如何在Android設備上的Google Play商店中清除搜索和應用歷史記錄


Your Google Play Store search history includes previously searched for apps, movies, books, music, etc. and is saved and stored in your Play Store account. Also, every app you’ve downloaded, whether free or paid, is stored in your 「My Apps」 list.

您的Google Play商店搜索記錄包括以前搜索過的應用,電影,書籍,音樂等,並保存並存儲在您的Play商店帳戶中。 另外,您下載的每個應用程序(無論是免費還是付費)都存儲在「我的應用程序」列表中。

From time to time, you may want to clear out your search history in the Google Play Store. The list can become pretty large and can easily get out of control. If you want to clear your Google Play Store history, for whatever reason, it’s an easy process and we’ll show you how.

您可能不時需要在Google Play商店中清除搜索歷史記錄。 該列表會變得很大,很容易失控。 如果您出於任何原因想要清除Google Play商店的歷史記錄,這都是一個簡單的過程,我們將向您展示如何進行。

Touch the Google Play Store icon on the home screen.

觸摸主屏幕上的Google Play商店圖標。


When the 「Play Store」 opens, touch the menu icon (three horizontal bars) in the upper-left corner of the screen.

當「 Play商店」打開時,觸摸屏幕左上角的菜單圖標(三個水平欄)。


Touch the 「Settings」 option on the drop-down menu.



On the 「Settings」 screen, touch 「Clear local search history.」



You won’t see any kind of confirmation dialog or any other acknowledgement that the search history was cleared. The only way you can tell is to return to the main Play Store screen by pressing the 「Back」 button on your device and touch the search box at the top of the screen. If the process worked, you will see none of your previous searches listed below the search box.

您將不會看到任何類型的確認對話框或任何其他確認已清除搜索歷史記錄的確認。 您唯一可以告知的方法是通過按設備上的「後退」按鈕並觸摸屏幕頂部的搜索框來返回Play商店主屏幕。 如果該過程有效,則搜索框下方將不會列出您以前的任何搜索。


Touch the left arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen to return to the main Play Store screen.


You can also clear your Google search history and clear your browser history in various popular browsers on Android.

您還可以清除自己的Google搜索歷史記錄,並在Android 上各種流行的瀏覽器中清除瀏覽器歷史記錄

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206036/how-to-clear-your-search-and-apps-history-in-the-google-play-store-on-your-android-device/