CS3114 (Spring 2019) PROGRAMMING

CS3114 (Spring 2019)
Due Tuesday, May 7th @ 11:00 PM for 100 points
Early bonus date: Sunday, May 5th @ 11:00 PM for a 10 point bonus
In this project you will implement a simple database system for DNA sequences.
Your database system will include a disk-based hash table using a simple bucket hash, to
support searches by sequence identifier. The bulk of the database will be stored in a
binary file on disk, with a memory manager that stores both sequences and sequenceIDs.
As with Project 2, define DNA sequences to be strings on the alphabet A, C, G, and T. In
this project, you will store data records consisting of two parts. The first part will be the
identifier. The identifier is a relatively short string of characters from the A, C, G, T
alphabet. The second part is the sequence. The sequence is a relatively long string (could
be thousands of characters) from the A, C, G, T alphabet.
Input and Output:
The program will be invoked from the command-line as:
java DNAdbase <command-file> <hash-file> <hash-table-size>
The name of the program is DNAdbase. Parameter command-file is the name of
the input file that holds the commands to be processed by the program. Parameter hashfile
is the name of the file that holds the hash table. Parameter hash-table-size defines the
size of the hash table. This number must be a multiple of 32. The hash table never
changes in size once the program starts.
Parameter memory-file is the name of the file used by the memory manager to
store strings. The input for this project will consist of a series of commands (some with
associated parameters, separated by spaces), with no more than one command on a line.
A blank line may appear anywhere in the command file (except within the insert
command, see below), and any number of spaces may separate parameters. You need not
worry about checking for syntactic errors. That is, only the specified commands will
appear in the file, and the specified parameters will always appear. However, you must
check for logical errors. The commands will be read from a file, and the output from the
commands will be written to standard output. The program should terminate after reading
the EOF mark.
The commands will be as follows:
The insert command consists of two lines (no blank lines will come between
these two lines). The first line will have the format:
insert sequenceId length
The sequenceId is a string (from A, C, G, T) that is used as the sequence identifier.
The length field indicates how long the sequence itself will be. This sequence appears
on the second line. The sequence line will contain no spaces (that is, the sequence is not
preceeded or followed by spaces any space on that line, and no spaces appear within the
sequence). The sequence consists only of the letters A, C, G, T. The sequence can (and
often will) be thousands of characters long.
remove sequenceID、代寫DNA sequences留學生做業java

