
FSM(Finite State Machine)異步





Moore狀態機,常採用三段式的寫法,狀態轉移用了一個always語句,判斷狀態轉移條件是組合邏輯always @(*),採用了一個always語句,數據輸出也是單獨的 always語句,這樣寫起來比較直觀清晰,狀態不少時也不會顯得繁瑣。blog

1. 旅鼠遊戲介紹遊戲







 1 module top_module (  2     input clk,  3     input areset,    //異步復位  4     input bump_left,    5     input bump_right,  6     output walk_left,  7     output walk_right  8 );  9 
11 // 狀態參數設置,常見:二進制碼、格雷碼、獨熱碼、BCD碼 12 parameter WL=0, WR=1; 13 reg state;  //當前狀態 14 reg next;   //下個狀態  15 16 17 // Combinational always block for state transition logic. Given the current state and inputs, 18 // what should be next state be? 19 // Combinational always block: Use blocking assignments. 20 always@(*) begin 21 case (state) 22 WL: next = bump_left ? WR : WL; 23 WR: next = bump_right ? WL : WR; 24 endcase 25 end 26 27 28 // Combinational always block for state transition logic. Given the current state and inputs, 29 // what should be next state be? 30 // Combinational always block: Use blocking assignments. 31 always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin 32 if (areset) state <= WL; 33 else state <= next; 34 end 35 36 37 // 輸出組合邏輯。 38 // In more complex circuits, a combinational always block may be more suitable. 39 assign walk_left = (state==WL); 40 assign walk_right = (state==WR); 41 42 43 endmodule














 1 module top_module(  2     input clk,  3     input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.
 4     input bump_left,  5     input bump_right,  6     input ground,  7     input dig,  8     output walk_left,  9     output walk_right, 10     output aaah, 11     output digging ); 12     parameter LEFT = 4'd0, RIGHT = 4'd1, FALL_L = 4'd2, FALL_R = 4'd3; 13     parameter DIG_L = 4'd4, DIG_R = 4'd5, DYING = 4'd6, SPLAT = 4'd7; 14     reg    [3:0] current_state; 15     reg [3:0] next_state; 16     reg cnt_start; 17     reg [4:0]cnt_fall; 18     
19     always@(posedge clk or posedge areset)begin
20         if(areset)begin
21             current_state <= LEFT; 22         end
23         else begin
24             current_state <= next_state; 25         end
26     end
28     always@(*)begin
29         case(current_state) 30             LEFT:begin
31                 next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_L : (bump_left ? RIGHT : LEFT)) : FALL_L; 32             end
33             RIGHT:begin
34                 next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_R : (bump_right ? LEFT : RIGHT)) : FALL_R; 35             end
36             FALL_L:begin
37                 next_state = ground ? LEFT : ((cnt_fall==5'd20)?DYING:FALL_L);
38             end
39             FALL_R:begin
40                 next_state = ground ? RIGHT : ((cnt_fall==5'd20)?DYING:FALL_R);
41             end
42             DIG_L:begin
43                 next_state = ground ? DIG_L : FALL_L; 44             end
45             DIG_R:begin
46                 next_state = ground ? DIG_R : FALL_R; 47             end
48             DYING:begin
49                 next_state = ground ? SPLAT : DYING; 50             end
51             SPLAT:begin
52                 next_state = SPLAT; 53             end
54             default:begin
55                 next_state = LEFT; 56             end
57         endcase
58     end    
60     always@(posedge clk or posedge areset)begin
61         if(areset) 62             cnt_fall <= 0; 63         else if(cnt_start) 64             cnt_fall <= cnt_fall+1'b1;
65         else
66             cnt_fall <= 0; 67     end
69     assign cnt_start = (next_state==FALL_L) || (next_state==FALL_R); 70     
71     assign walk_left = (current_state == LEFT); 72     assign walk_right = (current_state == RIGHT); 73     assign digging = (current_state == DIG_L || current_state == DIG_R); 74     assign aaah = (current_state == FALL_L || current_state == FALL_R || current_state == DYING); 75 
76 endmodule