【深度學習】吳恩達網易公開課練習(class1 week4)


class1 week3的任務是實現單隱層的神經網絡代碼,而本次任務是實現有L層的多層深度全鏈接神經網絡。關鍵點跟class3的基本相同,算清各個參數的維度便可。python


  • m: 訓練樣本數量
  • n[l]:第l層的節點數量,輸入認爲是第0層
  • 方括號上標[l]: 第l層
  • 圓括號上標(i): 第i個樣本

$$ X = \left[ \begin{matrix} \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ x^{(1)} & x^{(2)} & \vdots & x^{(m)} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \end{matrix} \right]_{(n[0], m)} $$ 緩存

$$ W^{[l]} = \left[ \begin{matrix} \cdots & w^{[l] T}_1 & \cdots \\ \cdots & w^{[l] T}_2 & \cdots \\ \cdots & \cdots & \cdots \\ \cdots & w^{[l] T}_{n[l]} & \cdots \\ \end{matrix} \right]_{(n[l], n[l-1])} $$ 網絡

$$ b^{[l]} = \left[ \begin{matrix} b^{[l]}_1 \\ b^{[l]}_2 \\ \vdots \\ b^{[l]}_{n[l]} \\ \end{matrix} \right]_{(n[l], 1)} $$ app

$$ A^{[l]}= \left[ \begin{matrix} \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ a^{[l](1)} & a^{[l](2)} & \vdots & a^{[l](m)} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \end{matrix} \right]_{(n[l], m)} $$ dom

$$ Z^{[l]}= \left[ \begin{matrix} \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ z^{[l](1)} & z^{[l](2)} & \vdots & z^{[l](m)} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \end{matrix} \right]_{(n[l], m)} $$ ide


  • 前向傳播

$$Z^{[l]}=W^{[l]}A^{[l-1]}+b^{[l]}$$ $$A^{[l]}=g^{[l]}(Z^{[l]})$$ 函數

當l < L - 1時,\(g^{[l]}\)=relu函數
當l = L時,\(g^{[L]}\)=sigmoid函數

  • 反向傳播

$$ dZ^{[l]} = dA^{[l]} * g'(Z^{[l]})$$ $$ dW^{[l]} = \frac{\partial \mathcal{L} }{\partial W^{[l]}} = \frac{1}{m} dZ^{[l]} A^{[l-1] T}$$ $$ db^{[l]} = \frac{\partial \mathcal{L} }{\partial b^{[l]}} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m} dZ^{[l](i)}$$ $$ dA^{[l-1]} = \frac{\partial \mathcal{L} }{\partial A^{[l-1]}} = W^{[l] T} dZ^{[l]}$$ post


dAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL))
  • cost計算

$$-\frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} (y^{(i)}\log\left(a^{[L] (i)}\right) + (1-y^{(i)})\log\left(1- a^{[L](i)}\right))$$


  • 關鍵函數:
# 初始化參數,每一層的權重初始化爲隨機
# 輸入layer_dims是每一層的節點數
# 輸出parameters是字典,能夠經過parameters['W' + str(l)],parameters['b' + str(l)]獲取每一層的初始參數
parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layer_dims)   

# 線性前向傳播函數
# 根據Z = W*A_prev + b計算當前層的Z, linear_cache=(A_prev, W, b)
Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)

# 線性激活前向傳播函數
# 根據A = g(Z) = g(W*A_prev + b)計算前向傳播函數, 其中linear_activation_cache=(linear_cache, activation_cache)=((A_prev, W, b), (Z))
A, linear_activation_cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation = "sigmoid")

# L層完整的前向傳輸過程,輸出的AL是最終輸出,caches是每一層的緩存
AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)

# 線性反向傳播函數
# 經過上述反向傳播函數,經過dZ推導出dA_prev, dW, db,其中利用了緩存結果
dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)

# 線性激活函數反向傳播
# 經過前面的linear_backward和激活函數導數計算dA_prev, dW, db
dA_prev, dW, db = linear_activation_backward(dA, linear_activation_cache, activation = "sigmoid")

# L層反向傳播
# grads是每一層的導數,grads["dA" + str(l)], grads["dW" + str(l)], grads["db" + str(l)]格式
grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches)

# 根據學習速率跟新參數
parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, 0.1) 

# 總體模型函數,經過迭代次數循環調用上述前向傳播和反向傳播函數實現
parameters = L_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims, learning_rate = 0.0075, num_iterations = 2500, print_cost = True)
  • 完整代碼:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py

def sigmoid(Z):
    Implements the sigmoid activation in numpy
    Z -- numpy array of any shape
    A -- output of sigmoid(z), same shape as Z
    cache -- returns Z as well, useful during backpropagation
    A = 1/(1+np.exp(-Z))
    cache = Z
    return A, cache

def relu(Z):
    Implement the RELU function.

