用到的包是 nodemailer,簡單,有效。html
一、auth 中的 pass,是指「郵箱第三方登陸受權碼」,如何獲取受權碼,以QQ郵箱爲例,請點擊:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/fedf0737af2b4035ac8977ea.htmlnode
三、message.html 中能夠嵌套圖片,配置cid做爲圖片的惟一引用地址,指的是發送郵箱附件時設置的cid,以下例中,上傳的兩張圖片cid分別設置爲0001和0002,在message.html中img標籤scr屬性分別指向這兩個cid。github
五、如有用,請點個推薦~ :)app
'use strict' var bunyan = require('bunyan'); var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'QQ', auth: { user: '944xxxx69@qq.com',//發送者郵箱 pass: 'czboxxxxxqvmbebd' //郵箱第三方登陸受權碼 }, logger: bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'nodemailer' }),//打印日誌 debug: true },{ from: '944xxxx69@qq.com',//發送者郵箱 headers: { 'X-Laziness-level': 1000 } }); console.log('SMTP Configured'); var message = { // Comma separated lsit of recipients 收件人用逗號間隔 to: '12xxxx101@qq.com', // Subject of the message 信息主題 subject: 'Nodemailer is unicode friendly', // plaintext body text: 'Hello to myself~', // Html body html: '<p><b>Hello</b> to myself <img src= "cid:00001"/></p>' + '<p>Here\'s a nyan car for you as embedded attachment:<br/><img src="cid:00002"/></p>', // Apple Watch specific HTML body 蘋果手錶指定HTML格式 watchHtml: '<b>Hello</b> to myself', // An array of attachments 附件 attachments: [ // String attachment { filename: 'notes.txt', content: 'Some notes about this e-mail', contentType: 'text/plain' // optional,would be detected from the filename 可選的,會檢測文件名 }, // Binary Buffer attchment { filename: 'image.png', content: Buffer.from('iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEUAAAD/' + '//+l2Z/dAAAAM0lEQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8yw83NDDeNGe4U' + 'g9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', 'base64'), cid: '00001' // should be as unique as possible 儘量惟一 }, // File Stream attachment { filename: 'nyan cat.gif', path: __dirname + '/appData/nyan.gif', cid: '00002' // should be as unique as possible 儘量惟一 } ] }; console.log('Send Mail'); transporter.sendMail(message, (error, info) => { if (error) { console.log('Error occurred'); console.log(error.message); return; } console.log('Message sent successfully!'); console.log('Server responded with "%s"', info.response); transporter.close(); });