Using the JavaScript language, have the function KaprekarsConstant(num)
take the num parameter being passed which will be a 4-digit number with at least two distinct digits. Your program should perform the following routine on the number: Arrange the digits in descending order and in ascending order (adding zeroes to fit it to a 4-digit number), and subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Then repeat the previous step. Performing this routine will always cause you to reach a fixed number: 6174. Then performing the routine on 6174 will always give you 6174 (7641 - 1467 = 6174)
. Your program should return the number of times this routine must be performed until 6174 is reached. For example: if num is 3524 your program should return 3
because of the following steps: (1) 5432 - 2345 = 3087
, (2) 8730 - 0378 = 8352
, (3) 8532 - 2358 = 6174
. 算法
獲取 傳遞的num參數,該參數將是一個4位數字,至少有兩個不一樣的數字。
由於如下步驟:(1)5432 - 2345 = 3087,(2)8730 - 0378 = 8352,(3)8532 - 2358 = 6174.數組
function KaprekarsConstant(num) { // code goes here return num; } // keep this function call here KaprekarsConstant(3524);
Input:2111 Output:5 Input:9831 Output:7
function KaprekarsConstant(num) { var count = 0 while (true) { var maxNum = num .toString() .split('') .sort((item1, item2) => item2 - item1) .join('') maxNum = Number(maxNum) var minNum = num .toString() .split('') .sort() .join('') minNum = Number(minNum) num = '0000' + (maxNum - minNum) num = num.substr(-4) count++ if (num == 6174 || num == 0) break } return count }
function KaprekarsConstant(num) { const KAP = 6174; var count = 0; while (true) { var num = evaluator(num) if (num === true) { return count; } } function evaluator(num) { count++ console.log('count', count); var minNumArr = num.toString().split('').sort(); var maxNumArr = minNumArr.slice(0).reverse(); var littleNum = parseInt(minNumArr.join(''), 10); var bigNum = parseInt(maxNumArr.join(''), 10); while (bigNum < 1000) { bigNum = bigNum * 10; } return bigNum - littleNum === KAP ? true : bigNum - littleNum; } }
function KaprekarsConstant(num) { var count = 0; while (num != 6174) { count += 1; var numArr = num.toString().split(''); while (d.length < 4) { numArr.push('0'); } var smaller = numArr.sort().join(''); var bigger = numArr.reverse().join(''); num = bigger - smaller; } return count; }
function KaprekarsConstant(num) { let count = 0; while (num != 6174) { let numArray = num.toString().split('').sort(); let ascending = parseInt(numArray.join('')); let descending = parseInt(numArray.reverse().join('')); while (descending.toString().length < 4) { descending *= 10; } num = Math.abs(ascending - descending); count++; if (count > 999) break; // failover } return count; }
1.minArr = num.toString().split('').sort(); minNum = minArr.join(""),那麼maxNum能夠直接使用minArr.reverse().join('')獲得
3.補0可使用 num * 10 的方式,而不是字符串補零函數