This module contains functions to handle markers. Used by both the marker functionality of plot and scatter.api
All possible markers are defined here:ide
該模塊包含處理標記的功能。 用於plot和scatter的這兩個模塊的標記功能。ui
這裏定義了全部可能的標記: this
marker | description |
"." |
point |
"," |
pixel |
"o" |
circle |
"v" |
triangle_down |
"^" |
triangle_up |
"<" |
triangle_left |
">" |
triangle_right |
"1" |
tri_down |
"2" |
tri_up |
"3" |
tri_left |
"4" |
tri_right |
"8" |
octagon |
"s" |
square |
"p" |
pentagon |
"P" |
plus (filled) |
"*" |
star |
"h" |
hexagon1 |
"H" |
hexagon2 |
"+" |
plus |
"x" |
x |
"X" |
x (filled) |
"D" |
diamond |
"d" |
thin_diamond |
"|" |
vline |
"_" |
hline |
TICKLEFT | tickleft |
TICKRIGHT | tickright |
TICKUP | tickup |
TICKDOWN | tickdown |
CARETLEFT | caretleft (centered at tip) |
CARETRIGHT | caretright (centered at tip) |
CARETUP | caretup (centered at tip) |
CARETDOWN | caretdown (centered at tip) |
CARETLEFTBASE | caretleft (centered at base) |
CARETRIGHTBASE | caretright (centered at base) |
CARETUPBASE | caretup (centered at base) |
"None" , " " or "" |
nothing |
'$...$' |
render the string using mathtext. |
verts |
a list of (x, y) pairs used for Path vertices. The center of the marker is located at (0,0) and the size is normalized. |
path | a Path instance. |
(numsides , style , angle ) |
The marker can also be a tuple (
For backward compatibility, the form (verts, 0) is also accepted, but it is equivalent to just verts for giving a raw set of vertices that define the shape.orm
None is the default which means 'nothing', however this table is referred to from other docs for the valid inputs from marker inputs and in those cases None still means 'default'.htm