DOF(degree of free) 自由度dom
"Degrees Of Freedom" or "DOF" is a number of axis and sensors combined for balancing a plane, a helicopter or a robot.ui
3DOF : 能夠是3軸的加速度計或者是3軸的陀螺儀。ci
This could be a 3-axis accelerometer or it could be a 3-axis gyroscope.get
6DOF : 基本上是3軸的加速度計和3軸的陀螺儀結合。it
This is mostly a 3-axis accelerometer combined with a 3-axis
An other example of 6DOF is a combination of an accelerometer and a magnetometer for a tilt-compensated compass.sed
9DOF : 在6DOF上加上磁力計。compass
This is mostly a 6DOF, combined with a magnetometer (compass).stl
10DOF : 在9DOF上加上壓力傳感器。
This could be a 9DOF, combined with a baromic pressure sensor.
The baromic (or absolute pressure) sensor can be used as an indication for the height.
11DOF : 在10DOF上加上GPS模塊。
This could be the 10DOF, combined with a GPS module.