VINS-Mono 是香港科技大學開源的一個VIO,我簡單的測試了,發現效果不錯。作個簡單的筆記,詳細的內容等我畢設搞完再弄。前端
代碼主要分爲前端(feature tracker),後端(sliding window, loop closure),還加了初始化(visual-imu aligment)git
topic 發出去,算法
void img_callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img_msg) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++) { ROS_DEBUG("processing camera %d", i); if (i != 1 || !STEREO_TRACK) //調用FeatureTracker的readImage trackerData[i].readImage(ptr->image.rowRange(ROW * i, ROW * (i + 1))); } for (unsigned int i = 0;; i++) { bool completed = false; for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OF_CAM; j++) if (j != 1 || !STEREO_TRACK) //更新feature的ID completed |= trackerData[j].updateID(i); if (!completed) break; } //發佈特徵點topic if (round(1.0 * pub_count / (img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() - first_image_time)) <= FREQ) { sensor_msgs::PointCloudPtr feature_points(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud); //特徵點的id,圖像的(u,v)座標 sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 id_of_point; sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 u_of_point; sensor_msgs::ChannelFloat32 v_of_point; pub_img.publish(feature_points); } if (SHOW_TRACK) { //根據特徵點被追蹤的次數,顯示他的顏色,越紅表示這個特徵點看到的越久,一幅圖像要是大部分特徵點是藍色,前端tracker效果不好了,估計要掛了 double len = std::min(1.0, 1.0 * trackerData[i].track_cnt[j] / WINDOW_SIZE); cv::circle(tmp_img, trackerData[i].cur_pts[j], 2, cv::Scalar(255 * (1 - len), 0, 255 * len), 2); } }
void FeatureTracker::readImage(const cv::Mat &_img) { //直方圖均勻化 //if image is too dark or light, trun on equalize to find enough features if (EQUALIZE) { cv::Ptr<cv::CLAHE> clahe = cv::createCLAHE(3.0, cv::Size(8, 8)); TicToc t_c; clahe->apply(_img, img); ROS_DEBUG("CLAHE costs: %fms", t_c.toc()); } if (cur_pts.size() > 0) { TicToc t_o; vector<uchar> status; vector<float> err; //根據上一時刻的cur_img,cur_pts,尋找當前時刻的forw_pts, cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cur_img, forw_img, cur_pts, forw_pts, status, err, cv::Size(21, 21), 3); } if (img_cnt == 0) { //根據fundamentalMatrix中的ransac去除一些outlier rejectWithF(); //跟新特徵點track的次數 for (auto &n : track_cnt) n++; //爲下面的goodFeaturesToTrack保證相鄰的特徵點之間要相隔30個像素,設置mask image setMask(); int n_max_cnt = MAX_CNT - static_cast<int>(forw_pts.size()); if (n_max_cnt > 0) { //保證每一個image有足夠的特徵點,不夠就新提取 cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(forw_img, n_pts, MAX_CNT - forw_pts.size(), 0.1, MIN_DIST, mask); } } }
主要是對imu的數據進行預積分,vision重投影偏差的構造,loop-closure的檢測,slide-window的維護 ,marginzation prior的維護,東西比較多。dom
是隻有4個自由度的優化,roll, pitch因爲重力對齊的緣由是可觀測的,就不去優化。函數
void Estimator::processIMU(double dt, const Vector3d &linear_acceleration, const Vector3d &angular_velocity) { if (frame_count != 0) { pre_integrations[frame_count]->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity); //調用imu的預積分,propagation ,計算對應的雅可比矩陣 //if(solver_flag != NON_LINEAR) tmp_pre_integration->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity); dt_buf[frame_count].push_back(dt); linear_acceleration_buf[frame_count].push_back(linear_acceleration); angular_velocity_buf[frame_count].push_back(angular_velocity); //提供imu計算的當前位置,速度,做爲優化的初值 int j = frame_count; Vector3d un_acc_0 = Rs[j] * (acc_0 - Bas[j]) - g; Vector3d un_gyr = 0.5 * (gyr_0 + angular_velocity) - Bgs[j]; Rs[j] *= Utility::deltaQ(un_gyr * dt).toRotationMatrix(); Vector3d un_acc_1 = Rs[j] * (linear_acceleration - Bas[j]) - g; Vector3d un_acc = 0.5 * (un_acc_0 + un_acc_1); Ps[j] += dt * Vs[j] + 0.5 * dt * dt * un_acc; Vs[j] += dt * un_acc; } } void Estimator::processImage(const map<int, vector<pair<int, Vector3d>>> &image, const std_msgs::Header &header) { //根據視差判斷是否是關鍵幀, if (f_manager.addFeatureCheckParallax(frame_count, image)) marginalization_flag = MARGIN_OLD; else marginalization_flag = MARGIN_SECOND_NEW; ImageFrame imageframe(image, header.stamp.toSec()); imageframe.pre_integration = tmp_pre_integration; all_image_frame.insert(make_pair(header.stamp.toSec(), imageframe)); tmp_pre_integration = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[frame_count], Bgs[frame_count]}; //參數要是設置imu-camera的外參數未知,也能夠幫你求解的 if(ESTIMATE_EXTRINSIC == 2) { } //初始化的流程 if (solver_flag == INITIAL) { if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE) { bool result = false; if( ESTIMATE_EXTRINSIC != 2 && (header.stamp.toSec() - initial_timestamp) > 0.1) { //構造sfm,優化imu誤差,加速度g,尺度的肯定 result = initialStructure(); initial_timestamp = header.stamp.toSec(); } if(result) { solver_flag = NON_LINEAR; solveOdometry(); slideWindow(); f_manager.removeFailures(); ROS_INFO("Initialization finish!"); last_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE]; last_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE]; last_R0 = Rs[0]; last_P0 = Ps[0]; } else slideWindow(); } //先湊夠window-size的數量的Frame else frame_count++; } else { solveOdometry(); //失敗的檢測 if (failureDetection()) { clearState(); setParameter(); return; } slideWindow(); f_manager.removeFailures(); // prepare output of VINS key_poses.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++) key_poses.push_back(Ps[i]); last_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE]; last_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE]; last_R0 = Rs[0]; last_P0 = Ps[0]; } }
