let createRoute = basepath => element => { if (!element) { // Router的子元素 return null; } if (element.type === React.Fragment && element.props.children) { // 處理Fragment類型元素包裹的Route(簡寫:<></>) return React.Children.map(element.props.children, createRoute(basepath)); } invariant( element.props.path || element.props.default || element.type === Redirect, `<Router>: Children of <Router> must have a \`path\` or \`default\` prop, or be a \`<Redirect>\`. None found on element type \`${ element.type }\`` ); invariant( !(element.type === Redirect && (!element.props.from || !element.props.to)), `<Redirect from="${element.props.from}" to="${ element.props.to }"/> requires both "from" and "to" props when inside a <Router>.` ); invariant( !( element.type === Redirect && !validateRedirect(element.props.from, element.props.to) ), `<Redirect from="${element.props.from} to="${ element.props.to }"/> has mismatched dynamic segments, ensure both paths have the exact same dynamic segments.` ); // 如下處理 Redirect元素 if (element.props.default) { return { value: element, default: true }; } let elementPath = element.type === Redirect ? element.props.from : element.props.path; let path = elementPath === "/" ? basepath : `${stripSlashes(basepath)}/${stripSlashes(elementPath)}`; return { value: element, default: element.props.default, path: element.props.children ? `${stripSlashes(path)}/*` : path }; };
除了 Fragment,Route,Redirect和其餘內部約定的包含default屬性的內部路由組件,其餘html標籤是不能生成正確的路由配置的。