/** * This provides a more granular healthcheck contract than the existing {@link HealthCheckCallback} * * @author Nitesh Kant */ public interface HealthCheckHandler { InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus getStatus(InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus currentStatus); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge implements HealthCheckHandler { private final HealthCheckCallback callback; public HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge() { callback = null; } public HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(HealthCheckCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; } @Override public InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus getStatus(InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus currentStatus) { if (null == callback || InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.STARTING == currentStatus || InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.OUT_OF_SERVICE == currentStatus) { // Do not go to healthcheck handler if the status is starting or OOS. return currentStatus; } return callback.isHealthy() ? InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.UP : InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.DOWN; } }
/** * Register {@link HealthCheckCallback} with the eureka client. * * Once registered, the eureka client will invoke the * {@link HealthCheckCallback} in intervals specified by * {@link EurekaClientConfig#getInstanceInfoReplicationIntervalSeconds()}. * * @param callback app specific healthcheck. * * @deprecated Use */ @Deprecated @Override public void registerHealthCheckCallback(HealthCheckCallback callback) { if (instanceInfo == null) { logger.error("Cannot register a listener for instance info since it is null!"); } if (callback != null) { healthCheckHandler = new HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(callback); } } @Override public void registerHealthCheck(HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler) { if (instanceInfo == null) { logger.error("Cannot register a healthcheck handler when instance info is null!"); } if (healthCheckHandler != null) { this.healthCheckHandler = healthCheckHandler; // schedule an onDemand update of the instanceInfo when a new healthcheck handler is registered if (instanceInfoReplicator != null) { instanceInfoReplicator.onDemandUpdate(); } } }
@Override public HealthCheckHandler getHealthCheckHandler() { if (healthCheckHandler == null) { if (null != healthCheckHandlerProvider) { healthCheckHandler = healthCheckHandlerProvider.get(); } else if (null != healthCheckCallbackProvider) { healthCheckHandler = new HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(healthCheckCallbackProvider.get()); } if (null == healthCheckHandler) { healthCheckHandler = new HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(null); } } return healthCheckHandler; }
@Deprecated public interface HealthCheckCallback { /** * If false, the instance will be marked * {@link InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus#DOWN} with eureka. If the instance was * already marked {@link InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus#DOWN} , returning true * here will mark the instance back to * {@link InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus#UP}. * * @return true if the call back returns healthy, false otherwise. */ boolean isHealthy(); }
HealthCheckCallback目前被標記爲廢棄,能夠理解爲最後的healthCheckHandler = new HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(null);
@Override public void register(EurekaRegistration reg) { maybeInitializeClient(reg); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info("Registering application " + reg.getInstanceConfig().getAppname() + " with eureka with status " + reg.getInstanceConfig().getInitialStatus()); } reg.getApplicationInfoManager() .setInstanceStatus(reg.getInstanceConfig().getInitialStatus()); reg.getHealthCheckHandler().ifAvailable(healthCheckHandler -> reg.getEurekaClient().registerHealthCheck(healthCheckHandler)); }
@Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties @ConditionalOnClass(EurekaClientConfig.class) @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "eureka.client.enabled", matchIfMissing = true) public class EurekaDiscoveryClientConfiguration { class Marker {} @Bean public Marker eurekaDiscoverClientMarker() { return new Marker(); } @Configuration @ConditionalOnClass(RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent.class) protected static class EurekaClientConfigurationRefresher { @Autowired(required = false) private EurekaClient eurekaClient; @Autowired(required = false) private EurekaAutoServiceRegistration autoRegistration; @EventListener(RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent.class) public void onApplicationEvent(RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event) { //This will force the creation of the EurkaClient bean if not already created //to make sure the client will be reregistered after a refresh event if(eurekaClient != null) { eurekaClient.getApplications(); } if (autoRegistration != null) { // register in case meta data changed this.autoRegistration.stop(); this.autoRegistration.start(); } } } @Configuration @ConditionalOnProperty(value = "eureka.client.healthcheck.enabled", matchIfMissing = false) protected static class EurekaHealthCheckHandlerConfiguration { @Autowired(required = false) private HealthAggregator healthAggregator = new OrderedHealthAggregator(); @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean(HealthCheckHandler.class) public EurekaHealthCheckHandler eurekaHealthCheckHandler() { return new EurekaHealthCheckHandler(this.healthAggregator); } } }
