優先級隊列是無界的,可是有一個內部容量,控制着用於存儲隊列元素的數組大小。它一般至少等於隊列的大小。隨着不斷向優先級隊列添加元素,其容量會自動增長。無需指定容量增長策略的細節。 java
咱們從源碼的角度來看看PriorityQueue是如何實現的。 node
PriorityQueue內部的數組聲明以下: api
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 11; /** * Priority queue represented as a balanced binary heap: the two * children of queue[n] are queue[2*n+1] and queue[2*(n+1)]. The * priority queue is ordered by comparator, or by the elements' * natural ordering, if comparator is null: For each node n in the * heap and each descendant d of n, n <= d. The element with the * lowest value is in queue[0], assuming the queue is nonempty. */ private transient Object[] queue;
咱們發現queue前面使用了關鍵字transient,這是爲何呢? 數組
PriorityQueue的默認長度爲11,並且PriorityQueue是會擴容的。 安全
/** * Increases the capacity of the array. * * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity */ private void grow(int minCapacity) { int oldCapacity = queue.length; // Double size if small; else grow by 50% int newCapacity = oldCapacity + ((oldCapacity < 64) ? (oldCapacity + 2) : (oldCapacity >> 1)); // overflow-conscious code if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity); queue = Arrays.copyOf(queue, newCapacity);
因此大多數狀況下,真實數據的大小都小於數組的queue實際大小,若是將整個queue都序列化,那有不少空間是浪費的。因此PriorityQueue本身實現了writeObject與readObject來提升性能。(關於對象的序列化請查看這裏) 數據結構
PriorityQueue初始化過程和最大堆的建堆過程基本上同樣的(想了解建堆過程請查看排序篇的堆排),從有子節點的最靠後元素開始往前,每次都調用siftDown方法來調整。這個過程也叫作heapify。 oop
固然,只有當你想將現有的數據轉成PriorityQueue時才須要建堆,在空的PriorityQueue中add新元素時只是一個調整的過程。 性能
/** * Creates a {@code PriorityQueue} containing the elements in the * specified collection. If the specified collection is an instance of * a {@link SortedSet} or is another {@code PriorityQueue}, this * priority queue will be ordered according to the same ordering. * Otherwise, this priority queue will be ordered according to the * {@linkplain Comparable natural ordering} of its elements. * * @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed * into this priority queue * @throws ClassCastException if elements of the specified collection * cannot be compared to one another according to the priority * queue's ordering * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection or any * of its elements are null */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PriorityQueue(Collection<? extends E> c) { if (c instanceof SortedSet<?>) { SortedSet<? extends E> ss = (SortedSet<? extends E>) c; this.comparator = (Comparator<? super E>) ss.comparator(); initElementsFromCollection(ss); } else if (c instanceof PriorityQueue<?>) { PriorityQueue<? extends E> pq = (PriorityQueue<? extends E>) c; this.comparator = (Comparator<? super E>) pq.comparator(); initFromPriorityQueue(pq); } else { this.comparator = null; initFromCollection(c); } }PriorityQueue支持將Collection類型直接轉成 PriorityQueue。
建堆過程: ui
private void heapify() { for (int i = (size >>> 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--) siftDown(i, (E) queue[i]); } private void siftDown(int k, E x) { if (comparator != null) siftDownUsingComparator(k, x); else siftDownComparable(k, x); } private void siftDownComparable(int k, E x) { Comparable<? super E> key = (Comparable<? super E>)x; int half = size >>> 1; // loop while a non-leaf while (k < half) { int child = (k << 1) + 1; // assume left child is least Object c = queue[child]; int right = child + 1; if (right < size && ((Comparable<? super E>) c).compareTo((E) queue[right]) > 0) c = queue[child = right]; if (key.compareTo((E) c) <= 0) break; queue[k] = c; k = child; } queue[k] = key; } private void siftDownUsingComparator(int k, E x) { int half = size >>> 1; while (k < half) { int child = (k << 1) + 1; Object c = queue[child]; int right = child + 1; if (right < size && comparator.compare((E) c, (E) queue[right]) > 0) c = queue[child = right]; if (comparator.compare(x, (E) c) <= 0) break; queue[k] = c; k = child; } queue[k] = x; }
添加新元素的過程以下: this
public boolean offer(E e) { if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException(); modCount++; int i = size; if (i >= queue.length) grow(i + 1); size = i + 1; if (i == 0) queue[0] = e; else siftUp(i, e); return true; }
1. 此實現不是同步的。不是線程安全的。若是多個線程中的任意線程從結構上修改了列表, 則這些線程不該同時訪問 PriorityQueue 實例,這時請使用線程安全的PriorityBlockingQueue 類。
2. 此實現爲offer、poll、和 add 方法提供 O(logn) 時間;爲 remove(Object) 和 contains(Object) 方法提供O(n)時間;爲檢索方法(peek、element 和 size)提供O(1)。
3. 方法iterator()中提供的迭代器並不保證以有序的方式遍歷優先級隊列中的元素。由於最小堆只能保證根結點是最小,不能保證總體都有序。
2. http://shmilyaw-hotmail-com.iteye.com/blog/1827136
3. http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=jJlf0fLjuv6Y0OjvvQqLo46PhAMdVTHau9NkmHpBYgDBDAtlBnUJrtUfDxS22ftpeR9su6m6n85K6X8W7FpvO_