

標籤(空格分隔): 經濟學人安全


Part 1

Obituary Li Wenliang
The man who knew網絡

Dr Li Wenliang, one of the first to raise the alarm about a new coronavirus, died of it on February 7th, aged 33app

訃告 李文亮

  • Obituary n. 訃告

Part 2

Busy though he was as an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central hospital, rushed off his feet, Li Wenliang never missed a chance to chat about his favourite things on Weibo. Food, in particular.post


  • coronavirus 冠狀病毒是一種分佈普遍的、感染哺乳動物和禽類的病毒羣;置於電子顯微鏡下呈現王冠造型,所以得名。網站

  • ophthalmologist n.眼科醫生this

  • rush off ones feet 很是繁忙(If you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy.)【寫做優選】

We used to be rushed off our feet at lunchtimes. 之前咱們在午餐時間會忙得不可開交。orm

  • in particular 尤爲, 特別

Part 3

①Since he shared every passing observation online, it was not surprising that on December 30th he put up a post about an odd cluster of pneumonia cases at the hospital. ②They were unexplained, but the patients were in quarantine, and they had all worked in the same place, the pungent litter-strewn warren of stalls that made up the local seafood market.


  • chat v./n.聊天,閒聊

  • chat about sth. with sb.和某人聊某事

chat-show (電視或電臺的)訪談節目

a chat-show host 訪談節目主持人

  • put up a post about sth.發關於某事的帖子

put up 公佈,post做動詞爲「發佈,張貼」此處做名詞意爲「帖子」


give ... a like / thumb-up 點贊

I'll give that a like.我要去給那點個贊。I'll give him a thumb-up. 我要給他點個贊。

hit the like button 點贊

Please hit the like button if you learn something.若是你學到了東西,別忘了點贊。


I unfollowed that official account.我取關了那個公衆號。

post something on Moments 發朋友圈

I would really love to share my joys and sorrows on my Wechat moments. 我很樂意在微信朋友圈上分享個人喜與悲。

block/ shield sb屏蔽

I had no choice but to block her. 沒轍,我只能屏蔽她。

blacklist 拉黑;黑名單


Blacklisting your ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends is definitely the optimal way to prove your love to your current girlfriend or boyfriend. 拉黑你的前任絕對是給現任證實愛意的最佳方式。

You were mentioned 有人@你

Don't forget to notify me./ Don't forget to give me a mention. 記得@我一下。

send a sticker 發一個表情

She sent a sticker to comment the photo.她發了一個表情來評論這張照片。

forward 轉發


He forwarded a message to me, warning me of keeping an eye on that guy. 他轉發了一條消息給我,提醒我要留心那個傢伙。

unfriend 刪好友英語裏面名詞活用爲動詞的狀況不少,像friend就能夠表示在社交網站或app上「加好友",而unfriend天然就是「刪好友」的意思了。

She unfriended Laura after having a catfight with her without any hesitation.她和勞拉撕逼以後果斷刪好友。

subscribe to訂閱像公衆號、服務號這樣的東西,咱們除了一樣能夠用follow(關注)以外,更多時候用的是subscribe to(訂閱)。

I subscribed to this official account on Wechat to always keep myself updated on the latest news and trending topics. 我訂閱了微信公衆號來時刻讓本身緊跟最新時事和熱點。

  • odd adj.古怪的=strange

odds n. (事物發生的)可能性,機率,概率,機會

the odds/ chances of sth(事情發生的)可能性

You can narrow the odds of a nasty accident happening in your home by being more safety-conscious.經過加強安全意識,就能夠減小危險的意外事故在家中發生的可能性。Our chances of victory are dwindling. 咱們獲勝的可能性正在逐漸下降。(注意odds和chances都要用複數)

【電影賞析】《飢餓遊戲》講述的是12個地區每一年都必須進貢少年男女,參加一檔電視直播節目「飢餓遊戲」(Hunger Game)。節目的規則很簡單——殺人或者被殺。凱妮絲的妹妹不幸在12區「選擇日」時被選中,爲保護妹妹,凱妮絲挺身而出要替妹妹上場與其餘23我的展開廝殺。電影中有一句經典臺詞:Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor. 飢餓遊戲快樂,但願好運永遠眷顧你。

