REmote DIctionary Server(Redis) 是一個由Salvatore Sanfilippo寫的key-value存儲系統。html
Redis是一個開源的使用ANSI C語言編寫、遵照BSD協議、支持網絡、可基於內存亦可持久化的日誌型、Key-Value數據庫,並提供多種語言的API。它一般被稱爲數據結構服務器,由於值(value)能夠是 字符串(String), 哈希(Map), 列表(list), 集合(sets) 和 有序集合(sorted sets)等類型。常常被用做數據庫,緩存和消息代理。它支持數據結構,如字符串,散列,列表,集合,帶有範圍查詢的排序集,位圖,超級日誌,帶有半徑查詢和流的地理空間索引。Redis具備內置複製,Lua腳本,LRU驅逐,事務和不一樣級別的磁盤持久性,並經過Redis Sentinel提供高可用性並使用Redis Cluster自動分區。 python
1. 使用Redis有哪些好處? (1) 速度快,由於數據存在內存中,相似於HashMap,HashMap的優點就是查找和操做的時間複雜度都是O(1) (2) 支持豐富數據類型,支持string,list,set,sorted set,hash (3) 支持事務,操做都是原子性,所謂的原子性就是對數據的更改要麼所有執行,要麼所有不執行 (4) 豐富的特性:可用於緩存,消息,按key設置過時時間,過時後將會自動刪除 2. redis相比memcached有哪些優點? (1) memcached全部的值均是簡單的字符串,redis做爲其替代者,支持更爲豐富的數據類型 (2) redis的速度比memcached快不少 (3) redis能夠持久化其數據 3. redis常見性能問題和解決方案: (1) Master最好不要作任何持久化工做,如RDB內存快照和AOF日誌文件 (2) 若是數據比較重要,某個Slave開啓AOF備份數據,策略設置爲每秒同步一次 (3) 爲了主從複製的速度和鏈接的穩定性,Master和Slave最好在同一個局域網內 (4) 儘可能避免在壓力很大的主庫上增長從庫 (5) 主從複製不要用圖狀結構,用單向鏈表結構更爲穩定,即:Master <- Slave1 <- Slave2 <- Slave3... 這樣的結構方便解決單點故障問題,實現Slave對Master的替換。若是Master掛了,能夠馬上啓用Slave1作Master,其餘不變。 4. MySQL裏有2000w數據,redis中只存20w的數據,如何保證redis中的數據都是熱點數據 相關知識:redis 內存數據集大小上升到必定大小的時候,就會施行數據淘汰策略。redis 提供 6種數據淘汰策略: voltile-lru:從已設置過時時間的數據集(server.db[i].expires)中挑選最近最少使用的數據淘汰 volatile-ttl:從已設置過時時間的數據集(server.db[i].expires)中挑選將要過時的數據淘汰 volatile-random:從已設置過時時間的數據集(server.db[i].expires)中任意選擇數據淘汰 allkeys-lru:從數據集(server.db[i].dict)中挑選最近最少使用的數據淘汰 allkeys-random:從數據集(server.db[i].dict)中任意選擇數據淘汰 no-enviction(驅逐):禁止驅逐數據 5. Memcache與Redis的區別都有哪些? 1)、存儲方式 Memecache把數據所有存在內存之中,斷電後會掛掉,數據不能超過內存大小。 Redis有部份存在硬盤上,這樣能保證數據的持久性。 2)、數據支持類型 Memcache對數據類型支持相對簡單。 Redis有複雜的數據類型。 3),value大小 redis最大能夠達到1GB,而memcache只有1MB 6. Redis 常見的性能問題都有哪些?如何解決? 1).Master寫內存快照,save命令調度rdbSave函數,會阻塞主線程的工做,當快照比較大時對性能影響是很是大的,會間斷性暫停服務,因此Master最好不要寫內存快照。 2).Master AOF持久化,若是不重寫AOF文件,這個持久化方式對性能的影響是最小的,可是AOF文件會不斷增大,AOF文件過大會影響Master重啓的恢復速度。Master最好不要作任何持久化工做,包括內存快照和AOF日誌文件,特別是不要啓用內存快照作持久化,若是數據比較關鍵,某個Slave開啓AOF備份數據,策略爲每秒同步一次。 3).Master調用BGREWRITEAOF重寫AOF文件,AOF在重寫的時候會佔大量的CPU和內存資源,致使服務load太高,出現短暫服務暫停現象。 4). Redis主從複製的性能問題,爲了主從複製的速度和鏈接的穩定性,Slave和Master最好在同一個局域網內 7, redis 最適合的場景 Redis最適合全部數據in-momory的場景,雖然Redis也提供持久化功能,但實際更多的是一個disk-backed的功能,跟傳統意義上的持久化有比較大的差異,那麼可能你們就會有疑問,彷佛Redis更像一個增強版的Memcached,那麼什麼時候使用Memcached,什麼時候使用Redis呢? 若是簡單地比較Redis與Memcached的區別,大多數都會獲得如下觀點: 、Redis不只僅支持簡單的k/v類型的數據,同時還提供list,set,zset,hash等數據結構的存儲。 、Redis支持數據的備份,即master-slave模式的數據備份。 、Redis支持數據的持久化,能夠將內存中的數據保持在磁盤中,重啓的時候能夠再次加載進行使用。 (1)、會話緩存(Session Cache) 最經常使用的一種使用Redis的情景是會話緩存(session cache)。用Redis緩存會話比其餘存儲(如Memcached)的優點在於:Redis提供持久化。當維護一個不是嚴格要求一致性的緩存時,若是用戶的購物車信息所有丟失,大部分人都會不高興的,如今,他們還會這樣嗎? 幸運的是,隨着 Redis 這些年的改進,很容易找到怎麼恰當的使用Redis來緩存會話的文檔。甚至廣爲人知的商業平臺Magento也提供Redis的插件。 (2)、全頁緩存(FPC) 除基本的會話token以外,Redis還提供很簡便的FPC平臺。回到一致性問題,即便重啓了Redis實例,由於有磁盤的持久化,用戶也不會看到頁面加載速度的降低,這是一個極大改進,相似PHP本地FPC。 再次以Magento爲例,Magento提供一個插件來使用Redis做爲全頁緩存後端。 此外,對WordPress的用戶來講,Pantheon有一個很是好的插件 wp-redis,這個插件能幫助你以最快速度加載你曾瀏覽過的頁面。 (3)、隊列 Reids在內存存儲引擎領域的一大優勢是提供 list 和 set 操做,這使得Redis能做爲一個很好的消息隊列平臺來使用。Redis做爲隊列使用的操做,就相似於本地程序語言(如Python)對 list 的 push/pop 操做。 若是你快速的在Google中搜索「Redis queues」,你立刻就能找到大量的開源項目,這些項目的目的就是利用Redis建立很是好的後端工具,以知足各類隊列需求。例如,Celery有一個後臺就是使用Redis做爲broker,你能夠從這裏去查看。 (4),排行榜/計數器 Redis在內存中對數字進行遞增或遞減的操做實現的很是好。集合(Set)和有序集合(Sorted Set)也使得咱們在執行這些操做的時候變的很是簡單,Redis只是正好提供了這兩種數據結構。因此,咱們要從排序集合中獲取到排名最靠前的10個用戶–咱們稱之爲「user_scores」,咱們只須要像下面同樣執行便可: 固然,這是假定你是根據你用戶的分數作遞增的排序。若是你想返回用戶及用戶的分數,你須要這樣執行: ZRANGE user_scores 0 10 WITHSCORES Agora Games就是一個很好的例子,用Ruby實現的,它的排行榜就是使用Redis來存儲數據的,你能夠在這裏看到。 (5)、發佈/訂閱 最後(但確定不是最不重要的)是Redis的發佈/訂閱功能。發佈/訂閱的使用場景確實很是多。我已看見人們在社交網絡鏈接中使用,還可做爲基於發佈/訂閱的腳本觸發器,甚至用Redis的發佈/訂閱功能來創建聊天系統!(不,這是真的,你能夠去核實)。 Redis提供的全部特性中,我感受這個是喜歡的人最少的一個,雖然它爲用戶提供若是此多功能。
