With the Multiple SCMs Plugin:post
create a different repository entry for each repository you need to checkout (main project or dependancy project.ui
for each project, in the "advanced" menu (the second "advanced" menu, there are two buttons labeled "advanced" for each repository), find the "Local subdirectory for repo (optional)" textfield. You can specify there the subdirectory in the "workspace" directory where you want to copy the project to. You could map the filesystem of my development computer.spa
The "second advanced menu" doesn't exist anymore, instead what needs to be done is use the "Add" button (on the "Additional Behaviours" section), and choose "Check out to a sub-directory"插件
- if you are using ant, as now the build.xml file with the build targets in not in the root directory of the workspace but in a subdirectory, you have to reflect that in the "Invoke Ant" configuration. To do that, in "Invoke ant", press "Advanced" and fill the "Build file" input text, including the name of the subdirectory where the build.xml is located.
Hope that helps. 代理
3.Jenkins nuget restore website
I also have the same problem described in the above question. I was wondering if you figured out how to do a nuget restore on the website without the project file. I do have a package.config in the website.
I tried a bunch of different things and the following command got me closer to a resolution, but not quite.
nuget restore packages.config -PackagesDirectory ..\packages
The above command does restore the packages into the ..\packages folder as expected, but I cannot figure out how to get the correct assemblies into the website's bin folder.
須要restore兩次,一次是restore Solution;另一次須要用上面的命令,顯式處理website項目的packages.config
4.Jenkins中使用visual studio編譯solution
Manage Jenkins-->Configure System
在global properties中add一個新的
用逗號和空格來分隔郵箱,好比abc@**.com, bcd@**.com
不能使用LocalSystem這個帳戶進行nuget restore,由於代理的緣由。
D:\JENKINS_HOME\CodeCoverage>whoami nt authority\system 對應的是LocalSystem
D:\JENKINS_HOME\CodeCoverage>whoami asnet\sa-syg-guest 對應的是具體的帳戶,有用戶名和密碼
Copy IE proxy settings to WinHttp:
- Run
as administrator:netsh
show proxy
import proxy source=ie
show proxy