這裏the odds are in someone's favour表示「(某人)極可能取得成功」 in one's favour表示「有利於某人;有助於某人」

  • a cluster of 一組,一羣

a cluster of spectators一羣旁觀者

  • pneumonia n. a serious illness affecting one or both lungs that makes breathing difficult 肺炎

  • 處於隔離狀態:be in quarantine

She was sent home to Oxford and put in quarantine... 她被送回牛津的家中隔離起來。

No mammals other than people may enter the country without lengthy quarantine. 除人以外,全部的哺乳動物進入這個國家都必須通過長期隔離。

  • pungent [ˈpʌn.dʒənt] adj.
  1. having a strong taste or smell 味道(或氣味)強烈的;刺激性的

the pungent smell of burning rubber 燒橡膠的刺鼻氣味

  1. direct and having a strong effect 說穿的;一語道破的;一針見血的

pungent criticism 一針見血的批評

  • litter-strewn 垃圾遍地
  • warren n. 過度擁擠的場所
  • stalls n. 廄, 畜欄

Part 4

③Immediately this looked like person-to-person transmission to him, even if it might have come initially from bats, or some other delicacy. ④Immediately, too, it raised the spectre of the sars virus of 2002-03 which had killed more than 700 people. ⑤He therefore decided to warn his private WeChat group, all fellow alumni from Wuhan University, to take precautions. ⑥He headed the post: 「Seven cases of sars in the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market」. ⑦That was his mistake.


  • person-to-person transmission 人傳人

  • delicacy n.a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place 精美的食物;佳餚=speciality

local delicacies 當地的美味佳餚

dish 也能夠表示「一道菜;菜餚」,好比 a vegetarian dish 一道素菜,a cold dish 冷餐,the chef's dish 主廚特點菜。

  • raised the spectre of the sars virus 勾起對SARS病毒的恐慌

  • spectre n.['spektə(r)] something unpleasant that people are afraid might happen in the future 恐懼;恐慌;憂慮

These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.幾星期來的乾旱再次引發了羣衆對大饑荒的恐慌。

  • WeChat group 微信羣

  • alumni n.[plural](統稱)校友,畢業生

  • take precautions 採起預防措施

  • head v.標題爲 If a piece of writing is headed a particular title, it has that title written at the beginning of it.【熟詞僻義】

One chapter is headed, 'Beating the Test'. 有一章的標題爲「打敗考試」。

Part 5

①The trouble was that he did not know whether it was actually sars. ②He had posted it too fast. ③In an hour he corrected it, explaining that although it was a coronavirus, like sars, it had not been identified yet. ④But to his horror he was too late: his first post had already gone viral, with his name and occupation undeleted, so that in the middle of the night he was called in for a dressing down at the hospital, and January 3rd he was summoned to the police station.


  • identify v. to recognize sb/sth and be able to say who or what they are 確認;認出;鑑定

First of all we must identify the problem areas.首先咱們必須找出問題所在。

identity n.[aɪˈdentəti] who or what sb/sth is 身份;自己;本體

The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. 警方正努力調查殺人兇手的身份。Do you have any proof of identity? 你有身份證實嗎?

【記憶方法】咱們每一個人的身份證英文是 ID card,它的全稱就是 identity或 identification

You must carry ID at all times. 你必須隨身攜帶身份證件。

identical [aɪˈdentɪkl] adj. 徹底相同的

  • go viral 病毒式擴散;瘋狂傳播

viral 是virus病毒的形容詞形式「病毒的;病毒性的」 ,a viral infection 病毒性感染 a viral email 傳播病毒郵件

  • occupation [ɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən] n. [C] a job or profession 工做;職業

Please state your name, age and occupation below. 請在下面寫明姓名、年齡和職業。


  • a dressing down n.訓斥,痛斥 dress sb down v.訓斥;責罵

  • summon v. (formal) to order sb to appear in court 傳喚,傳訊(出庭)