1. windowslinux
bind port 6379 requirepass 密碼
yum install redis - redis-server /etc/redis.conf 啓動服務器 或者 wget tar xzf redis-3.0.6.tar.gz cd redis-3.0.6 make vi redis.conf 修改配置文件 - bind - port 6379 - requirepass 0000
src/redis-server redis.conf
src/redis-cli redis> set foo bar OK redis> get foo "bar"
2.hash: 用於存儲對象,對象的格式爲鍵值對。
hset key field value: 設置hash key對象指定數據類型的一個值
hmset key field1 value1 filed2 value2 ...:設置hash key對象多個數據類型的值
hget key field:獲取指定key的指定數據類型的值
hmget key field1 field2 : 獲取key的field1和field中的value
hkeys key : 返回key的field
hlen key:返回key的鍵值的個數
hvals key:返回key的value
hexists key field: 判斷key的field的值是否存在
hdel key filed: 刪除key 的field的值
strlen key field: 判斷key中field的值的長度
3. list
命令:lpush key value: 往列表key的左邊插入一個value
rpush key value:往列表key的右邊插入一個value
linsert key before|after value new_value:往列表key中value前|後插入new_value
lset key index new_value: 將列表key的第index個value設置爲new_value
lpop key:左彈出key列表中的值
rpop key:右彈出key列表中的值
lrange key start end:查看key列表中start-end中的值
命令:sadd key value : 往無序集合key中插入value值,位置隨機
spop key:在無序集合key中隨機彈出集合一個值
smembers key:查看無序集合key中的全部元素
scard key:查看無序集合key的值的個數
命令:zadd key score1 value1 score2 value2 : 向有序集合key中添加value1,value2並制定相應權重
zrem key value:刪除有序集合中的value
zrange key start end:查看有序集合中start-end中的值
zcard key:查看有序集合中元素的個數
zsocre key value:查看有序集合key中value的score
zcount key min max:查看有序集合key中score在min-max之間的元素
1. 安裝
pip install redis
2. 建立鏈接
from redis import Redis, ConnectionPool # 建立鏈接 result = Redis(host='', port=6379) print(result.keys())
3. 使用鏈接池
from redis import Redis, ConnectionPool # 鏈接池 pool = ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379) conn = Redis(connection_pool=pool) # print(conn.keys()) # print(conn.smembers('visited_urls')) print(conn.smembers('dupefilter:test_scrapy_redis'))
import redis # 最簡單的單例模式:寫一個py文件導入 from redis_pool import POOL while True: key = input('請輸入key:') value = input('請輸入value:') # 去鏈接池中獲取鏈接 conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=POOL) # 設置值 conn.set(key, value)
redis = { k1:'123', 字符串 k2:[1,2,3,4,5], 列表 k3:{1,2,3,4}, 集合 k4:{name:'root','age':23}, 字典 k5:{('alex',60),('eva-j',80),('rt',70),},有序集合 }
- 基本操做
# 將字典name的key設置爲value hset(self, name, key, value):
# 若字典name的key不存在時將value設置給key,不然不設置 hsetnx(self, name, key, value): hmset(self, name, mapping): # 獲取字典的值
# 獲取單個key的值 hget(self, name, key):
# 獲取多個key的值 hmget(self, name, keys, *args):
# 獲取字典name全部的值 hgetall(self, name):
# 獲取字典name全部的key hkeys(self, name):
# 獲取字典name全部的value hvals(self, name): # 判斷某個key是否存在 hexists(self, name, key): # 獲取字典name元素的長度 hlen(self, name):
# 獲取字典name的指定key的value的長度 hstrlen(self, name, key): # 刪除字典的key hdel(self, name, *keys): # 計數器 hincrby(self, name, key, amount=1): hincrbyfloat(self, name, key, amount=1.0): # 性能相關:迭代器 hscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None): hscan_iter(self, name, match=None, count=None):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/1/25 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='0000', max_connections=1000) conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) # 字典 """ redis = { k4:{ 'username': 'zhangyafei', 'age': 23, } } """ # 1. 建立字典 # conn.hset('k4','username','zhangyafei') # conn.hset('k4','age',23) # conn.hsetnx('k4','username','root') # 若key不存在則將value賦值給key, 若是賦值成功則返回1,不然返回0 # conn.hsetnx('k4', 'hobby', 'basketball') # conn.hmset('k4',{'username':'zhangyafei','age':23}) # 2. 