/** * A Eureka health checker, maps the application status into {@link InstanceStatus} * that will be propagated to Eureka registry. * * On each heartbeat Eureka performs the health check invoking registered {@link HealthCheckHandler}. By default this * implementation will perform aggregation of all registered {@link HealthIndicator} * through registered {@link HealthAggregator}. * * @author Jakub Narloch * @see HealthCheckHandler * @see HealthAggregator */ public class EurekaHealthCheckHandler implements HealthCheckHandler, ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean { private static final Map<Status, InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus> STATUS_MAPPING = new HashMap<Status, InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus>() {{ put(Status.UNKNOWN, InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN); put(Status.OUT_OF_SERVICE, InstanceStatus.OUT_OF_SERVICE); put(Status.DOWN, InstanceStatus.DOWN); put(Status.UP, InstanceStatus.UP); }}; private final CompositeHealthIndicator healthIndicator; private ApplicationContext applicationContext; public EurekaHealthCheckHandler(HealthAggregator healthAggregator) { Assert.notNull(healthAggregator, "HealthAggregator must not be null"); this.healthIndicator = new CompositeHealthIndicator(healthAggregator); } @Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.applicationContext = applicationContext; } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { final Map<String, HealthIndicator> healthIndicators = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(HealthIndicator.class); for (Map.Entry<String, HealthIndicator> entry : healthIndicators.entrySet()) { //ignore EurekaHealthIndicator and flatten the rest of the composite //otherwise there is a never ending cycle of down. See gh-643 if (entry.getValue() instanceof DiscoveryCompositeHealthIndicator) { DiscoveryCompositeHealthIndicator indicator = (DiscoveryCompositeHealthIndicator) entry.getValue(); for (DiscoveryCompositeHealthIndicator.Holder holder : indicator.getHealthIndicators()) { if (!(holder.getDelegate() instanceof EurekaHealthIndicator)) { healthIndicator.addHealthIndicator(holder.getDelegate().getName(), holder); } } } else { healthIndicator.addHealthIndicator(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } @Override public InstanceStatus getStatus(InstanceStatus instanceStatus) { return getHealthStatus(); } protected InstanceStatus getHealthStatus() { final Status status = getHealthIndicator().health().getStatus(); return mapToInstanceStatus(status); } protected InstanceStatus mapToInstanceStatus(Status status) { if (!STATUS_MAPPING.containsKey(status)) { return InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN; } return STATUS_MAPPING.get(status); } protected CompositeHealthIndicator getHealthIndicator() { return healthIndicator; } }
能夠看到在afterPropertiesSet的時候,將整個springboot的healthIndicator添加進來並轉化映射爲eureka的InstanceStatus,組合爲CompositeHealthIndicator。而client的health check則會調用這個getStatus接口,返回的是compositeHealthIndicator的健康狀態。
statusChangeListener = new ApplicationInfoManager.StatusChangeListener() { @Override public String getId() { return "statusChangeListener"; } @Override public void notify(StatusChangeEvent statusChangeEvent) { if (InstanceStatus.DOWN == statusChangeEvent.getStatus() || InstanceStatus.DOWN == statusChangeEvent.getPreviousStatus()) { // log at warn level if DOWN was involved logger.warn("Saw local status change event {}", statusChangeEvent); } else { logger.info("Saw local status change event {}", statusChangeEvent); } instanceInfoReplicator.onDemandUpdate(); } };
public boolean onDemandUpdate() { if (rateLimiter.acquire(burstSize, allowedRatePerMinute)) { if (!scheduler.isShutdown()) { scheduler.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { logger.debug("Executing on-demand update of local InstanceInfo"); Future latestPeriodic = scheduledPeriodicRef.get(); if (latestPeriodic != null && !latestPeriodic.isDone()) { logger.debug("Canceling the latest scheduled update, it will be rescheduled at the end of on demand update"); latestPeriodic.cancel(false); } InstanceInfoReplicator.this.run(); } }); return true; } else { logger.warn("Ignoring onDemand update due to stopped scheduler"); return false; } } else { logger.warn("Ignoring onDemand update due to rate limiter"); return false; } } public void run() { try { discoveryClient.refreshInstanceInfo(); Long dirtyTimestamp = instanceInfo.isDirtyWithTime(); if (dirtyTimestamp != null) { discoveryClient.register(); instanceInfo.unsetIsDirty(dirtyTimestamp); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("There was a problem with the instance info replicator", t); } finally { Future next = scheduler.schedule(this, replicationIntervalSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); scheduledPeriodicRef.set(next); } }
這裏會觸發一個調度任務,首先是discoveryClient.refreshInstanceInfo(),以後判斷是否有髒數據,有髒數據則再調用discoveryClient.register()與eureka server更新數據,以後重置髒數據的時間。 注意這裏onDemandUpdate()首先會進行一個頻率控制,由於這個方法會被循環觸發調用,因此這裏進行頻率控制,以防止死循環。
/** * Refresh the current local instanceInfo. Note that after a valid refresh where changes are observed, the * isDirty flag on the instanceInfo is set to true */ void refreshInstanceInfo() { applicationInfoManager.refreshDataCenterInfoIfRequired(); applicationInfoManager.refreshLeaseInfoIfRequired(); InstanceStatus status; try { status = getHealthCheckHandler().getStatus(instanceInfo.getStatus()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception from healthcheckHandler.getStatus, setting status to DOWN", e); status = InstanceStatus.DOWN; } if (null != status) { applicationInfoManager.setInstanceStatus(status); } }
/** * Set the status of this instance. Application can use this to indicate * whether it is ready to receive traffic. Setting the status here also notifies all registered listeners * of a status change event. * * @param status Status of the instance */ public synchronized void setInstanceStatus(InstanceStatus status) { InstanceStatus next = instanceStatusMapper.map(status); if (next == null) { return; } InstanceStatus prev = instanceInfo.setStatus(next); if (prev != null) { for (StatusChangeListener listener : listeners.values()) { try { listener.notify(new StatusChangeEvent(prev, next)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("failed to notify listener: {}", listener.getId(), e); } } } }
eureka client的health check默認是false,即最後使用的是HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge,即HealthCheckCallbackToHandlerBridge(null),callback爲null,則默認返回的都是啓動時註冊的狀態,通常是UP。若是開啓eureka.client.healthcheck.enabled=true則會將springboot的actuator的health indicator都歸入health check當中。