- Everthing has a purpose, even machines. 一切事物都有使命,就連機器也同樣。——2019.09.01
- It takes backbone to lead the life you want. 過你想過的生活須要骨氣。——2019.09.02
- Quitters never win and winners never quit. 放棄者決不成功,成功者決不放棄。——2019.09.03
- What's past is prologue. 凡是過往,皆爲序章。 ——2019.09.04
- Follow your instincts. 追隨你的直覺。——2019.09.05
- Whose lift, if you look at it under a microscope, doesn't have any flaws? 誰的人生在放大鏡下沒有缺陷?——2019.09.06
- Many ar called, few are chosen. 人生猶如大浪淘沙,只有金子纔會發光。——2019.09.07
- I'm the only one of me. 我就是我,是顏色不同的煙火。——2019.09.08
- Early bird gets the worm. 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。——2019.09.09
- You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it. 生命的結局會比開端更加美麗。——2019.09.10
- You couldn't put a price on loyalty.你不能用錢來買忠心。——2019.09.11
- Don't dream it, be it. 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網。——2019.09.12
- Whatever happens, we're a family. 家永遠都是咱們最溫暖的的避風港。——2019.09.13
- When you feel like hopes is gone, look inside you and be strong. 當你感受但願破滅之時,請正視本身並學會堅強。。。——2019.09.14
- Break down these walls and come on in. 一路披荊斬棘,一往無前。——2019.09.15
- The one ought to have the other. 每一個人都註定會碰見本身的另外一半。——2019.09.16
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever. 凡美的事物是永恆的喜悅。——2019.09.17
- You gotta be flexible, prepared to roll with anything. 遇事要有韌性,要懂得隨機應變。——2019.09.18
- You do what's in your heart. 跟着你的心走。——2019.09.19
- Love thy neighbor as thyself. 愛鄰如愛己。——2019.09.20
- There are big days and there are small days. 人生之旅會有黃道吉日,也會有平淡時辰。——2019.09.21
- You go out on that stage now, and you show them how beautifu you are. 當你站在人生舞臺時,應盡情展示你的魅力。——2019.09.22
- You're a firework. Come on show them what your worth. 你是夜空別樣的煙火,讓世界見證你的光芒吧。
- Love is everywhere. 愛無處不在。——2019.09.24
- Life is a progress and not a station.人生不是一個站點,而是一段旅程。——2019.09.25
- Make the world a good place. 讓咱們攜手將世界變得更加美好。2019.09.26
- I'm not afraid when the rain won't stop. 任大雨傾盆,也未曾畏懼。——2019.09.27
- You are lovelier this morning than you have ever been.今早的你比以往更可愛。——2019.09.28
- I dream it. I work hard.I grind till I own it.在夢想的指引下努力奮鬥,直到夢想成真。——2019.09.29
- We can do better.咱們都能作得更好。——2019.09.30
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