獲取字典的值 # 獲取一個值 val = conn.hget('k4', 'username') # b'zhangyafei' # print(val) # 獲取多個值 # vals = conn.mget('k4', ['username','age']) # vals = conn.mget('k4', 'username','age') # {b'username': b'zhangyafei', b'age': b'23'} # 獲取全部值 vals = conn.hgetall('k4') # {b'username': b'zhangyafei', b'age': b'23'} print(vals) # 獲取長度 lens = conn.hlen('k4') # 2 str_lens = conn.hstrlen('k4', 'username') # 10 keys = conn.hkeys('k4') # [b'username', b'age'] values = conn.hvals('k4') # [b'zhangyafei', b'23'] judge = conn.hexists('k4', 'username') # True # conn.hdel('k4', 'age', 'username') # print(conn.hkeys('k4')) # [] # 計算器 # print(conn.hget('k4', 'age')) # conn.hincrby('k4','age',amount=2) # conn.hincrbyfloat('k4','age',amount=-1.5) # print(conn.hget('k4', 'age')) # 問題:若是redis的k4對應的字典中有1000w條數據,請打印全部數據 # 不可取:redis取到數據以後,服務器內存沒法承受,爆棧 # result = conn.hgetall('k4') # print(result) for item in conn.hscan_iter('k4'): print(item)
def blpop(self, keys, timeout=0): """ LPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to LPOP, then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists. If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] else: keys = list(keys) keys.append(timeout) return self.execute_command('BLPOP', *keys) def brpop(self, keys, timeout=0): """ RPOP a value off of the first non-empty list named in the ``keys`` list. If none of the lists in ``keys`` has a value to RPOP, then block for ``timeout`` seconds, or until a value gets pushed on to one of the lists. If timeout is 0, then block indefinitely. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 if isinstance(keys, basestring): keys = [keys] else: keys = list(keys) keys.append(timeout) return self.execute_command('BRPOP', *keys) def brpoplpush(self, src, dst, timeout=0): """ Pop a value off the tail of ``src``, push it on the head of ``dst`` and then return it. This command blocks until a value is in ``src`` or until ``timeout`` seconds elapse, whichever is first. A ``timeout`` value of 0 blocks forever. """ if timeout is None: timeout = 0 return self.execute_command('BRPOPLPUSH', src, dst, timeout) def lindex(self, name, index): """ Return the item from list ``name`` at position ``index`` Negative indexes are supported and will return an item at the end of the list """ return self.execute_command('LINDEX', name, index) def linsert(self, name, where, refvalue, value): """ Insert ``value`` in list ``name`` either immediately before or after [``where``] ``refvalue`` Returns the new length of the list on success or -1 if ``refvalue`` is not in the list. """ return self.execute_command('LINSERT', name, where, refvalue, value) def llen(self, name): "Return the length of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LLEN', name) def lpop(self, name): "Remove and return the first item of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LPOP', name) def lpush(self, name, *values): "Push ``values`` onto the head of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('LPUSH', name, *values) def lpushx(self, name, value): "Push ``value`` onto the head of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists" return self.execute_command('LPUSHX', name, value) def lrange(self, name, start, end): """ Return a slice of the list ``name`` between position ``start`` and ``end`` ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation """ return self.execute_command('LRANGE', name, start, end) def lrem(self, name, count, value): """ Remove the first ``count`` occurrences of elements equal to ``value`` from the list stored