1 from sqlalchemy.orm import validates 2 3 class EmailAddress(Base): 4 __tablename__ = 'address' 5 6 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 7 email = Column(String) 8 9 @validates('email') 10 def validate_email(self, key, address): 11 assert '@' in address 12 return address
在進行增改.commit()以前,對傳入數據校驗.字段的數據類型及是否爲空可從已定義好的orm model中獲取.ui
1 @classmethod 2 def orm_fields_info(cls): 3 """ 4 從ORM中獲取字段信息 5 :param cls:當前資源類 6 :type cls:類實例 7 :returns: 返回ORM字段類型,字段是否可空 8 """ 9 fields_type = {} 10 fields_nullable = {} 11 orm_meta = cls.orm_meta 12 for prop_name in orm_meta.__dict__: 13 prop = getattr(orm_meta, prop_name) 14 if isinstance(prop, attributes.InstrumentedAttribute): 15 prop = prop.prop 16 if isinstance(prop, properties.ColumnProperty): 17 fields_type[prop_name] = prop.columns[0].type 18 fields_nullable[prop_name] = prop.columns[0].nullable 19 return fields_type, fields_nullable
根據orm 字段類型的python_type對傳入的數據類型進行校驗spa
1 def validate_data_type(orm_fields_info, field_name, field_value): 2 fields_type, fields_nullable = orm_fields_info 3 field_column = fields_type.get(field_name, None) 4 if field_column: 5 if not (not field_value and fields_nullable[field_name]): 6 if hasattr(field_column, 'python_type'): 7 if not isinstance(field_value, field_column.python_type): 8 raise exceptions.ValidationError(attribute=field_name_display, 9 msg=_( 10 "field [%s] data type didn't match! require [%s],found type [%s]" 11 % (field_name, field_column.python_type, type(field_value))))
②.利用sqlalchemy event建立通用校驗器code
1 from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime 2 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 3 from sqlalchemy import event 4 import datetime 5 6 Base= declarative_base() 7 8 def validate_int(value): 9 if isinstance(value, basestring): 10 value = int(value) 11 else: 12 assert isinstance(value, int) 13 return value 14 15 def validate_string(value): 16 assert isinstance(value, basestring) 17 return value 18 19 def validate_datetime(value): 20 assert isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) 21 return value 22 23 validators = { 24 Integer:validate_int, 25 String:validate_string, 26 DateTime:validate_datetime, 27 } 28 29 # this event is called whenever an attribute 30 # on a class is instrumented 31 @event.listens_for(Base, 'attribute_instrument') 32 def configure_listener(class_, key, inst): 33 if not hasattr(inst.property, 'columns'): 34 return 35 # this event is called whenever a "set" 36 # occurs on that instrumented attribute 37 @event.listens_for(inst, "set", retval=True) 38 def set_(instance, value, oldvalue, initiator): 39 validator = validators.get(inst.property.columns[0].type.__class__) 40 if validator: 41 return validator(value) 42 else: 43 return value 44 45 46 class MyObject(Base): 47 __tablename__ = 'mytable' 48 49 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 50 svalue = Column(String) 51 ivalue = Column(Integer) 52 dvalue = Column(DateTime) 53 54 55 m = MyObject() 56 m.svalue = "ASdf" 57 58 m.ivalue = "45" 59 60 m.dvalue = "not a date"