He was summoned to appear before the magistrates. 他被傳喚在地方法院出庭。


好比:召喚服務員就是 summon the waiter/叫車打車 summon the taxi

hail [heɪl] 本義是「呼喊,大聲招呼 hail a taxi打車

打車 App則是a ride-hailing App

叫車服務則是ride-hailing services,好比《經濟學人》一篇談交通擁堵的文章提到:Ride-hailing services might introduce multi-passenger vehicles and split travel costs across riders (they could call them 「buses」).幸運的是,歷史也提供了一個解決方案:公共交通。叫車服務可能會引入多乘客車輛,並在乘客之間分攤費用(能夠稱之爲「巴士」)。

hail更常見的動詞用法是hail sb / sth as sth,指「把…稱讚爲,把…譽爲」,經常使用做被動語態「be hailed as」好比The Wandering Earth is hailed as China's biggest sci-fi movie to date.流浪地球被譽爲中國迄今爲止最大的科幻電影。

  • horror n. 驚駭

Part 6

①On January 8th an 82-year-old patient presented with acute angle-closure glaucoma and, because she had no fever, he treated her without a mask.

②She too turned out to run a stall in the market, and she had other odd symptoms, including loss of appetite and pulmonary lesions suggesting viral pneumonia.


  • acute adj.(疾病)急性的 acute appendicitis急性闌尾炎

【反義詞】chronic adj.慢性的;難以治癒(或根除)

chronic bronchitis/arthritis/asthma 慢性支氣管炎 / 關節炎 / 哮喘

mask 是「面具,口罩」,還能夠用respirator表示「口罩」

  • turn out to be sth 最後結果是,最終成爲(to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect) 每每用於引出出乎意料的結果

The job turned out to be harder than we thought. 這工做結果比咱們想像的要難。

  • run a stall 擺攤

stall n.攤位,售貨亭(尤指集市上的)=stand

a market stall 集市上的貨攤

  • loss of appetite 失去食慾

arouse the appetite激起食慾

  • suggest v.症狀代表【熟詞僻義】

The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack. 症狀顯示這是輕微心臟病發做。

【寫做優選】此外,平常讀外刊時,咱們能夠常常遇到「主句,suggesting that…」這一句式,咱們能夠多留心這種「主句, +ing」的用法。當句中出現多個動詞且動詞間有遞進關係時,可使用這一句式,不只使句子更簡潔,也使得邏輯關係更爲緊湊。

好比金融時報一篇關於《我不是藥神》的文章談到:It is rare for Chinese censors to approve films presenting lawbreaking in a positive light, suggesting that officials intended its release to send a message to the industry. 中國審查機構極少批准從正面視角展現違法行爲的電影,彷佛代表官方但願經過這部電影的上映向業界傳遞一個信息。

  • presented vt. 呈現
  • pulmonary adj. 肺的,肺部的
  • lesions n. 損害,損傷

Part 7

③It was the new virus, and by January 10th he had begun to cough. ④The next day he put an n95 mask on. ⑤Not wanting to infect the family, he sent them to his in-laws 200 miles away, and checked into a hotel. ⑥He was soon back in the hospital, this time in an isolation ward. ⑦On February 1st a nucleic-acid test showed positive for the new coronavirus. ⑧Well, that’s it then, confirmed, he wrote on Weibo from his bed.

③那就是新型冠狀病毒。1月10日,李文亮開始咳嗽。④次日,他戴上了N95口罩。⑤由於怕傳染家人,他把他們送到了200英里外的岳父家,本身入住了一家旅館。⑥但他很快就回醫院了,但此次是隔離病房。⑦ 2月1日,李文亮核酸測試結果陽性,⑧他躺在病牀上發了一條微博:「塵埃落定,終於確診了。

  • in-laws n.複數 your relatives by marriage, especially the parents of your husband or wife 姻親;(尤指)公婆,岳父母

We're visiting my in-laws on Sunday.咱們星期天要去拜訪個人姻親。

  • an isolation ward 隔離病房

isolation n.ˌ[aɪsəˈleɪʃn] the state of being alone or lonely 孤獨;孤立狀態 Many unemployed people experience feelings of isolation and depression. 不少失業者有孤獨沮喪的感受。




depressive 和depressed都是形容詞,都表示「抑鬱的,壓抑的」

  • positive adj.陽性的;證實…存在的【熟詞僻義】

a positive pregnancy test 呈陽性反應的懷孕檢測

to be HIV positive艾滋病病毒化驗呈陽性

【反義詞】negative adj.陰性的