at ``name``. The count argument influences the operation in the following ways: count > 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from head to tail. count < 0: Remove elements equal to value moving from tail to head. count = 0: Remove all elements equal to value. """ return self.execute_command('LREM', name, count, value) def lset(self, name, index, value): "Set ``position`` of list ``name`` to ``value``" return self.execute_command('LSET', name, index, value) def ltrim(self, name, start, end): """ Trim the list ``name``, removing all values not within the slice between ``start`` and ``end`` ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative numbers just like Python slicing notation """ return self.execute_command('LTRIM', name, start, end) def rpop(self, name): "Remove and return the last item of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('RPOP', name) def rpoplpush(self, src, dst): """ RPOP a value off of the ``src`` list and atomically LPUSH it on to the ``dst`` list. Returns the value. """ return self.execute_command('RPOPLPUSH', src, dst) def rpush(self, name, *values): "Push ``values`` onto the tail of the list ``name``" return self.execute_command('RPUSH', name, *values) def rpushx(self, name, value): "Push ``value`` onto the tail of the list ``name`` if ``name`` exists" return self.execute_command('RPUSHX', name, value) def sort(self, name, start=None, num=None, by=None, get=None, desc=False, alpha=False, store=None, groups=False): """ Sort and return the list, set or sorted set at ``name``. ``start`` and ``num`` allow for paging through the sorted data ``by`` allows using an external key to weight and sort the items. Use an "*" to indicate where in the key the item value is located ``get`` allows for returning items from external keys rather than the sorted data itself. Use an "*" to indicate where int he key the item value is located ``desc`` allows for reversing the sort ``alpha`` allows for sorting lexicographically rather than numerically ``store`` allows for storing the result of the sort into the key ``store`` ``groups`` if set to True and if ``get`` contains at least two elements, sort will return a list of tuples, each containing the values fetched from the arguments to ``get``. """ if (start is not None and num is None) or \ (num is not None and start is None): raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified") pieces = [name] if by is not None: pieces.append(Token.get_token('BY')) pieces.append(by) if start is not None and num is not None: pieces.append(Token.get_token('LIMIT')) pieces.append(start) pieces.append(num) if get is not None: # If get is a string assume we want to get a single value. # Otherwise assume it's an interable and we want to get multiple # values. We can't just iterate blindly because strings are # iterable. if isinstance(get, basestring): pieces.append(Token.get_token('GET')) pieces.append(get) else: for g in get: pieces.append(Token.get_token('GET')) pieces.append(g) if desc: pieces.append(Token.get_token('DESC')) if alpha: pieces.append(Token.get_token('ALPHA')) if store is not None: pieces.append(Token.get_token('STORE')) pieces.append(store) if groups: if not get or isinstance(get, basestring) or len(get) < 2: raise DataError('when using "groups" the "get" argument ' 'must be specified and contain at least ' 'two keys') options = {'groups': len(get) if groups else None} return self.execute_command('SORT', *pieces, **options)
