每次取其中一份作測試數據 其餘作訓練數據
用這種方式 充分利用樣本數據,評估模型在樣本上的表現狀況
1 from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups 2 from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split 3 import numpy as np 4 from sklearn.svm import SVC 5 from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer 6 from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline 7 from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV 8 9 # 博文: 10 11 ''' 12 如何肯定一個模型應該使用哪一種參數? 13 14 k折交叉驗證: 15 將樣本分紅k份 16 每次取其中一份作測試數據 其餘作訓練數據 17 一共進行k次訓練和測試 18 用這種方式 充分利用樣本數據,評估模型在樣本上的表現狀況 19 20 21 網格搜索: 22 一種暴力枚舉搜索方法 23 對模型參數列舉出集中可能, 24 對全部列舉出的可能組合進行模型評估 25 從而找到最好的模型參數 26 27 並行搜索: 28 因爲每一種參數組合互相是獨立不影響的 29 全部能夠開啓多線程進行網格搜索 30 這種方式爲並行搜索 31 32 ''' 33 34 # 聯網獲取全部想你問數據 35 news = fetch_20newsgroups(subset="all") 36 # 分割訓練數據和測試數據 37 x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split([:3000], 38[:3000], 39 test_size=0.25, 40 random_state=33) 41 42 # 使用pipeline簡化系統搭建流程 43 clf = Pipeline([("vect", TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english", analyzer="word")), ("svc", SVC())]) 44 45 # 這裏要實驗的超參數有兩個 4個svg__gama 和 3個svg__C 一共12種組合 46 # np.logspace(start, end, num) 從10^start 到 10^end 建立num個數的等比數列 47 parameters = {"svc__gamma": np.logspace(-2, 1, 4), "svc__C": np.logspace(-1, 1, 3)} 48 49 # 網格搜索 50 # 建立一個網格搜索: 12組參數組合, 3折交叉驗證 51 gs = GridSearchCV(clf, parameters, verbose=2, refit=True, cv=3) 52 # 設置n_jobs=-1 表示佔用全部cpu開線程 5表示開啓5個同步任務 53 # windows下不支持fork開啓線程 全部 linux unix mac 能夠用該api 54 # gs = GridSearchCV(clf, parameters, verbose=2, refit=True, cv=3, n_jobs=-1) 55 56 57 # 執行單線程網格搜索 58 time_ =, y_train) 59 print(time_) 60 print(gs.best_params_, gs.best_score_) 61 # 輸出最佳模型在測試機和上的準確性 62 print(gs.score(x_test, y_test)) 63 ''' 64 Fitting 3 folds for each of 12 candidates, totalling 36 fits 65 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 66 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.3s 67 [Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 1 out of 1 | elapsed: 8.3s remaining: 0.0s 68 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 69 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.5s 70 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 71 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.5s 72 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 73 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.4s 74 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 75 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.5s 76 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 77 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.5s 78 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 79 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.4s 80 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 81 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.6s 82 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 83 [CV] ............................. svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.6s 84 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 85 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.5s 86 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 87 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.6s 88 [CV] svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 89 [CV] ............................ svc__C=0.1, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.7s 90 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 91 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.3s 92 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 93 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.4s 94 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 ..................................... 95 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.5s 96 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 97 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.3s 98 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 99 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.4s 100 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ...................................... 101 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.5s 102 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 103 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.5s 104 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 105 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.6s 106 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ...................................... 107 [CV] ............................. svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.7s 108 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 109 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.5s 110 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 111 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.6s 112 [CV] svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 ..................................... 113 [CV] ............................ svc__C=1.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.7s 114 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 .................................... 115 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.4s 116 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 .................................... 117 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.4s 118 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 .................................... 119 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.01 - 8.7s 120 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ..................................... 121 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.6s 122 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ..................................... 123 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.6s 124 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 ..................................... 125 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=0.1 - 8.6s 126 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ..................................... 127 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.5s 128 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ..................................... 129 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 8.6s 130 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 ..................................... 131 [CV] ............................ svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=1.0 - 9.3s 132 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 .................................... 133 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.8s 134 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 .................................... 135 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.9s 136 [CV] svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 .................................... 137 [CV] ........................... svc__C=10.0, svc__gamma=10.0 - 8.7s 138 139 12組超參數 3折交叉驗證 共36個搜索項 花費5.2分鐘 140 [Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 36 out of 36 | elapsed: 5.2min finished 141 142 最佳參數 最佳訓練得分 143 {'svc__C': 10.0, 'svc__gamma': 0.1} 0.7906666666666666 144 最佳模型的測試得分 145 0.8226666666666667 146 147 '''