void Estimator::slideWindow() { //WINDOW_SIZE中的參數的之間調整,同時FeatureManager進行管理feature,有些點要刪除掉,有些點的深度要在下一frame表示(start frame已經刪除了) Headers[frame_count - 1] = Headers[frame_count]; Ps[frame_count - 1] = Ps[frame_count]; Vs[frame_count - 1] = Vs[frame_count]; Rs[frame_count - 1] = Rs[frame_count]; Bas[frame_count - 1] = Bas[frame_count]; Bgs[frame_count - 1] = Bgs[frame_count]; delete pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE]; pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[WINDOW_SIZE], Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE]}; //清楚數據,給下一副圖像提供空間 dt_buf[WINDOW_SIZE].clear(); linear_acceleration_buf[WINDOW_SIZE].clear(); angular_velocity_buf[WINDOW_SIZE].clear(); } void Estimator::solveOdometry() { if (frame_count < WINDOW_SIZE) return; if (solver_flag == NON_LINEAR) { //三角化點 f_manager.triangulate(Ps, tic, ric); ROS_DEBUG("triangulation costs %f", t_tri.toc()); optimization(); } }
void Estimator::optimization() { //添加frame的state,(p,v,q,b_a,b_g),就是ceres要優化的參數 for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE + 1; i++) { ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization(); problem.AddParameterBlock(para_Pose[i], SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization); problem.AddParameterBlock(para_SpeedBias[i], SIZE_SPEEDBIAS); } //添加camera-imu的外參數 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++) { ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization(); problem.AddParameterBlock(para_Ex_Pose[i], SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization); } //爲ceres參數賦予初值 vector2double(); //添加margination residual, 先驗知識 //他的Evaluate函數看好,固定了線性化的點,First Jacobian Estimate if (last_marginalization_info) { // construct new marginlization_factor MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info); problem.AddResidualBlock(marginalization_factor, NULL, last_marginalization_parameter_blocks); } //添加imu的residual for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++) { int j = i + 1; if (pre_integrations[j]->sum_dt > 10.0) continue; IMUFactor* imu_factor = new IMUFactor(pre_integrations[j]); problem.AddResidualBlock(imu_factor, NULL, para_Pose[i], para_SpeedBias[i], para_Pose[j], para_SpeedBias[j]); } //添加vision的residual for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature) { for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame) { imu_j++; if (imu_i == imu_j) { continue; } Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point; ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j); problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]); f_m_cnt++; } } //添加閉環的參數和residual if(LOOP_CLOSURE) { ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization(); problem.AddParameterBlock(front_pose.loop_pose, SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization); if(front_pose.features_ids[retrive_feature_index] == it_per_id.feature_id) { Vector3d pts_j = Vector3d(front_pose.measurements[retrive_feature_index].x, front_pose.measurements[retrive_feature_index].y, 1.0); Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point; ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j); problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[start], front_pose.loop_pose, para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]); retrive_feature_index++; loop_factor_cnt++; } } //設置了優化的最長時間,保證明時性 if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD) options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME * 4.0 / 5.0; else options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME; // 求解 ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary); // // if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD) { //若是當前幀是關鍵幀的,把oldest的frame全部的信息margination,做爲下一時刻的先驗知識,參考上面的兩個網址,大神的解釋很明白 } else{ //若是當前幀不是關鍵幀的,把second newest的frame全部的視覺信息丟棄掉,imu信息不丟棄,記住不是作margination,是爲了保持矩陣的稀疏性 } }
imu的參數很重要,還有就是硬件同步,global shutter的攝像頭很重要。我要是動做快的話,效果就不行了。但人家的視頻感受效果很不錯。