    Z -- Output of the linear layer, of any shape

    A -- Post-activation parameter, of the same shape as Z
    cache -- a python dictionary containing "A" ; stored for computing the backward pass efficiently
    A = np.maximum(0,Z)
    assert(A.shape == Z.shape)
    cache = Z 
    return A, cache

def relu_backward(dA, cache):
    Implement the backward propagation for a single RELU unit.

    dA -- post-activation gradient, of any shape
    cache -- 'Z' where we store for computing backward propagation efficiently

    dZ -- Gradient of the cost with respect to Z
    Z = cache
    dZ = np.array(dA, copy=True) # just converting dz to a correct object.
    # When z <= 0, you should set dz to 0 as well. 
    dZ[Z <= 0] = 0
    assert (dZ.shape == Z.shape)
    return dZ

def sigmoid_backward(dA, cache):
    Implement the backward propagation for a single SIGMOID unit.

    dA -- post-activation gradient, of any shape
    cache -- 'Z' where we store for computing backward propagation efficiently

    dZ -- Gradient of the cost with respect to Z
    Z = cache
    s = 1/(1+np.exp(-Z))
    dZ = dA * s * (1-s)
    assert (dZ.shape == Z.shape)
    return dZ

def load_data():
    train_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
    train_set_x_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_x"][:]) # your train set features
    train_set_y_orig = np.array(train_dataset["train_set_y"][:]) # your train set labels

    test_dataset = h5py.File('datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5', "r")
    test_set_x_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_x"][:]) # your test set features
    test_set_y_orig = np.array(test_dataset["test_set_y"][:]) # your test set labels

    classes = np.array(test_dataset["list_classes"][:]) # the list of classes
    train_set_y_orig = train_set_y_orig.reshape((1, train_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
    test_set_y_orig = test_set_y_orig.reshape((1, test_set_y_orig.shape[0]))
    return train_set_x_orig, train_set_y_orig, test_set_x_orig, test_set_y_orig, classes

def initialize_parameters_deep(layer_dims):
    layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the dimensions of each layer in our network
    parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL":
                    Wl -- weight matrix of shape (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])
                    bl -- bias vector of shape (layer_dims[l], 1)
    parameters = {}
    L = len(layer_dims)            # number of layers in the network

    for l in range(1, L):
        parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]) / np.sqrt(layer_dims[l-1]) #*0.01
        parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1))
        assert(parameters['W' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]))
        assert(parameters['b' + str(l)].shape == (layer_dims[l], 1))

    return parameters

def linear_forward(A, W, b):
    Implement the linear part of a layer's forward propagation.

    A -- activations from previous layer (or input data): (size of previous layer, number of examples)
    W -- weights matrix: numpy array of shape (size of current layer, size of previous layer)
    b -- bias vector, numpy array of shape (size of the current layer, 1)

    Z -- the input of the activation function, also called pre-activation parameter 
    cache -- a python dictionary containing "A", "W" and "b" ; stored for computing the backward pass efficiently
    Z = W.dot(A) + b
    assert(Z.shape == (W.shape[0], A.shape[1]))
    cache = (A, W, b)
    return Z, cache

def linear_activation_forward(A_prev, W, b, activation):
    Implement the forward propagation for the LINEAR->ACTIVATION layer

    A_prev -- activations from previous layer (or input data): (size of previous layer, number of examples)
    W -- weights matrix: numpy array of shape (size of current layer, size of previous layer)
    b -- bias vector, numpy array of shape (size of the current layer, 1)
    activation -- the activation to be used in this layer, stored as a text string: "sigmoid" or "relu"

