- You believe in fate? 你相信命運嗎?——2019.11.01
- Stand up to your own...That would take a real hero. 能勇敢的堅持本身,那纔是真正的英雄。——2019.11.02
- Make some actual use of your life.用你的生命去作些真正有意義的事吧!——2019.11.03
- Tell yourself, "I am worthy, I can do this. I have what it takes." 告訴你本身:「我很棒,我能作到,我有成功所要的條件」。——2019.11.04
- Attack is the best form of defense. 進攻就是最好的防護。——2019.11.05
- The chance for love doesn't come around every day. 愛的機會不是天天都有的。——2019.11.06
- They say when you meet then love of you life, time stops. 人們說當你趕上你的摯愛,時間在那一刻會中止。——2019.11.07
- Better before than during. 提早準備老是好的。——2019.11.08
- No one can take away who you are. 沒人能奪走你的自我。——2019.11.09
- Perfection has no place in love. 愛從不完美。——2019.11.10
- Love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it. 愛就像風,看不見,但能感受獲得。——2019.11.11
- Knowledge gives us the power to alter our destiny. 知識給咱們力量,改變咱們的命運。——2019.11.12
- You've worked harder than everyone who's ever doubted you. 你要比曾經質疑過你的人都更努力。——2019.11.13
- Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through. 微笑吧,或許明天你會看到太陽照耀着你。——2019.11.14
- We in it, together. 讓咱們攜手,完成使命。——2019.11.15
- Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. 欲戴王冠,必承其重。——2019.11.16
- It's great to have dreams. 有夢想是好事。——2019.11.17
- Cause morning rolls around and it's another day of sun. 清晨不久就會來到,又是陽光明媚的一天。——2019.11.18
- Luck is the name losers give to their own failings. 運氣是失敗者給本身找的接口。——2019.11.19
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