在 OSX 上用 openresty 架設本身的 Git Web Service

在 OSX 上用 openresty 架設本身的 Git Web Service



openresty 是基於 nginx 的一個集成,選擇它主要是由於它增長了對 lua 的支持,你能夠輕鬆地用 lua 編寫本身的 web 應用。html

本文介紹一種比較獨特的應用場景,爲 ipad 上的一款開發工具 codea 提供 github 版本管理,ipad 上的客戶端程序經過事先架設好的 web service 服務器提交代碼到 github.com|bitbucket.org|git.oschina.net 等遠程代碼倉庫。mysql

能夠把該 web service 部署運行在外部服務器,也可讓其部署運行在內部服務器上,本文介紹第二種方式。nginx


首先經過 git 克隆 ngx_openrestygit

Air:GitHub admin$ git clone https://github.com/agentzh/ngx_openresty
	Cloning into 'ngx_openresty'...
	remote: Counting objects: 5081, done.
	remote: Total 5081 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 5081
	Receiving objects: 100% (5081/5081), 1.08 MiB | 67.00 KiB/s, done.
	Resolving deltas: 100% (3278/3278), done.
	Checking connectivity... done.
	Air:GitHub admin$ cd ngx_openresty/
	Air:ngx_openresty admin$ ls
	FreeBSD		README.markdown	demo		patches		t
	Makefile	clients		misc		specs		util
	Air:ngx_openresty admin$

接着第一次運行 make 取包,過程比較長。github

Air:ngx_openresty admin$ make
	--2015-06-22 11:47:49--  http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.7.10.tar.gz
	Resolving nginx.org..., 2606:7100:1:69::3f
	Connecting to nginx.org||:80... connected.
	HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
	Length: 828607 (809K) [application/octet-stream]
	Saving to: `nginx-1.7.10.tar.gz'
	100%[========================================================================================>] 828,607      125K/s   in 7.0s    
	2015-06-22 11:47:56 (116 KB/s) - `nginx-1.7.10.tar.gz' saved [828607/828607]
	[INFO] applying the upstream-pipelining patch for nginx
	patching file src/http/ngx_http_upstream.c
	Hunk #1 succeeded at 1419 (offset 203 lines).
	Hunk #2 succeeded at 1771 (offset 352 lines).
	Hunk #3 succeeded at 1827 (offset 340 lines).
	patching file src/http/ngx_http_upstream.h
	Hunk #1 succeeded at 365 with fuzz 1 (offset 41 lines).

完成後進入目錄 nginx-1.7.10.,運行 configure 進行配置檢查,好比指定安裝路徑,咱們要把 openresty 安裝到 /opt/openresty 安裝目錄下,那就加這句參數 --prefix=/opt/openresty/,以下:web

Air:ngx_openresty admin$ ls
	FreeBSD					misc					t
	Makefile				ngx_openresty-		util
	README.markdown				ngx_openresty-	work
	clients					patches
	demo					specs
	Air:ngx_openresty admin$ cd ngx_openresty-
	Air:ngx_openresty- admin$ ls
	README.markdown	bundle		configure
	Air:ngx_openresty- admin$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/openresty/


Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
	  "_pcre_free_study", referenced from:
	      _ngx_pcre_free_studies in ngx_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_match in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_gmatch in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_sub_helper in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_gmatch_cleanup in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_gmatch_gc in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	      _ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_gmatch_iterator in ngx_http_lua_regex.o
	ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

須要手動設置 prce 的位置,以下爲個人系統中的設置:sql

Air:ngx_openresty- admin$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/openresty/ --with-cc-opt="-I/usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.35/include" --with-ld-opt="-L/usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.35/lib"

有些人的系統可能會提示缺乏 OpenSSLPCRE,可使用 brew install 安裝。shell


Configuration summary
	  + using system PCRE library
	  + using system OpenSSL library
	  + md5: using OpenSSL library
	  + sha1: using OpenSSL library
	  + using system zlib library
	  nginx path prefix: "/opt/openresty//nginx"
	  nginx binary file: "/opt/openresty//nginx/sbin/nginx"
	  nginx configuration prefix: "/opt/openresty//nginx/conf"
	  nginx configuration file: "/opt/openresty//nginx/conf/nginx.conf"
	  nginx pid file: "/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/nginx.pid"
	  nginx error log file: "/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/error.log"
	  nginx http access log file: "/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/access.log"
	  nginx http client request body temporary files: "client_body_temp"
	  nginx http proxy temporary files: "proxy_temp"
	  nginx http fastcgi temporary files: "fastcgi_temp"
	  nginx http uwsgi temporary files: "uwsgi_temp"
	  nginx http scgi temporary files: "scgi_temp"
	cd ../..
	Type the following commands to build and install:
	    gmake install
	Air:ngx_openresty- admin$

