本文主要研究一下jdk httpclient的ConnectionPoolhtml
/** * Factory for retrieving HttpConnections. A connection can be retrieved * from the connection pool, or a new one created if none available. * * The given {@code addr} is the ultimate destination. Any proxies, * etc, are determined from the request. Returns a concrete instance which * is one of the following: * {@link PlainHttpConnection} * {@link PlainTunnelingConnection} * * The returned connection, if not from the connection pool, must have its, * connect() or connectAsync() method invoked, which ( when it completes * successfully ) renders the connection usable for requests. */ public static HttpConnection getConnection(InetSocketAddress addr, HttpClientImpl client, HttpRequestImpl request, Version version) { // The default proxy selector may select a proxy whose address is // unresolved. We must resolve the address before connecting to it. InetSocketAddress proxy = Utils.resolveAddress(request.proxy()); HttpConnection c = null; boolean secure = request.secure(); ConnectionPool pool = client.connectionPool(); if (!secure) { c = pool.getConnection(false, addr, proxy); if (c != null && c.isOpen() /* may have been eof/closed when in the pool */) { final HttpConnection conn = c; if (DEBUG_LOGGER.on()) DEBUG_LOGGER.log(conn.getConnectionFlow() + ": plain connection retrieved from HTTP/1.1 pool"); return c; } else { return getPlainConnection(addr, proxy, request, client); } } else { // secure if (version != HTTP_2) { // only HTTP/1.1 connections are in the pool c = pool.getConnection(true, addr, proxy); } if (c != null && c.isOpen()) { final HttpConnection conn = c; if (DEBUG_LOGGER.on()) DEBUG_LOGGER.log(conn.getConnectionFlow() + ": SSL connection retrieved from HTTP/1.1 pool"); return c; } else { String[] alpn = null; if (version == HTTP_2 && hasRequiredHTTP2TLSVersion(client)) { alpn = new String[] { "h2", "http/1.1" }; } return getSSLConnection(addr, proxy, alpn, request, client); } } }
void closeOrReturnToCache(HttpHeaders hdrs) { if (hdrs == null) { // the connection was closed by server, eof close(); return; } if (!isOpen()) { return; } HttpClientImpl client = client(); if (client == null) { close(); return; } ConnectionPool pool = client.connectionPool(); boolean keepAlive = hdrs.firstValue("Connection") .map((s) -> !s.equalsIgnoreCase("close")) .orElse(true); if (keepAlive) { Log.logTrace("Returning connection to the pool: {0}", this); pool.returnToPool(this); } else { close(); } }
/** * Http 1.1 connection pool. */ final class ConnectionPool { static final long KEEP_ALIVE = Utils.getIntegerNetProperty( "jdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout", 1200); // seconds static final long MAX_POOL_SIZE = Utils.getIntegerNetProperty( "jdk.httpclient.connectionPoolSize", 0); // unbounded final Logger debug = Utils.getDebugLogger(this::dbgString, Utils.DEBUG); // Pools of idle connections private final HashMap<CacheKey,LinkedList<HttpConnection>> plainPool; private final HashMap<CacheKey,LinkedList<HttpConnection>> sslPool; private final ExpiryList expiryList; private final String dbgTag; // used for debug boolean stopped; //...... /** * Entries in connection pool are keyed by destination address and/or * proxy address: * case 1: plain TCP not via proxy (destination only) * case 2: plain TCP via proxy (proxy only) * case 3: SSL not via proxy (destination only) * case 4: SSL over tunnel (destination and proxy) */ static class CacheKey { final InetSocketAddress proxy; final InetSocketAddress destination; CacheKey(InetSocketAddress destination, InetSocketAddress proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; this.destination = destination; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final CacheKey other = (CacheKey) obj; if (!Objects.equals(this.proxy, other.proxy)) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(this.destination, other.destination)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(proxy, destination); } } synchronized HttpConnection getConnection(boolean secure, InetSocketAddress addr, InetSocketAddress proxy) { if (stopped) return null; CacheKey key = new CacheKey(addr, proxy); HttpConnection c = secure ? findConnection(key, sslPool) : findConnection(key, plainPool); //System.out.println ("getConnection returning: " + c); return c; } private HttpConnection findConnection(CacheKey key, HashMap<CacheKey,LinkedList<HttpConnection>> pool) { LinkedList<HttpConnection> l = pool.get(key); if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { HttpConnection c = l.removeFirst(); expiryList.remove(c); return c; } } /** * Returns the connection to the pool. */ void returnToPool(HttpConnection conn) { returnToPool(conn, Instant.now(), KEEP_ALIVE); } // Called