# 左插入 conn.lpush('k1', 11) conn.lpush('k1', 22) # 右插入 conn.rpush('k1', 33) # 左獲取 val = conn.lpop('k1') val = conn.blpop('k1', timeout=10) # 夯住 # 右獲取 val = conn.rpop('k1') val = conn.brpop('k1', timeout=10) # 夯住
def list_iter(key, count=3): index = 0 while True: data_list = conn.lrange(key, index, index+count-1) if not data_list: return index += count for item in data_list: yield item result = conn.lrange('k1', 0, 100) print(result) # [b'22', b'11', b'33'] for item in list_iter('k1', 3): print(item)
添加 def set(self, name, value, ex=None, px=None, nx=False, xx=False): def append(self, key, value): def mset(self, *args, **kwargs): def msetnx(self, *args, **kwargs): def setex(self, name, value, time): def setnx(self, name, value): 刪除 def delete(self, *names): 修改 def setrange(self, name, offset, value): def decr(self, name, amount=1): def incr(self, name, amount=1): def incrbyfloat(self, name, amount=1.0): def expire(self, name, time): 查詢 def mget(self, keys, *args): def exists(self, name): def get(self, name): def getrange(self, key, start, end): def getset(self, name, value): def keys(self, pattern='*'): def strlen(self, name):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/2/1 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='0000', max_connections=1000) conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) # 添加 conn.set('str_k', 'hello') # 爲指定key設置value # {'str_k':'hello'} conn.mset({'str_k':'hello','str_k1':'world'}) # 設置多個key/value # {'str_k':'hello', 'str_k1':'world'} conn.msetnx({'str_k':'msetnx_hello'}) # 若當前key未設定, 則基於mapping設置key/value,結果返回True或False # {'str_k':'hello'} conn.setex('str_k2', 'str_v2', 2) # 秒 conn.decr('num', amount=1) conn.incr('num', amount=1) conn.incrbyfloat('num', amount='1.5') # 刪除 conn.delete('str_k1') # 修改 conn.append('str_k', ' world') # 爲指定key添加value # {'str_k':'hello world'} conn.setrange('str_k', 5, 'world') # 在key對應的的value指定位置上設置值 # b'helloworld' # 查詢 print(conn.get('str_k')) print(conn.get('num')) print(conn.getrange('str_k', 0, 100)) print(conn.keys()) print(conn.strlen('str_k')) # 長度 print(conn.exists('str_k')) conn.expire('str_k1', 5) print(conn.get('str_k1')) # 添加並查詢 print(conn.getset('str_k2', 'str_v2')) # b'str_v2'
添加 def sadd(self, name, *values): 刪除 def spop(self, name): def srem(self, name, *values): 修改 def smove(self, src, dst, value): 查詢 # 判斷value是否在key的value中 def sismember(self, name, value): # 取出key爲name的全部元素 def smembers(self, name): # 隨機取出key爲name的指定個數元素 def srandmember(self, name, number=None): # 元素個數 def scard(self, name): # 差集 def sdiff(self, keys, *args): def sdiffstore(self, dest, keys, *args): # 交集 def sinter(self, keys, *args): def sinterstore(self, dest, keys, *args): # 並集 def sunion(self, keys, *args): def sunionstore(self, dest, keys, *args):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/2/1 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='0000', max_connections=1000) conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) """ { 'set_k':{v1,v2,v3}, } """ # 添加 # conn.sadd('set_k', 3, 4, 5, 6) # conn.sadd('set_k1', 3, 4, 5, 6) # 刪除 # print(conn.spop('set_k')) # conn.srem('set_k', 2) # 修改 # conn.smove('set_k', 'set_k1', 1) # 查詢 print(conn.smembers('set_k')) print(conn.smembers('set_k1')) # print(conn.srandmember('set_k', 3)) # print(conn.scard('set_k')) # print(conn.sismember('set_k', 2)) print(conn.sdiff('set_k','set_k1')) # 集合之差 conn.sdiffstore('set_k_k1', 'set_k', 'set_k1') print(conn.smembers('set_k_k1')) print(conn.sinter('set_k', 'set_k1')) # 集合交集 conn.sinterstore('set_k_k1_inter', 'set_k', 'set_k1') print(conn.smembers('set_k_k1_inter')) print(conn.sunion('set_k', 'set_k1')) # 集合並集 conn.sunionstore('set_k_k1_union', 'set_k', 'set_k1') print(conn.smembers('set_k_k1_union'))