    A -- the output of the activation function, also called the post-activation value 
    cache -- a python dictionary containing "linear_cache" and "activation_cache";
             stored for computing the backward pass efficiently
    if activation == "sigmoid":
        # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
        Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
    elif activation == "relu":
        # Inputs: "A_prev, W, b". Outputs: "A, activation_cache".
        Z, linear_cache = linear_forward(A_prev, W, b)
        A, activation_cache = relu(Z)
    assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0], A_prev.shape[1]))
    cache = (linear_cache, activation_cache)

    return A, cache

def L_model_forward(X, parameters):
    Implement forward propagation for the [LINEAR->RELU]*(L-1)->LINEAR->SIGMOID computation
    X -- data, numpy array of shape (input size, number of examples)
    parameters -- output of initialize_parameters_deep()
    AL -- last post-activation value
    caches -- list of caches containing:
                every cache of linear_relu_forward() (there are L-1 of them, indexed from 0 to L-2)
                the cache of linear_sigmoid_forward() (there is one, indexed L-1)

    caches = []
    A = X
    L = len(parameters) // 2                  # number of layers in the neural network
    # Implement [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1). Add "cache" to the "caches" list.
    for l in range(1, L):
        A_prev = A 
        A, cache = linear_activation_forward(A_prev, parameters['W' + str(l)], parameters['b' + str(l)], activation = "relu")
    # Implement LINEAR -> SIGMOID. Add "cache" to the "caches" list.
    AL, cache = linear_activation_forward(A, parameters['W' + str(L)], parameters['b' + str(L)], activation = "sigmoid")
    assert(AL.shape == (1,X.shape[1]))
    return AL, caches

def compute_cost(AL, Y):
    Implement the cost function defined by equation (7).

    AL -- probability vector corresponding to your label predictions, shape (1, number of examples)
    Y -- true "label" vector (for example: containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat), shape (1, number of examples)

    cost -- cross-entropy cost
    m = Y.shape[1]

    # Compute loss from aL and y.
    cost = (1./m) * (-np.dot(Y,np.log(AL).T) - np.dot(1-Y, np.log(1-AL).T))
    cost = np.squeeze(cost)      # To make sure your cost's shape is what we expect (e.g. this turns [[17]] into 17).
    assert(cost.shape == ())
    return cost

def linear_backward(dZ, cache):
    Implement the linear portion of backward propagation for a single layer (layer l)

    dZ -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the linear output (of current layer l)
    cache -- tuple of values (A_prev, W, b) coming from the forward propagation in the current layer

    dA_prev -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the activation (of the previous layer l-1), same shape as A_prev
    dW -- Gradient of the cost with respect to W (current layer l), same shape as W
    db -- Gradient of the cost with respect to b (current layer l), same shape as b
    A_prev, W, b = cache
    m = A_prev.shape[1]

    dW = 1./m * np.dot(dZ,A_prev.T)
    db = 1./m * np.sum(dZ, axis = 1, keepdims = True)
    dA_prev = np.dot(W.T,dZ)
    assert (dA_prev.shape == A_prev.shape)
    assert (dW.shape == W.shape)
    assert (db.shape == b.shape)
    return dA_prev, dW, db

def linear_activation_backward(dA, cache, activation):
    Implement the backward propagation for the LINEAR->ACTIVATION layer.
    dA -- post-activation gradient for current layer l 
    cache -- tuple of values (linear_cache, activation_cache) we store for computing backward propagation efficiently
    activation -- the activation to be used in this layer, stored as a text string: "sigmoid" or "relu"
    dA_prev -- Gradient of the cost with respect to the activation (of the previous layer l-1), same shape as A_prev
    dW -- Gradient of the cost with respect to W (current layer l), same shape as W
    db -- Gradient of the cost with respect to b (current layer l), same shape as b
    linear_cache, activation_cache = cache
    if activation == "relu":
        dZ = relu_backward(dA, activation_cache)
        dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)
    elif activation == "sigmoid":
        dZ = sigmoid_backward(dA, activation_cache)
        dA_prev, dW, db = linear_backward(dZ, linear_cache)
    return dA_prev, dW, db