also by whitebox tests void returnToPool(HttpConnection conn, Instant now, long keepAlive) { // Don't call registerCleanupTrigger while holding a lock, // but register it before the connection is added to the pool, // since we don't want to trigger the cleanup if the connection // is not in the pool. CleanupTrigger cleanup = registerCleanupTrigger(conn); // it's possible that cleanup may have been called. HttpConnection toClose = null; synchronized(this) { if (cleanup.isDone()) { return; } else if (stopped) { conn.close(); return; } if (MAX_POOL_SIZE > 0 && expiryList.size() >= MAX_POOL_SIZE) { toClose = expiryList.removeOldest(); if (toClose != null) removeFromPool(toClose); } if (conn instanceof PlainHttpConnection) { putConnection(conn, plainPool); } else { assert conn.isSecure(); putConnection(conn, sslPool); } expiryList.add(conn, now, keepAlive); } if (toClose != null) { if (debug.on()) { debug.log("Maximum pool size reached: removing oldest connection %s", toClose.dbgString()); } close(toClose); } //System.out.println("Return to pool: " + conn); } private void removeFromPool(HttpConnection c) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this); if (c instanceof PlainHttpConnection) { removeFromPool(c, plainPool); } else { assert c.isSecure(); removeFromPool(c, sslPool); } } private boolean removeFromPool(HttpConnection c, HashMap<CacheKey,LinkedList<HttpConnection>> pool) { //System.out.println("cacheCleaner removing: " + c); assert Thread.holdsLock(this); CacheKey k = c.cacheKey(); List<HttpConnection> l = pool.get(k); if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) { pool.remove(k); return false; } return l.remove(c); } private void putConnection(HttpConnection c, HashMap<CacheKey,LinkedList<HttpConnection>> pool) { CacheKey key = c.cacheKey(); LinkedList<HttpConnection> l = pool.get(key); if (l == null) { l = new LinkedList<>(); pool.put(key, l); } l.add(c); } void stop() { List<HttpConnection> closelist = Collections.emptyList(); try { synchronized (this) { stopped = true; closelist = expiryList.stream() .map(e -> e.connection) .collect(Collectors.toList()); expiryList.clear(); plainPool.clear(); sslPool.clear(); } } finally { closelist.forEach(this::close); } } }
/** * Manages a LinkedList of sorted ExpiryEntry. The entry with the closer * deadline is at the tail of the list, and the entry with the farther * deadline is at the head. In the most common situation, new elements * will need to be added at the head (or close to it), and expired elements * will need to be purged from the tail. */ private static final class ExpiryList { private final LinkedList<ExpiryEntry> list = new LinkedList<>(); private volatile boolean mayContainEntries; int size() { return list.size(); } // A loosely accurate boolean whose value is computed // at the end of each operation performed on ExpiryList; // Does not require synchronizing on the ConnectionPool. boolean purgeMaybeRequired() { return mayContainEntries; } // Returns the next expiry deadline // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool Optional<Instant> nextExpiryDeadline() { if (list.isEmpty()) return Optional.empty(); else return Optional.of(list.getLast().expiry); } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool HttpConnection removeOldest() { ExpiryEntry entry = list.pollLast(); return entry == null ? null : entry.connection; } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool void add(HttpConnection conn) { add(conn, Instant.now(), KEEP_ALIVE); } // Used by whitebox test. void add(HttpConnection conn, Instant now, long keepAlive) { Instant then = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS) .plus(keepAlive, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); // Elements with the farther deadline are at the head of // the list. It's more likely that the new element will // have the farthest deadline, and will need to be inserted // at the head of the list, so we're using an ascending // list iterator to find the right insertion point. ListIterator<ExpiryEntry> li = list.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { ExpiryEntry entry = li.next(); if (then.isAfter(entry.expiry)) { li.previous(); // insert here li.add(new ExpiryEntry(conn, then)); mayContainEntries = true; return; } } // last (or first) element of list (the last element is // the first when the list is empty) list.add(new ExpiryEntry(conn, then)); mayContainEntries = true; } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool void remove(HttpConnection c) { if (c == null || list.isEmpty()) return; ListIterator<ExpiryEntry> li = list.