struct eventOps { char *name; int32_t (*init)(void); int32_t (*add)(struct event *); int32_t (*mod)(struct event *); int32_t (*del)(struct event *); int32_t (*run)(struct epollOpe *, int32_t timeout); }; struct eventOps epoll = { "GNU/Linux/EPOLL", &epoll_init, &epoll_add, &epoll_mod, &epoll_del, &epoll_run };
extern struct eventOps epoll ;
int32_t eventSelfInit(struct event *_ev, \ int32_t fd, \ int32_t mode, \ evCallback *_evCb, \ evErrorCb *_errCb, \ void *_errArgs); /* Self initilize Before an event add to reactor, we should init event with listen fd and set callback of when event has been occured. */ int32_t eventAddListen(struct reactor *_R, struct event *_ev); /* Add an event to reactor */ int32_t eventRmListen(struct reactor *_R, struct event *_ev); /* Remove from reactor */ int32_t eventModListen(struct event *_ev, int fd, int32_t mode, evCallback *_evCb); /* Modify listen mode */ void setEventError(struct event *_ev); /* Set event error when error raise, when event has been set error flag error callback will be called */ void setEventClose(struct event *_ev); /* Set error close when server close or been closed when event has been set close flag, close callback will be called, close callback may as same as error callback. */ struct reactor * reactorInit(int32_t maxConNum); /* init reactor with max connection number */ void destroyReactor(struct reactor * _R); /* Destroy a reactor */
struct buffer * createBuffer(struct reactor * _R, int32_t socket); /* create a buffer object, with a socket you which you want to set to reactor. */ int32_t bufferWrite(struct buffer * _B, char *buf, int32_t n); /* NOTICE: In bufferWrite, datas would be send to socket directly. when net device not ready, send will return a value of EAGAIN or EINTR. In this case, we should copy data to write buffer of our self, and add write event to reactor, write event will trigger when net device ready. */ int32_t bufferReadUntil(struct buffer * _B, int32_t n, readCb *rcb, void *args); /* Set callback to buffer when then buffer size >= n. when read_buffer >= n, the read callback will be trigger. NOTICE, the read callback should return the actual number of used. */ void bufferReadContinue(struct buffer * _B, int nNeed); /* when you read from socket with number of n, but there are not a whole package you want, you should set the number of n you want the next event trigger. */ int32_t bufferReadSplit(struct buffer * _B, char * split, int32_t nSplit, readCb *rcb, void *arg); /* Set callback to buffer when there are split char in buffer. ex: GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n Host: www.baidu.com\r\n\r\n the \r\n\r\n is char split. */ void disBuffer(struct buffer * _B);
其中buffer提供了write 和 兩種讀的方式設計