標籤(空格分隔): 經濟學人git
New ways of selling books clash with France’s old pricing rulesweb
Can a 「one book, one price」 principle survive e-commerce?windows
A book is so much more than mere ink and paper. So insist French booksellers, who for nearly four decades have successfully lobbied to keep the forces of the free market at bay.api
The plans put oil companies in a head-on clash with environmentalists. 這些計劃使石油公司和環境保護主義者發生了正面衝突。less
The company managed to survive the crisis.公司設法渡過了危機。ide
【古詩文鑑賞】順天者存,逆天者亡。Those who follow the Heaven’s law will survive; those who go against it will perish.post
lobby against sth try to persuade people in power not to approve (sth such as a law)遊說當權者不要經過(某項法案等);經過政治活動、寫信等防止(某事)ui
The cotton farmers from the South lobbied against a law to allow importing cotton from Egypt.南方的棉農對議員進行遊說,反對經過一項准許從埃及進口棉花的法律。this
lobby for sth try to persuade people in power to approve (sth such as a law) or take (action); try to obtain (sth) by political action, writing letter, etc.疏通,遊說當權者批准(某處法案)或採起(某種活動);試圖經過遊說或疏通活動得到(某物) They are lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.他們正在爲減小國防開支而遊說議員。
【近義詞辨析】lobby/dissuade/ persuade這組詞均可以表示「使某人相信或贊成」。其區別是:
*lobby 特指遊說議員而使議案得以經過;
*persuade 的意思是「說服」,指經過情感、意願等辦法說服某人從而去作所但願的事。We're trying to persuade manufacturers to sell them here.咱們正在努力勸說製造商在這裏銷售。
*dissuade 的意思是「勸阻」,意指經過勸說讓某人別幹某件冒險、不明智或預計產生不良後果的事。I tried to dissuade him from giving up his job.我勸過他,讓他不要放棄本身的工做。
I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay.我在竭力避開債主。
Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.夏洛特咬住嘴脣不讓眼淚流出來。
A law passed in 1981 bans the sale of any book at anything other than the price decreed by its publisher. Authorities are cracking down on those trying to flog the latest Thomas Piketty or J.K. Rowling at a discount.
The government decreed a state of emergency.政府下令進入緊急狀態。
The government has cracked down on informal sources of financing from which much vc funding has flowed, for example. 好比,政府打擊了非正式融資來源,而大量風投資金正是從這些渠道而來。[經濟學人:Unicorns in winter]
【相似表達】clamp down on sth
Last year regulators focused on the financial system, clamping down, for instance, on borrowing to buy bonds. 去年,監管機構專一於治理金融體系,例如限制借錢買債券。[經濟學人:Life After Digging]
a military crackdown on student protesters 對抗議的學生實行的軍事鎮壓
【近義詞辨析】 break / burst / crack / crush / fracture / shatter / smash這些動詞都可以表示「打破、弄碎」
*break :經常使用詞,含義普遍,多指猛然用力將堅硬物打破或損壞。All the windows broke with the force of the blast.爆炸的力量震碎了全部的窗戶。
*burst :指某物因內部外部壓力過大而出現嚴重破裂、爆開或帳破。That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.你再給氣球充氣,它就要爆了。
The ice cracked as I stepped onto it.我一踩冰就裂了。
*crush: 指用力把東西壓破或變形。
The car was completely crushed under the truck.小轎車被卡車壓得徹底變形了。
*fracture: 比crack的破裂程度更深更嚴重,常指斷裂,醫學上指骨折。
His leg fractured in two places.他的一條腿有兩處骨折。
*shatter : 指破裂爲許多支離破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor.他失手把花瓶掉到地板上摔碎了。
*smash :(嘩啦一聲)打碎,打破,破碎指忽然而猛烈地重擊某物,使之破碎或徹底變形。
Several windows had been smashed.幾扇窗戶劈里啪啦打碎了。
flog 做動詞也有「鞭打」的意思,拓展一個寫做
推薦使用的地道表達:flog a dead horse字面意義是「鞭打一匹已經死掉的馬」;引伸義「作徒勞無益的事」 You're beating /flogging a dead horse by trying to persuade Simon to go to Spain with us. 你勸西蒙跟咱們一塊兒去西班牙是在白費功夫。【寫做推薦】
【相似表達】be a wasted effort 白費力氣
in vain 枉費心機;徒勞無益;白費力氣
discount n.折扣 它一般用在表示某個具體的折扣,好比:They're offering a 10% discount on all sofas this month.本月他們給沙發售價通通打九折。
*cut-rate adj.costing less than standard price打折扣的
cut-rate goods打折商品
*cut-price adj.打折扣的 cut-price supermarkets 折價超市
*on sale 打折
They were all on sale, so we saved some money! 它們都在打折,因此咱們省了些錢。(for sale強調待售,on sale是促銷,on sale更經常使用的口語含義就是"大減價"。)
I got something on sale. 我趁打折的時候買了一點東西。這裏也能夠用bought(buy)表示「買」,但got更加地道和口語化。
必定要注意打折是on sale而不是on sales。sales一般用在:sales assistant售貨員 /sales department 銷售部
*「數字%+ off」也是「打折」的意思,好比:30% off 打七折, 20% off 打八折 They're offering a 10% discount on all sofas this month. 本月他們給沙發售價通通打九折。
The fixed-price rule is meant to keep customers loyal to their local bookshop and out of the clutches of supermarkets and hypercapitaliste American corporations.
