如何取消Google Play商店和Android應用程序訂閱

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The Google Play Store plays host to all in-app subscriptions set up using your Android device. When you’re ready to stop paying for weekly, monthly, or yearly subscriptions, here’s how to cancel the automatic payment using your Android handset and the Play Store on the web.

Google Play商店可託管使用您的Android設備設置的所有應用內訂閱。 當您準備停止爲每週,每月或每年的訂閱付款時,這裏介紹瞭如何使用Android手機和網絡上的Play商店取消自動付款。

如何在Android上取消Google Play商店訂閱 (How to Cancel a Google Play Store Subscription on Android)

The easiest way to cancel Android app subscriptions is by using your Android smartphone.


Start by launching the 「Play Store」 app. If you can’t find it on your device, swipe up on your home screen to open the app drawer and then scroll around until you locate the app.

首先啓動「 Play Store」應用。 如果您無法在設備上找到它,請在主屏幕上向上滑動以打開應用程序抽屜,然後四處滾動直到找到應用程序。

Open the Google Play Store App

Next, tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner of the interface.


Tap on the Hamburger Menu Icon in the Top Left Corner

Tap on the 「Subscriptions」 option found halfway down the list.


Select the "Subscriptions" Option

You should now see every subscription you’re paying for through the Google Play Store. Tap on the subscription that you want to cancel.

現在,您應該可以通過Google Play商店看到要付費的每個訂閱。 點擊您要取消的訂閱。

Choose the Subscription You Want to Cancel

Select the 「Cancel Subscription」 link found at the bottom of the page.


Tap the "Cancel Subscription" Link

Provide a reason for canceling the subscription and then tap the 「Continue」 button.


Choose a Reason for Cancelling and then Select the "Continue" Button

Confirm that you wish to cancel the Android app’s Play Store subscription by selecting the 「Cancel Subscription」 button.


Confirm by Tapping the "Cancel Subscription" Button

Your app subscription will remain active through the end of your billing period.


If it’s a new subscription, you might be able to request a refund from the Google Play Store.

如果是新訂閱,則可以從Google Play商店要求退款

如何從網上取消Google Play商店訂閱 (How to Cancel a Google Play Store Subscription From the Web)

If you no longer have access to an Android device or you’d instead handle your finances from your computer, you can cancel app subscriptions through the Google Play Store’s website.

如果您無法再使用Android設備,或者要通過計算機處理財務,則可以通過Google Play商店的網站取消應用訂閱。

Begin by visiting the Google Play Store from your browser of choice. From there, select the 「My Subscriptions」 link found in the left sidebar.

首先從您選擇的瀏覽器訪問Google Play商店 。 在此處,選擇左側欄中的「我的訂閱」鏈接。

Select the "My Subscriptions" Option

Next, click on the 「Manage」 button on the right-hand side of your screen that’s associated with the subscription that you’d like to cancel.


Click the "Manage" Button that Correlates with the Subscription

Select the 「Cancel Subscription」 option found at the bottom of the pop-up menu.


Select the "Cancel Subscription" Button

Finally, click the 「Cancel Subscription」 button to confirm your decision.


Confirm by Clicking the "Cancel Subscription" Button

Again, the subscription will remain active through the end of your billing period.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667779/how-to-cancel-google-play-store-app-subscriptions-on-android/