添加 def zadd(self, name, *args, **kwargs): 刪除 def zrem(self, name, *values): def zremrangebyrank(self, name, min, max): # 刪除等級最大者 def zremrangebyscore(self, name, min, max): # 刪除分數最小者 查詢 # 查詢start-end個數,按分數從小到大 def zrange(self, name, start, end, desc=False, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): # 查詢分數在Min,max之間的元素 def zrangebyscore(self, name, min, max, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): def zrank(self, name, value): # 等級 def zcard(self, name): # 個數 def zscore(self, name, value): # 得分 def zrevrange(self, name, start, end, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): # 逆序:分數從大到小排序 def zrevrangebyscore(self, name, max, min, start=None, num=None, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float): # 分數處於Min,max之間的從大到小排序
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/2/1 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, password='0000', max_connections=1000) conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool) """ { 'set_k':{ {v1: score1}, {v2: score2}, {v3: score3}, }, } """ # # 添加 # conn.zadd('zset_k', 'math', 99, 'english', 80, 'chinese', 85, 'sport', 100, 'music', 60) # # # 刪除 # conn.zrem('zset_k', 'music') # conn.zremrangebyrank('zset_k', 0, 0) # 按等級大小刪除, 刪除等級在第min-max個值 # conn.zremrangebyscore('zset_k', 0, 90) # 按分數範圍刪除, Min < x < max之間的刪除 # 查詢 print(conn.zrange('zset_k', 0, 100)) print(conn.zrevrange('zset_k', 0, 100)) # score從小到大排序, 默認小值先出, 廣度優先 results = conn.zrangebyscore('zset_k', 0, 100) print(results) print(conn.zcard('zset_k')) print(conn.zcount('zset_k', 0, 90)) print(conn.zrank('zset_k', 'chinese')) print(conn.zscore('zset_k', 'chinese')) print(conn.zrange('zset_k', 0, 100))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/1/8 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis class FifoQueue(object): def __init__(self): """ 先進先出隊列:利用redis中的列表,雙端隊列改成先進先出隊列 """ self.server = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379) def push(self, request): """Push a request""" self.server.lpush('USERS', request) def pop(self, timeout=0): """Pop a request""" data = self.server.rpop('USERS') return data if __name__ == '__main__': q = FifoQueue() q.push(11) q.push(22) q.push(33) print(q.pop()) print(q.pop()) print(q.pop())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/1/8 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis class LifoQueue(object): """Per-spider LIFO queue.""" def __init__(self): self.server = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379) def push(self, request): """Push a request""" self.server.lpush("USERS", request) def pop(self, timeout=0): """Pop a request""" data = self.server.lpop('USERS') return data if __name__ == '__main__': q = LifoQueue() q.push(11) q.push(22) q.push(33) print(q.pop()) print(q.pop()) print(q.pop())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/1/8 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ import redis class PriorityQueue(object): """Per-spider priority queue abstraction using redis' sorted set""" def __init__(self): self.server = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379) def push(self, request,score): """Push a request""" # data = self._encode_request(request) # score = -request.priority # We don't use zadd method as the order of arguments change depending on # whether the class is Redis or