You are out of luck when attempting to rename .torrent
files with aria2c
, from the man pages:app
-o, --out=<FILE> The file name of the downloaded file. When the --force-sequential option is used, this option is ignored. NOTE: You cannot specify a file name for Metalink or BitTorrent downloads.
Note that this information is not contained in the help given with the command:this
aria2c -h
but in the man pages that are read with the following:code
man aria2c
With other types of files aria2c
works very nicely and appropriately renames as directed:orm
andrew@athens:~$ aria2c -d $HOME/test -o testing.jpg [#3f8528 32KiB/417KiB(7%) CN:1 DL:87KiB ETA:4s] 06/24 18:29:14 [NOTICE] Download complete: /home/andrew/test/testing.jpg Download Results: gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI ======+====+===========+======================================================= 3f8528|OK | 312KiB/s|/home/andrew/test/testing.jpg Status Legend: (OK):download completed.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...flux