def L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches):
    Implement the backward propagation for the [LINEAR->RELU] * (L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID group
    AL -- probability vector, output of the forward propagation (L_model_forward())
    Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if non-cat, 1 if cat)
    caches -- list of caches containing:
                every cache of linear_activation_forward() with "relu" (there are (L-1) or them, indexes from 0 to L-2)
                the cache of linear_activation_forward() with "sigmoid" (there is one, index L-1)
    grads -- A dictionary with the gradients
             grads["dA" + str(l)] = ... 
             grads["dW" + str(l)] = ...
             grads["db" + str(l)] = ... 
    grads = {}
    L = len(caches) # the number of layers
    m = AL.shape[1]
    Y = Y.reshape(AL.shape) # after this line, Y is the same shape as AL
    # Initializing the backpropagation
    dAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL))
    # Lth layer (SIGMOID -> LINEAR) gradients. Inputs: "AL, Y, caches". Outputs: "grads["dAL"], grads["dWL"], grads["dbL"]
    current_cache = caches[L-1]
    grads["dA" + str(L)], grads["dW" + str(L)], grads["db" + str(L)] = linear_activation_backward(dAL, current_cache, activation = "sigmoid")
    for l in reversed(range(L-1)):
        # lth layer: (RELU -> LINEAR) gradients.
        current_cache = caches[l]
        dA_prev_temp, dW_temp, db_temp = linear_activation_backward(grads["dA" + str(l + 2)], current_cache, activation = "relu")
        grads["dA" + str(l + 1)] = dA_prev_temp
        grads["dW" + str(l + 1)] = dW_temp
        grads["db" + str(l + 1)] = db_temp

    return grads

def update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
    Update parameters using gradient descent
    parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters 
    grads -- python dictionary containing your gradients, output of L_model_backward
    parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parameters 
                  parameters["W" + str(l)] = ... 
                  parameters["b" + str(l)] = ...
    L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network

    # Update rule for each parameter. Use a for loop.
    for l in range(L):
        parameters["W" + str(l+1)] = parameters["W" + str(l+1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(l+1)]
        parameters["b" + str(l+1)] = parameters["b" + str(l+1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(l+1)]
    return parameters

# GRADED FUNCTION: L_layer_model

def L_layer_model(X, Y, layers_dims, learning_rate = 0.0075, num_iterations = 3000, print_cost=False):#lr was 0.009
    Implements a L-layer neural network: [LINEAR->RELU]*(L-1)->LINEAR->SIGMOID.
    X -- data, numpy array of shape (number of examples, num_px * num_px * 3)
    Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 if cat, 1 if non-cat), of shape (1, number of examples)
    layers_dims -- list containing the input size and each layer size, of length (number of layers + 1).
    learning_rate -- learning rate of the gradient descent update rule
    num_iterations -- number of iterations of the optimization loop
    print_cost -- if True, it prints the cost every 100 steps
    parameters -- parameters learnt by the model. They can then be used to predict.

    costs = []                         # keep track of cost
    # Parameters initialization.
    ### START CODE HERE ###
    parameters = initialize_parameters_deep(layers_dims)
    ### END CODE HERE ###
    # Loop (gradient descent)
    for i in range(0, num_iterations):

        # Forward propagation: [LINEAR -> RELU]*(L-1) -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID.
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
        AL, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        # Compute cost.
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
        cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        # Backward propagation.
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
        grads = L_model_backward(AL, Y, caches)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        # Update parameters.
        ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
        parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate)
        ### END CODE HERE ###
        # Print the cost every 100 training example
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
            print ("Cost after iteration %i: %f" %(i, cost))
        if print_cost and i % 100 == 0:
    # plot the cost
    plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')
    plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))
    return parameters

def predict(X, y, parameters):
    This function is used to predict the results of a  L-layer neural network.
    X -- data set of examples you would like to label
    parameters -- parameters of the trained model
    p -- predictions for the given dataset X
    m = X.shape[1]
    n = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural network
    p = np.zeros((1,m))
    # Forward propagation
    probas, caches = L_model_forward(X, parameters)

    # convert probas to 0/1 predictions
    for i in range(0, probas.shape[1]):
        if probas[0,i] > 0.5:
            p[0,i] = 1
            p[0,i] = 0
    #print results
    #print ("predictions: " + str(p))
    #print ("true labels: " + str(y))
    print("Accuracy: "  + str(np.sum((p == y)/m)))
    return p

train_x_orig, train_y, test_x_orig, test_y, classes = load_data()
# Reshape the training and test examples 
train_x_flatten = train_x_orig.reshape(train_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T   # The "-1" makes reshape flatten the remaining dimensions
test_x_flatten = test_x_orig.reshape(test_x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
# Standardize data to have feature values between 0 and 1.
train_x = train_x_flatten/255.
test_x = test_x_flatten/255.
layers_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 5, 1]

parameters = L_layer_model(train_x, train_y, layers_dims, learning_rate = 0.0075, num_iterations = 2500, print_cost = True)
predictions_train = predict(train_x, train_y, parameters)
pred_test = predict(test_x, test_y, parameters)