StrictRedis, and the option of using # kwargs only accepts strings, not bytes. self.server.execute_command('ZADD', 'xxxxxx', score, request) def pop(self, timeout=0): """ Pop a request timeout not support in this queue class """ # use atomic range/remove using multi/exec pipe = self.server.pipeline() pipe.multi() pipe.zrange('xxxxxx', 0, 0).zremrangebyrank('xxxxxx', 0, 0) results, count = pipe.execute() if results: return results[0] if __name__ == '__main__': q = PriorityQueue() # q.push('alex',99) # 廣度優先:分值小的優先 # q.push('oldboy',56) # q.push('eric',77) q.push('alex',-99) # 深度優先:分值大的優先 q.push('oldboy',-56) q.push('eric',-77) v1 = q.pop() print(v1) v2 = q.pop() print(v2) v3 = q.pop() print(v3)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @Datetime: 2019/1/8 @Author: Zhang Yafei """ from scrapy_redis import queue import redis conn = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379) conn.zadd('score',alex=79, oldboy=33,eric=73) # print(conn.keys()) v = conn.zrange('score',0,8,desc=True) print(v) pipe = conn.pipeline() pipe.multi() pipe.zrange("score", 0, 0).zremrangebyrank('score', 0, 0) results, count = pipe.execute() print(results,count)
import redis POOL = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, max_connections=1000)
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse from app01.utils.redis_pool import POOL from redis import Redis def index(request): conn = Redis(connection_pool=POOL) conn.hset('kkk', 'age', 18) return HttpResponse('設置成功') def order(request): conn = Redis(connection_pool=POOL) val = conn.hget('kkk','age') return HttpResponse('獲取成功{}'.format(val))
pip install django-redis
CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://", "OPTIONS": { "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", "CONNECTION_POOL_KWARGS": {"max_connections": 100}, # "PASSWORD": "密碼", } }, "back": { "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://", "OPTIONS": { "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", "CONNECTION_POOL_KWARGS": {"max_connections": 100}, "PASSWORD": "0000", } }, }
from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse from django_redis import get_redis_connection def index(request): conn = get_redis_connection('back') conn.hset('kkk', 'age', 18) return HttpResponse('設置成功') def order(request): conn = get_redis_connection('back') val = conn.hget('kkk','age') return HttpResponse('獲取成功{}'.format(val))
a. 全站緩存
MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware', # 其餘中間件... 'django.middleware.cache.FetchFromCacheMiddleware', ] CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS = "" CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS = "" CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX = ""
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page @cache_page(60 * 15) def index(request): # conn = Redis(connection_pool=POOL) conn = get_redis_connection('back') conn.hset('kkk', 'age', 18) return HttpResponse('設置成功')
<body> <h1>asdfasdfasdf</h1> <div> asdf </div> {# 將指定局部頁面放到緩存中的key中#} {% cache 5000 key %} <div></div> {% endcache %} </body>
# 緩存放在redis配置 CACHES = { "default": { "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://", "OPTIONS": { "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", "CONNECTION_POOL_KWARGS": {"max_connections": 100}, # "PASSWORD": "密碼", } }, } # 緩存放在文件 CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache', 'LOCATION': '/var/tmp/django_cache', } } # 緩存放在MemcachedCache CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } }