httpd package yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: install configuration file for httpd copy: src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - name: start httpd service service: enabled=true name=httpd state=started # ansible-playbook apache.yml
# cat apache.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: install httpd package yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: install configuration file for httpd copy: src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf notify: - restart httpd - name: start httpd service service: enabled=true name=httpd state=started handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted # ansible-playbook apache.yml
# cat apache.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root vars: - package: httpd - service: httpd tasks: - name: install httpd package yum: name={{ package }} state=latest - name: install configuration file for httpd copy: src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf notify: - restart httpd - name: start httpd service service: enabled=true name={{ service }} state=started handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted
# cat facts.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: copy file copy: content="{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses }} " dest=/tmp/vars.ans
site.yml webserver.yml fooserver.yml roles/ common/ files/ templates/ tasks/ handlers/ vars/ meta/ webserver/ files/ templates/ tasks/ handlers/ vars/ meta/
- hosts: webserver roles: - common - webserver
- hosts: webserver roles: - common - { role: foo_app_instance, dir:'/opt/a',port:5000} - { role: foo_app_instance, dir:'/opt/b',port:5001}
- hosts:webserver roles: - { role: some_role, when: "ansible_so_family == 'RedHat" }
# mkdir -pv ansible_playbooks/roles/{webserver,dbserver}/{tasks,files,templates,meta,handlers,vars} # cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf files/ # pwd /root/ansible_playbooks/roles/webserver # cat tasks/main.yml - name: install httpd package yum: name=httpd state=present - name: install configuretion file copy: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf tags: - conf notify: - restart httpd - name: start httpd service: name=httpd state=started # cat handlers/main.yml - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted # pwd;ls /root/ansible_playbooks roles site.yml # cat site.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root roles: - webserver # ansible-playbook site.yml
# cat apache.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root vars: - package: httpd - service: httpd tasks: - name: install httpd package yum: name={{ package }} state=latest - name: install configuration file for httpd template: src=/root/conf/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf tags: - conf notify: - restart httpd - name: start httpd service service: enabled=true name={{ service }} state=started handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted # ansible-playbook apache.yml --tags='conf'
特殊tags:always #不管如何都會運行
來源: https://my.oschina.net/kangvc...