But the advent of e-commerce and e-readers has prompted questions worthy of their own tomes. Can you fix the price of a book if it is part of an all-you-can-read subscription service? Are audiobooks books at all? And what of authors who self-publish?
fixed adj.固定的fixed prices固訂價格 people living on fixed incomes靠固定收入生活的人們
set adj.固定的Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern.在咱們家,天天上午的生活老是遵循一種固定的模式。
the advent of the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.(重要事件、人物、發明等的)出現,到來
The advent of AI technology changes our life beyond recognition. 人工智能技術的出現大大改變了咱們的生活。【寫做推薦】
tome n.|təʊm |(formal) a large heavy book, especially one dealing with a serious topic (尤指理論性的)大部頭書,鉅著
subscription 指「訂閱,訂購」,an annual subscription 訂購一年的費用。
若是想表達「訂購、訂閱某物」須要用到介詞to:a subscription to sth
好比訂閱經濟學人,能夠說take out a subscription to The Economist或者直接用動詞subscribe:subscribe to The Economist
clutches n. 控制;手;離合器;緊急關頭
hypercapitaliste 超級資本主義
advent n. 出現, 到來
Tweaks have been made to preserve the principle of one book, one price. In 2011 the rule began to apply to digital tomes.Free delivery by online sellers was prohibited on the grounds it implied a subsidy on the delivered books (prompting websites to charge all of 0.01 for postage). But a new challenge to the policy is proving thornier.
[經濟學人.Epic Fall] Facebook seems to think it only needs to tweak its approach. Facebook彷佛認爲本身只需微調方式方法
make deliveries 送貨,送快遞
home delivery service 送貨上門
pick up post 取快遞
on …grounds 以…爲由,由於
He retired from the job on health grounds .他因健康緣由退職。
no grounds for sth. 沒理由…
You have no grounds for complaint.你沒有理由抱怨。
be thin on the ground意思是「不是隨處可見,少有的」
與之相反,be thick on the ground 表示「隨處可見,處處都是」好比Cheap houses aren't as thick on the ground as they used to be.廉價房再也不像從前那樣隨處可見了。
sth has become fertile ground for sth.
fertile ground本義是「肥沃的土壤」,該句型可理解爲「成爲…的溫牀,成爲…的沃土」,好比談到社交媒體的影響,咱們能夠說:Social network has become fertile ground for stalking, harassment and cyber bullies. 【寫做推薦】
prepare the ground (for sth) = pave the way (for sb/sth) v.(爲…)鋪平道路,創造條件,(爲…)準備條件,鋪路.
The mushroom development of technology will pave the way for improving our economy. 科學技術的迅猛發展將爲咱們改善經濟情況鋪平道路.
All prices include postage and packing .全部的價格都包括郵資和包裝費。
thorny ['θɔ:ni] 來源於名詞thorn。thorn指「植物莖上的刺」,其對應的形容詞thorny義爲「多刺的;帶刺的」,引伸義爲「棘手的;麻煩的;引發爭議的」(causing difficulty or disagreement),是一個很形象的小詞。
《經濟學人》在報道馬雲卸任以及劉強東事件時也用到了這個詞:The two events have concentrated minds on a thorny, long-standing problem in Chinese corporate governance: 「key-man risk」. 這兩起事件突顯了中國企業管理中存在的一個棘手的、長期存在的問題:「關鍵人風險」。
Used books are exempt from the pricing rule. Third-party sellers on Amazon are accused of using this as a way to apply forbidden discounts: selling brand-new books as 「second-hand」 to make them cheaper.
So fans of bleak fiction can purchase a copy of the latest Michel Houellebecq novel, 「Sérotonine」, for 11.71 ($13.21) on Amazon, roughly half its mandated price. Its seller claims it is in 「perfectly new」 condition.
Charities are exempted from paying the tax. 慈善團體免付這項稅款。 His bad eyesight exempted him from military service. 他因視力很差而免服兵役。
brand-new adj.全新的,嶄新的=fire-new
mandate [ˈmændeɪt] v. to tell someone that they must do a particular thing 命令,指示;強制規定
Justice mandates that we should treat all candidates equally. 公平原則要求咱們應該平等地對待全部的候選人。
Amazon claims its practices are legal. But booksellers are fuming, and their political allies with them. 「This is a major preoccupation,」 complained Franck Riester, the culture minister, at a booksellers’ shindig this week. He says new legislation may be needed.
She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam. 她坐在汽車裏,心中對交通堵塞感到十分惱火。
By now this had become a major preoccupation for him. 如今這已成爲他的當務之急.
Their chief preoccupation was how to feed their families. 他們關注的首要事情是如何養家餬口.
【相似表達】priority n. [praɪ`ɔrətɪ] 優先事項;最重要的事;當務之急
The government's priority is to build more power plants. 政府的首要任務是建造更多的發電站。
allies n. 同盟國;同盟者;助手;夥伴
shindig n. 狂歡會,舞會,吵鬧,騷動