Remove the sequence associated with sequenceID from the hash table and from
the memory manager, if it exists. Print a suitable message if sequenceID is not in the
database. If a sequence is removed, then print the complete sequence.
Print out a list of all sequenceIDs in the database. For each one, indicate which
slot of the hash table it is stored in. Also, print out a list of the free blocks currently in the
file. For each such free block, indicate its starting byte position and its size. Such blocks
should be listed from lowest to highest in order of byte position (the same order that they
are stored on the freelist).
search sequenceID
Print out the sequence associated with sequenceID if it there is one stored in the
Your database system will consist of three main parts: An indexing structure to
support the searches, etc., the binary file that stores the large sequences, and a linked list
used by the memory manager to track the free blocks within the disk file.
For the indexing structure, you will use a hash table to store and retrieve sequence
records. Each slot of the hash table will store two memory handles. One memory handle
will be for the sequenceID, the other memory handle will be for the sequence. In this
project, sequenceIDs will be stored in the memory manager, so that the hash table can
store fixed-length records. You may choose not to use a hash table but the DNAtree in
project 2 with a 20-point penalty.
One main implementation component for this project is support for storing the
large sequences. You will store sequences on disk in a binary file, with the file name
given by the <memory-file>. A major consideration is deciding where to store a given
sequence in the binary file. This will be controlled by a memory manager implementing
First Fit. See Section 11.04 of the textbook for a description of how this works. You will
use a linked list to keep track of the free sections of the binary file. Initially the binary file
will be empty (have no size). Whenever a new sequence is to be inserted, it should be
inserted into a free section within the existing bounds of the file if possible. When this is
not possible, the size of the file should grow as necessary to accommodate the new
sequence. Whenever a sequence is removed from the file, the memory manager should
merge together adjacent free sections into a single larger section if possible.
Within the binary file you will not store the sequences as ASCII characters.
Instead, you will store each letter of the sequence as two-bit code values, where A has
code 00, C has code 01, G has code 10, and T has code 11. Four letters of the sequence
will be packed into a single byte of the file. Space for sequences will always be allocated
as full bytes. If the length of a sequence is not a multiple of 4, then the last few bits of the
last byte storing the sequence will be unused.
Your memory manager should operate by receiving a sequence to store, and
returning a 「handle" to its caller. The caller stores the handle so that it can later retrieve
the sequence. Memory handles are defined to be two 4-byte integers. The first is the byte
position in the file for the associated string. The second is the length (in characters) of the
associated string. All strings will actually be converted to 2-bit codes when stored on disk,
with 4 codes per byte.
Be careful about allocating space for storing sequences. When reading in the
sequence for the insert command, you are given the sequence length. You can use this to
allocate a buffer into which the sequence can be read. Likewise, when requesting a
sequence from the memory manager, a buffer will be created in which to place the
The hash table will use a modified bucket hash compatible with disk-based
hashing. The first step will be to hash a sequenceID using a version of the sfold hash
function that will be posted with this assignment. Each bucket will be 512 bytes, or 32
table slots since each slot stores two memory handles, each of which is two 4-byte
integers in length. Collision resolution will use simple linear probing, with wrap-around
at the bottom of the current bucket. For example, if a string hashes to slot 60 in the table,
the probe sequence will be slots 61, then 62, then 63, which is the bottom slot of that
bucket. The next probe will wrap to the top of the bucket, or slot 32, then to slot 33, and
so on. If the bucket is completely full, then the insert request will be rejected. Note that if
the insert fails, the corresponding sequence and sequenceID strings must be removed
from the memory manager's memory pool as well.
Source code:
For this project you may not use any Java library classes for file-based memory
management, or hashing. You may use source code distributed with the textbook, or any
code that you wrote yourself for previous projects (so long as such code does not rely on
library classes for those forbidden source code).
Programming Standards:
You must conform to good programming/documentation standards. Some
You must include a header comment, preceding main(), specifying the compiler
and operating system used and the date completed.
Your header comment must describe what your program does; don't just
plagiarize language from this spec.
You must include a comment explaining the purpose of every variable or named
constant you use in your program.
You must use meaningful identi_er names that suggest the meaning or purpose of
the constant, variable, function, etc.
Always use named constants or enumerated types instead of literal constants in
the code.
Precede every major block of your code with a comment explaining its purpose.
You don't have to describe how it works unless you do something so sneaky it
deserves special recognition.
You must use indentation and blank lines to make control structures more
Precede each function and/or class method with a header comment describing
what the function does, the logical significance of each parameter (if any), and
pre- and post-conditions.
Decompose your design logically, identifying which components should be
objects and what operations should be encapsulated for each.
Neither the GTAs nor the instructors will help any student debug an implementation
unless it is properly documented and exhibits good programming style. Be sure to begin
your internal documentation right from the start.
You may only use code you have written, either specifically for this project or for
earlier programs, or code taken from the textbook. Note that the textbook code is not
designed for the specific purpose of this assignment, and is therefore likely to require
modification. It may, however, provide a useful starting point.
A sample data file will be posted to the website to help you test your program.
This is not the data file that will be used in grading your program. The test data provided
to you will attempt to exercise the various syntactic elements of the command
specifications. It makes no effort to be comprehensive in terms of testing the data
structures required by the program. Thus, while the test data provided should be useful,
you should also do testing on your own test data to ensure that your program works
You will implement your project using Eclipse, and you will submit your project
using the Eclipse plugin to Web-CAT. Links to the Web-CAT client are posted at the
class website. If you make multiple submissions, only your last submission will be
evaluated. There is no limit to the number of submissions that you may make.
You are required to submit your own test cases (should cover at least 70% of your
code) with your program. Of course, your program must pass your own test cases. Your
grade will be fully determined by test cases that are provided by the graders (TAs). WebCAT
will report to you which test files have passed correctly, and which have not. Note
that you will not be given a copy of these test files, only a brief description of what each
accomplished in order to guide your own testing process in case you did not pass one of
our tests.
To be able to write tests that can be run by webcat, you should go to the following
and download the student.jar file. You then need to reference this file as an
external library. The library extends the existing JUnit library, so you can write tests
using regular JUnit syntax. The webpage also includes some helpful hints to help you test
When structuring the source files of your project, use a directory structure; that is,
your source files will all be contained in the project 「src" directory. Any subdirectories in
the project will be ignored.
You are permitted (and encouraged) to work with a partner on this project. When
you work with a partner, then only one member of the pair will make a submission. Both
names and emails must be included in the documentation and selected on any Web-CAT
submission. The last submission from either of the pair members will be graded.
Your project submission must include a statement, pledging your conformance to
the Honor Code requirements for this course. Specifically, you must include the
following pledge statement near the beginning of the file containing the function main()
in your program. The text of the pledge will also be posted online.
// On my honor:
// - I have not used source code obtained from another student,
// or any other unauthorized source, either modified or
// unmodified.
// - All source code and documentation used in my program is
// either my original work, or was derived by me from the
// source code published in the textbook for this course.
// - I have not discussed coding details about this project with
// anyone other than my partner (in the case of a joint
// submission), instructor, ACM/UPE tutors or the TAs assigned
// to this course. I understand that I may discuss the concepts
// of this program with other students, and that another student
// may help me debug my program so long as neither of us writes
// anything during the discussion or modifies any computer file
// during the discussion. I have violated neither the spirit nor
// letter of this restriction.
Programs that do not contain this pledge will not be graded.web

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