接着在該目錄下執行 gmakegmake install

執行 gmake 最後的顯示:

	objs/addon/src/ngx_http_rds_csv_util.o \
	objs/addon/src/ngx_http_rds_csv_output.o \
	objs/ngx_modules.o \
	-L/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty- -Wl,-rpath,/opt/openresty//luajit/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.35/lib -L/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty- -lluajit-5.1 -lm -pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000 -lpcre -lssl -lcrypto -lz
	gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
	gmake -f objs/Makefile manpage
	gmake[2]: Entering directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
	sed -e "s|%%PREFIX%%|/opt/openresty//nginx|" \
		-e "s|%%PID_PATH%%|/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/nginx.pid|" \
		-e "s|%%CONF_PATH%%|/opt/openresty//nginx/conf/nginx.conf|" \
		-e "s|%%ERROR_LOG_PATH%%|/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/error.log|" \
		< man/nginx.8 > objs/nginx.8
	gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
	gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
	Air:ngx_openresty- admin$

執行 sudo gmake install 最後的顯示:

test -d '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs' 		|| mkdir -p '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs'
test -d '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs' || 		mkdir -p '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs'
test -d '/opt/openresty//nginx/html' 		|| cp -R html '/opt/openresty//nginx'
test -d '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs' || 		mkdir -p '/opt/openresty//nginx/logs'
gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/Users/admin/GitHub/ngx_openresty/ngx_openresty-'
Air:ngx_openresty- admin$

這樣最後就把 openresty 安裝到 /opt/openresty/ 目錄下了,目錄結構以下所示:

Air:ngx_openresty- admin$ cd /opt/openresty/
	Air:openresty admin$ ls
	bin	luajit	lualib	nginx
	Air:openresty admin$ tree
	├── bin
	│   └── resty
	├── luajit
	│   ├── bin
	│   │   └── luajit-2.1.0-alpha
	│   ├── include
	│   │   └── luajit-2.1
	│   │       ├── lauxlib.h
	│   │       ├── lua.h
	│   │       ├── lua.hpp
	│   │       ├── luaconf.h
	│   │       ├── luajit.h
	│   │       └── lualib.h
	│   ├── lib
	│   │   ├── libluajit-
	│   │   ├── libluajit-5.1.2.dylib -> libluajit-
	│   │   ├── libluajit-5.1.a
	│   │   ├── libluajit-5.1.dylib -> libluajit-
	│   │   ├── lua
	│   │   │   └── 5.1
	│   │   └── pkgconfig
	│   │       └── luajit.pc
	│   └── share
	│       ├── lua
	│       │   └── 5.1
	│       ├── luajit-2.1.0-alpha
	│       │   └── jit
	│       │       ├── bc.lua
	│       │       ├── bcsave.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_arm.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_mips.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_mipsel.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_ppc.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_x64.lua
	│       │       ├── dis_x86.lua
	│       │       ├── dump.lua
	│       │       ├── p.lua
	│       │       ├── v.lua
	│       │       ├── vmdef.lua
	│       │       └── zone.lua
	│       └── man
	│           └── man1
	│               └── luajit.1
	├── lualib
	│   ├── cjson.so
	│   ├── rds
	│   │   └── parser.so
	│   ├── redis
	│   │   └── parser.so
	│   └── resty
	│       ├── aes.lua
	│       ├── core
	│       │   ├── base.lua
	│       │   ├── base64.lua
	│       │   ├── ctx.lua
	│       │   ├── exit.lua
	│       │   ├── hash.lua
	│       │   ├── misc.lua
	│       │   ├── regex.lua
	│       │   ├── request.lua
	│       │   ├── response.lua
	│       │   ├── shdict.lua
	│       │   ├── time.lua
	│       │   ├── uri.lua
	│       │   ├── var.lua
	│       │   └── worker.lua
	│       ├── core.lua
	│       ├── dns
	│       │   └── resolver.lua
	│       ├── lock.lua
	│       ├── lrucache
	│       │   └── pureffi.lua
	│       ├── lrucache.lua
	│       ├── md5.lua
	│       ├── memcached.lua
	│       ├── mysql.lua
	│       ├── random.lua
	│       ├── redis.lua
	│       ├── sha.lua
	│       ├── sha1.lua
	│       ├── sha224.lua
	│       ├── sha256.lua
	│       ├── sha384.lua
	│       ├── sha512.lua
	│       ├── string.lua
	│       ├── upload.lua
	│       ├── upstream
	│       │   └── healthcheck.lua
	│       └── websocket
	│           ├── client.lua
	│           ├── protocol.lua
	│           └── server.lua
	└── nginx
	    ├── conf
	    │   ├── fastcgi.conf
	    │   ├── fastcgi.conf.default
	    │   ├── fastcgi_params
	    │   ├── fastcgi_params.default
	    │   ├── koi-utf
	    │   ├── koi-win
	    │   ├── mime.types
	    │   ├── mime.types.default
	    │   ├── nginx.conf
	    │   ├── nginx.conf.default
	    │   ├── scgi_params
	    │   ├── scgi_params.default
	    │   ├── uwsgi_params
	    │   ├── uwsgi_params.default
	    │   └── win-utf
	    ├── html
	    │   ├── 50x.html
	    │   └── index.html
	    ├── logs
	    └── sbin
	        └── nginx
	30 directories, 85 files
	Air:openresty admin$

