

  1. We're proud to be doing our part for the country. 咱們爲偉大的祖國貢獻本身的力量而驕傲。——2019.10.01
  2. We'll never stop learning, and we'll never stop growing. 咱們不會中止學習,也不會中止成長。——2019.10.02
  3. We're on the path.咱們在朝着正確的方向邁進,——2019.10.03
  4. Everthing's gonna be okay.一切都會好起來的。——2019.10.04
  5. The end is always right there in the beginning. 每個結束也就是另外一個開始。——2019.10.05
  6. Life is very capricious. 生命無常。——2019.10.06
  7. Never let anything stop you from chasing your dream. 永遠不要讓任何事組織你去追逐夢想。——2019.10.07
  8. Small steps lead to big accomplishments. 每次邁出一小步,日積月累也會成就大事。——2019.10.08
  9. Keep going. Don't quit. 繼續前行,不要放棄。——2019.10.09
  10. Courage is daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness of our flesh.真正的勇敢意味着即使身處險境,也敢於匡扶正義。——2019.10.10
  11. We're on the same quest. We want the dynamic vitality of the city but also the life force of nature. 咱們懷着一樣的追求前行,咱們鍾情於城市的活力與天然的生命力。——2019.10.11
  12. We got things to do. Place to go. People to see. Futures to make. 咱們還有事要作,有地兒要去,有人要見,有夢要實現。——2019.10.12
  13. Doing the things you want to do. 作你想作的事。——2019.10.13
  14. Everybody's good at something. 天生我材必有用。——2019.10.14
  15. Hard work may not always result in success, but it will never result in regret. 努力不必定能成功,但永遠不會後悔。——2019.10.15
  16. Love is the beautiful thing. 愛,美妙無比。——2019.10.16
  17. As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. 只要一息尚存,請繼續戰鬥。——2019.10.17 
  18. Remember, every day is a miracle. 請記住,每一天都是一個奇蹟。——2019.10.18
  19. Don't lost hope. You never know what tomorrow wil bring. 別灰心,誰知道明天會有怎樣的驚喜。——2019.10.19
  20. Life is short, and no one deserves to ride the bus alone. 人生苦短,沒人應該孤單乘車。——2019.10.20
  21. Don't wait. The time will never be just right. 別空等,時機是等不來的。——2019.10.21
  22. Being brilliant is not enough, young man. You have to work hard. 年輕人,頭腦聰明還不夠,你必定要努力向上。——2019.10.22
  23. Complex things is easy to do. Simplicity's the real challenge. 複雜的問題不難解決,簡單的事才難作好。——2019.10.23
  24. You can tell a lot about somebody,  looking him in eye. 注視着別人的眼睛,你能讀出不少故事。——2019.10.24
  25. You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take. 若是你不去嘗試,全部機會都會與你擦肩而過。——2019.10.25
  26. Life is found when you shed your skin. 當你放下一切才能找到聲明意義——2019.10.26
  27. It's your choice how to live the rest of your life.你的人生你本身把握。——2019.10.27
  28. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里以前始於足下。——2019.10.28
  29. Moderation is for cowards. 懦夫才談中庸。——2019.10.29
  30. The past is just a story we tell ourselves. 過去是咱們說給本身聽的故事。——2019.10.30
  31. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. 你的心是自由的,要有勇氣追隨它。——2019.10.31


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