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { ExpiryEntry e = li.next(); if (e.connection.equals(c)) { li.remove(); mayContainEntries = !list.isEmpty(); return; } } } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool. // Purge all elements whose deadline is before now (now included). List<HttpConnection> purgeUntil(Instant now) { if (list.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); List<HttpConnection> closelist = new ArrayList<>(); // elements with the closest deadlines are at the tail // of the queue, so we're going to use a descending iterator // to remove them, and stop when we find the first element // that has not expired yet. Iterator<ExpiryEntry> li = list.descendingIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { ExpiryEntry entry = li.next(); // use !isAfter instead of isBefore in order to // remove the entry if its expiry == now if (!entry.expiry.isAfter(now)) { li.remove(); HttpConnection c = entry.connection; closelist.add(c); } else break; // the list is sorted } mayContainEntries = !list.isEmpty(); return closelist; } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool java.util.stream.Stream<ExpiryEntry> stream() { return list.stream(); } // should only be called while holding a synchronization // lock on the ConnectionPool void clear() { list.clear(); mayContainEntries = false; } } static final class ExpiryEntry { final HttpConnection connection; final Instant expiry; // absolute time in seconds of expiry time ExpiryEntry(HttpConnection connection, Instant expiry) { this.connection = connection; this.expiry = expiry; } }
/** * Purge expired connection and return the number of milliseconds * in which the next connection is scheduled to expire. * If no connections are scheduled to be purged return 0. * @return the delay in milliseconds in which the next connection will * expire. */ long purgeExpiredConnectionsAndReturnNextDeadline() { if (!expiryList.purgeMaybeRequired()) return 0; return purgeExpiredConnectionsAndReturnNextDeadline(Instant.now()); } // Used for whitebox testing long purgeExpiredConnectionsAndReturnNextDeadline(Instant now) { long nextPurge = 0; // We may be in the process of adding new elements // to the expiry list - but those elements will not // have outlast their keep alive timer yet since we're // just adding them. if (!expiryList.purgeMaybeRequired()) return nextPurge; List<HttpConnection> closelist; synchronized (this) { closelist = expiryList.purgeUntil(now); for (HttpConnection c : closelist) { if (c instanceof PlainHttpConnection) { boolean wasPresent = removeFromPool(c, plainPool); assert wasPresent; } else { boolean wasPresent = removeFromPool(c, sslPool); assert wasPresent; } } nextPurge = now.until( expiryList.nextExpiryDeadline().orElse(now), ChronoUnit.MILLIS); } closelist.forEach(this::close); return nextPurge; }
private CleanupTrigger registerCleanupTrigger(HttpConnection conn) { // Connect the connection flow to a pub/sub pair that will take the // connection out of the pool and close it if anything happens // while the connection is sitting in the pool. CleanupTrigger cleanup = new CleanupTrigger(conn); FlowTube flow = conn.getConnectionFlow(); if (debug.on()) debug.log("registering %s", cleanup); flow.connectFlows(cleanup, cleanup); return cleanup; } void cleanup(HttpConnection c, Throwable error) { if (debug.on()) debug.log("%s : ConnectionPool.cleanup(%s)", String.valueOf(c.getConnectionFlow()), error); synchronized(this) { removeFromPool(c); expiryList.remove(c); } c.close(); } /** * An object that subscribes to the flow while the connection is in * the pool. Anything that comes in will cause the connection to be closed * and removed from the pool. */ private final class CleanupTrigger implements FlowTube.TubeSubscriber, FlowTube.TubePublisher, Flow.Subscription { private final HttpConnection connection; private volatile boolean done; public CleanupTrigger(HttpConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public boolean isDone() { return done;} private void triggerCleanup(Throwable error) { done = true; cleanup(connection, error); } @Override public void request(long n) {} @Override public void cancel() {} @Override public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) { subscription.request(1); } @Override public void onError(Throwable error) { triggerCleanup(error); } @Override public void onComplete() { triggerCleanup(null); } @Override public void onNext(List<ByteBuffer> item) { triggerCleanup(new IOException("Data received while in pool")); } @Override public void subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super List<ByteBuffer>> subscriber) { subscriber.onSubscribe(this); } @Override public String toString() { return "CleanupTrigger(" + connection.getConnectionFlow() + ")"; } }