可執行文件是 ./nginx/sbin/nginx,試着用 sudo 啓動一下,它會自動調用配置文件 /conf/nginx.conf

Air:openresty admin$ sudo ./nginx/sbin/nginx 
	Air:openresty admin$ ps -ef |grep nginx
	    0 48780     1   0  1:38下午 ??         0:00.00 nginx: master process ./nginx/sbin/nginx
	   -2 48781 48780   0  1:38下午 ??         0:00.00 nginx: worker process
	  501 48798   389   0  1:38下午 ttys001    0:00.00 grep nginx
	Air:openresty admin$

很好,如今咱們已經安裝了好了 openresty,接下來就要安裝 sockproccodea-scm 了。

下載編譯運行 sockproc守護進程

sockproc 是一個守護進程,用來接受轉發數據

Air:GitHub admin$ git clone http://github.com/juce/sockproc
	Cloning into 'sockproc'...
	remote: Counting objects: 76, done.
	remote: Total 76 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 76
	Unpacking objects: 100% (76/76), done.
	Checking connectivity... done.
	Air:GitHub admin$ cd sockproc/
	Air:sockproc admin$ ls
	LICENSE		Makefile	README.md	sockproc.c	tests.sh
	Air:sockproc admin$


Air:sockproc admin$ gmake
	gcc -Wall -Werror -o sockproc sockproc.c
	Air:sockproc admin$ ls
	LICENSE		Makefile	README.md	sockproc	sockproc.c	tests.sh
	Air:sockproc admin$


Air:sockproc admin$ sudo -u nobody ./sockproc /tmp/hello.sock
	Air:sockproc admin$ ps -ef |grep sockproc
	   -2 48884     1   0  1:43下午 ??         0:00.00 ./sockproc /tmp/hello.sock
	  501 48893   389   0  1:43下午 ttys001    0:00.00 grep sockproc
	Air:sockproc admin$

下載安裝運行 codea-scm web 服務

Air:GitHub admin$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm
	Cloning into 'codea-scm'...
	remote: Counting objects: 618, done.
	remote: Compressing objects: 100% (569/569), done.
	remote: Total 618 (delta 335), reused 0 (delta 0)
	Receiving objects: 100% (618/618), 5.19 MiB | 701.00 KiB/s, done.
	Resolving deltas: 100% (335/335), done.
	Checking connectivity... done.
	Air:GitHub admin$ cd codea-scm/
	Air:codea-scm admin$ ls
	Makefile	app		etc		openresty.sh	tools
	README.md	conf		makekey.sh	scripts		web
	Air:codea-scm admin$

安裝一下,會安裝到 /opt/codea-scm/

Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo gmake
	[ -f /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf ] || sudo cp ./conf/nginx.conf /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/
	sudo mkdir -p /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/conf.d && sudo chown `whoami` /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/conf.d
	[ -L /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/conf.d/"codea-scm".conf ] || \
		sudo ln -s `pwd`/conf/conf.d/"codea-scm".conf /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/conf.d/"codea-scm".conf
	[ -L /opt/"codea-scm" ] || sudo ln -s `pwd` /opt/"codea-scm"
	[ -f ./etc/config.lua ] || cp ./etc/config.lua.sample ./etc/config.lua
	Air:codea-scm admin$

能夠查看一下 codea-scm 的目錄結構:

