每日一道算法題 - KaprekarsConstant(hard-2)



Using the JavaScript language, have the function ChessboardTraveling(str) read str which will be a string consisting of the location of a space on a standard 8x8 chess board with no pieces on the board along with another space on the chess board. The structure of str will be the following: "(x y)(a b)" where (x y) represents the position you are currently on with x and y ranging from 1 to 8 and (a b) represents some other space on the chess board with a and b also ranging from 1 to 8 where a > x and b > y. Your program should determine how many ways there are of traveling from (x y) on the board to (a b) moving only up and to the right. For example: if str is (1 1)(2 2) then your program should output 2 because there are only two possible ways to travel from space (1 1) on a chessboard to space (2 2) while making only moves up and to the right. 函數

使用JavaScript語言,使用ChessboardTraveling(str)函數讀取str ,它將是一個字符串,指的是8x8棋盤上點的位置。str的結構以下:「(x y)(a b)」,其中(x y)表明你當前所處的位置x和y的範圍是1到8,而(a b)表明棋盤上的其餘點的位置,a和b也在1到8的範圍內,其中a> x和b> y。您的程序應該肯定從( xy)在棋盤上移動到(a b)而且移動方式只能是向上和向右移動的狀況下,一共有多少條路徑。
例如:若是str是(1 1)(2 2)而後你的程序應該輸出2,由於只有兩種可能的方式從棋盤上的(1 1)點移動到棋盤上的(2 2)點。測試

function ChessboardTraveling(str) { 

  // code goes here  
  return str;    


Input:"(1 1)(3 3)"

Input:"(1 1)(2 2)"

Input:"(2 2)(4 3)"

my code

function ChessboardTraveling(str) { 
  var strArr = str.match(/([0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)/g)
  var minArr = strArr[0].split(' ')
  var maxArr = strArr[1].split(' ')
  var xDiff = maxArr[0] - minArr[0]
  var yDiff = maxArr[1] - minArr[1]

  return Steps(xDiff, yDiff);    

function Steps(x, y) {
  if (x < 0 || y < 0)
    return 0;
  if (x == 0 && y == 1)
    return 1;
  if (x == 1 && y == 0)
    return 1;

  return Steps(x - 1, y) + Steps(x, y - 1)

console.log(ChessboardTraveling("(1 1)(3 3)"));

other code




  1. 8*8在本題中只作了數值的大小限制,無其餘做用
  2. 把最小點(如(2 2))做爲方格的最左下角,最大點(如 (4 3))做爲方格的右上角,構成一個3*2的方格,實質上就是求從方格最左下方到方格最右上方有多少條路徑。
  3. 使用遞歸函數去解決,須要清楚判斷的臨界點,好比(x === 0 && y === 1)(x === 1 && y === 0)時,只有一種選擇。
另外一種思路: 使用組合計算 (1 1)和(3,3),須要往上走2步,往右走2步,一共要走4步,C(2,4)= 6 (2 2)和(4,3),須要往上走1步,往右走2步,一共要走3步,C(1,3)= 3