To the CCU University class of 2021,the graduate students and the undergradutes,I'm honored to be among the first to congratulate you on compeleting your years at CCU University.2021屆的碩士們和本科畢業生們,我很榮幸,可以捷足先登,最早來祝賀你們完成了大家在長春大學的學業。
Not overdo sth.適可而止。
Today we're literally beaming,with a little bit of relief and lots of tenderness.今天,咱們發自心裏的高興,同時還有 少量的輕鬆,也有不少的欣慰。
Tell us it'll be okay.告訴咱們這些就能夠了。
take sth to heart.謹記某事。
I take my friends and our teachers'advice to heart。我將會謹記朋友們和老師的建議。
Employment prospects for the graduating seniors are,let's face it,rather grim.能夠坦率的說,如今的就業前景對於畢業生來講,至關嚴峻。
While you are not faced with stagflation(n.滯漲,通貨膨脹) exactly,your expectations of the job market have no doubt been flattened(v.(使)變平) if you entered Stanford,but that's not the case.若是你沒有真正的遭遇過通貨膨脹,毫無疑問,若是大家可以進入斯坦福大學,大家的就業前景就一片光明瞭,可是事實並不是如此。
But here you are, the Class of 2021, And times have changed.可是,如今大家是2021屆的畢業生,時代已經改變了。
I am scared of leaving the protective bubble of the place for places unknown,during uncertain Internet times... and I am afraid for squandering(v.浪費) the incredible gift of my college experience on pursuits that are't commensurate(adj.相稱的) with expections I... and others... had of me.I am scared of not doing it all,of making irrevocable mistakes.我懼怕離開大學這個保護傘,懼怕在不肯定的互聯網時代去未知的地方... 並且我也懼怕將我在大學所得到的驚人的才華浪費在與我和你們對個人指望不相稱的事情上,我懼怕無所事事,也懼怕犯下沒法挽回的錯誤。
If you are scared today,let me ask you this:What will you do with your fear?Will you let it become a motivator,or an inhibitor?若是今天你感受到了懼怕,那麼我來問你幾個問題:大家該如何面對大家成長過程當中的恐懼呢?是讓它變成大家前進的動力仍是成長的阻礙?
You are the only one who can answer that. But what I can offer as guidence, and reassuance, is a story - the story of one grad's process of stumbling and searching to find a place in the world, often in the face of her fears.只有大家才能作出回答,我所能作的就是經過一個故事給予你們一些引導和信心。這個故事是關於一位畢業生如何帶着恐懼,跌跌撞撞地在這個世界上尋求一席之地的。
Believe it or not. 不管你信不信。
I'd like to begin my story at History Corner. 故事從「歷史角」開始吧。
Because every life is a Great Work, with all the richness of its gifts, and the wealth of its possibilities.由於每一個人的一輩子都是一部鉅著,包含了各類各樣的機遇與無限的潛能。
The world you pursue will never be the world you have now.你所追求的世界永遠不是你如今所擁有的世界。
For those of you choosing paths that are well-defined, paths that very neatly match other's expectations of you, my gut tells me that you probably among the most fearful today.對於大家當中那些已經選擇了明確路線的人,那些選擇的路線很是符合別人對你的指望,個人直接告訴我,大家多是今天最恐懼的人羣中的一員。
I am going,not because it is a lifelong dream, not because I imagined I could change the world, but because I thought it is expected of me. I thought I owed it to my family, especially my father. Not because he'd ever said so, but because I'd assumed it to be true.我之因此去,並非由於那是我一輩子的夢想,也不是由於我幻想本身可以改變世界,而是由於我認爲別人就是這麼指望個人。我以爲這是個人家人對個人指望,尤爲是個人父親。不是由於他曾對我要求過這些,而是由於我以爲應該是這樣的。
The French writer Camus once said, " To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others." 法國做家加繆曾經說過:「要想快樂,就不要太在乎別人的觀點。」
It's true that after I chose this road I never looked back,but I still didn't know where to look,either.The important thing is, I am now in control. The only expections I had to live up are my own.自從我選擇了這條路後我歷來沒有回頭看過,到如今我也不知道要朝那裏看。重要的是,我能掌控本身的事情了。我惟一不能辜負的就是我對本身得指望了。
Your efforts are worthy of your ambition. 你的努力要配得上你的野心。
How much of a difference they can make. 他們是多麼重要。
Choosing business school was surprising, and yet absolutely right for me. 選擇商學院很出乎人意料,可是它絕對適合我。
There are no bad choices, as long as you learn from them.只要你能從選擇中學到東西,那麼選擇就沒有好壞之分。
Some people simply stop choosing.Anysome can allow their past to be better than their future, if they stop choosing.有些人乾脆中止了選擇。若是中止選擇的話,任何人均可以讓他們的過去比將來更美好。
Do not be afraid to make decisions.Do not be afraid to make mistakes.Choose to be brave, and to keep moving forward.不要懼怕作決定,不要懼怕犯錯誤,選擇勇敢,不斷前進。
Don't let your options paralyze you. Make a decision, and then choose what happens next. 不要讓你的選擇麻痹了你。作出決定,而後選擇接下來發生什麼。
That's the final realization I'll share with you, the realization that not only do you have control over your own life, but that you have the power to make a difference in other people's lives. 這就是我最後想和大家分享的領悟。我意識到,你不只可以控制本身的生活,也有能力去影響其餘人的生活。
I knew that I am unexpected choice for the position, and I knew that with this job would come a fair bit of scrutiny criticism.我知道對於這個職位,我並非最佳的人選,我也知道,隨之而來的將是來自四面八方的監督與批評。
And then I weighed all of that, against what is worth doing.而後我在全部的這一切與值得作的事情之間作了一個權衡。
It felt both utterly surprising , and surprisingly familiar. 那種感受很是使人驚訝,一切都出乎意料的熟悉。
More than that. 更重要的是。
Let your fear motivate you, not inhibit you.讓恐懼激勵你前行吧,而不是阻礙你。
My heartfelt congratulations go out to you, and to all of your mothers and fathers and families and friends. 我衷心的祝賀大家的母親,父親,家人以及朋友們。