Air:codea-scm-app admin$ cd /opt/codea-scm
	Air:codea-scm admin$ tree
	├── Makefile
	├── README.md
	├── app
	│   ├── commit_and_push.lua
	│   ├── get_log.lua
	│   ├── get_status.lua
	│   ├── git.lua
	│   ├── init.lua
	│   ├── installer.lua
	│   ├── keymaker.lua
	│   ├── pull.lua
	│   ├── serializer.lua
	│   ├── shell.lua
	│   ├── sock.lua
	│   ├── user.lua
	│   ├── util.lua
	│   ├── uuid.lua
	│   └── whoami.lua
	├── conf
	│   ├── conf.d
	│   │   ├── codea-scm.conf
	│   │   └── codea-scm.ssl.conf
	│   └── nginx.conf
	├── etc
	│   ├── config.lua
	│   └── config.lua.sample
	├── makekey.sh
	├── openresty.sh
	├── scripts
	│   ├── git-ssh
	│   └── pipe-to-temp
	├── tools
	│   └── etc
	│       └── logrotate.d
	│           └── openresty
	└── web
	    ├── index.html
	    ├── screen1.png
	    ├── screen2.png
	    ├── small1.png
	    └── small2.png
	9 directories, 32 files
	Air:codea-scm admin$

檢查 /opt/openresty/conf/nginx.conf 有沒有被替換,沒有的話就手動換一下:

Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo cp ./conf/nginx.conf /opt/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
	Air:codea-scm admin$


Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo ./openresty.sh start
	nginx: [error] init_by_lua_file error: /opt/codea-scm/etc/config.lua:8: '}' expected (to close '{' at line 1) near 'installer_git_ref'
	stack traceback:
		[C]: in function 'dofile'
		/opt/codea-scm/app/init.lua:7: in main chunk
	Air:codea-scm admin$


Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo vi /opt/codea-scm/etc/config.lua


installer_git_remote = 'https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm-app.git'
    installer_git_ref = 'v1.2',}


installer_git_remote = 'https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm-app.git',
    installer_git_ref = 'v1.2'}


Air:codea-scm admin$ cd /opt/codea-scm/
	Air:codea-scm admin$ ls
	Makefile	app		etc		openresty.sh	tools
	README.md	conf		makekey.sh	scripts		web
	Air:codea-scm admin$ ./openresty.sh start
	nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
	2015/06/22 13:54:57 [emerg] 49106#0: open() "/opt/openresty//nginx/logs/access.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
	Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo ./openresty.sh start
	nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
	nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
	nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
	nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
	nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
	nginx: [emerg] still could not bind()
	Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo ./openresty.sh restart
	Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo ./openresty.sh stop
	Air:codea-scm admin$ sudo ./openresty.sh start
	Air:codea-scm admin$

很好,到如今爲止就已經把這個 web service 服務部署到你本身的電腦上了。


若是可以看到 codea-scm 的幫助頁面,說明已經安裝部署成功。

在 iPad 上安裝 codea-scm-app

最後就是在 iPad 上安裝 codea-scm-app,比較簡單,打開 codea,新建一個項目,把下述代碼拷貝到 main 標籤頁,運行,就會自動從網絡安裝:

--# Main
	-- codea-scm bootstrap installer
	function setup()
	    print("Installing codea-scm ...")
	        function (data, status, headers)
	            print("Installation complete. SUCCESS!")
	            print("Launch the project again to start using codea-scm.")
	            tween.delay(2.0, close)
	        function (err)
	            print("PROBLEM downloading: " .. err)
	function draw()
	    background(37, 38, 50, 255)

安裝好以後就能夠在 iPad 上進行操做,按照幫助頁面上的提示進行項目設置,你在 codea 中的項目代碼能夠快速同步到 githubbitbucketoschina 等服務器了。

使用本地 web service 的一個好處就是速度超快,之前用別人提供的同步一個幾百K的項目就要等半天,本地的幾秒鐘就行了。


另外也能夠經過 gitbitbucket.org 克隆,命令以下:

Air:GitHub admin$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm-app
	Cloning into 'codea-scm-app'...
	remote: Counting objects: 383, done.
	remote: Compressing objects: 100% (293/293), done.
	remote: Total 383 (delta 162), reused 0 (delta 0)
	Receiving objects: 100% (383/383), 85.12 KiB | 61.00 KiB/s, done.
	Resolving deltas: 100% (162/162), done.
	Checking connectivity... done.
	Air:GitHub admin$ cd codea-scm-app/
	Air:codea-scm-app admin$ ls
	Icon.png	Info.plist	tabs
	Air:codea-scm-app admin$ tree
	├── Icon.png
	├── Info.plist
	└── tabs
	    ├── Button.lua
	    ├── Diff.lua
	    ├── Main.lua
	    ├── Panel.lua
	    ├── Readme.lua
	    ├── Serializer.lua
	    └── Status.lua
	1 directory, 9 files
	Air:codea-scm-app admin$


幾個相關地址: https://github.com/agentzh/ngx_openresty https://github.com/juce/sockproc https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm https://bitbucket.org/juce/codea-scm-app

版本:2015-06-22 做者:FreeBlues 連接:http://my.oschina.net/freeblues/blog/469393

