這個實驗是這學期的第四個實驗。做爲緩存這一章的配套實驗,設計得很是精妙。難度上來說,相比以前的修改現成文件,直接寫一個程序也更高了一些。須要注意的是檢查程序在編譯時開啓了 -Werror,須要保證沒有警告才能成功編譯。github
從官方文檔得知須要完善 csim.c
和 trans.c
文件,第一個是模擬一個高速緩存的程序並從由 valgrind
程序生成的 trace
文件中統計 hit, miss 和 eviction 的數量。第二個文件須要優化矩陣轉置程序下降程序的不命中度。數組
typedef struct { int valid; ulong tag; clock_t time; } CacheLine;
再經過把緩存行在內存中動態分配成一個二維數組,實現模擬緩存的功能。而且使用了typedef CacheLine *CacheSet;
和 typedef CacheSet *CacheHead;
來讓程序更整齊。輸入來源於文件和命令行參數。能夠用 getopt()
CacheHead CacheInit(int S, int E)
爲緩存動態分配內存;int CacheJudge(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag)
判斷緩存狀態,是否有效,標記匹配;void CacheEvict(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag)
執行 eviction 操做;void CacheTouch(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag)
執行讀取操做,只更新時間戳;void CacheInsert(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag)
執行緩存寫入操做;void Adder(int type, int num)
計數器,增長 hit, miss 和 eviction 的數量,並根據配置選擇打印信息;void printByte(bytept h, int len)
逐字節以 16 進制打印內存數據;void Execute(CacheHead cache, char type, ulong address, int len)
主要的執行函數;int main(int argc, char *args[])
main 函數,讀取參數,打開文件;完整的程序代碼以下:post
// Written By @BillChen // 2019.5.20 #include "cachelab.h" #include <getopt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #define MACHINE_BITS 64 #define NEED_EVICT -1 #define NO_MATCH -2 #define CACHED 1 #define ADD_HIT 1 #define ADD_MISS 2 #define ADD_EVICT 3 int totalMissCount = 0; int totalHitCount = 0; int totalEvictCount = 0; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef unsigned char *bytept; const char *optString = "s:E:b:t:hVv"; struct globalOptions { int setIndexBits; int associativity; int blockBits; int verboseFlag; int tagBits; int superVerboseFlag; char *traceDir; } globalOptions; struct result { int hit; int miss; int evict; }; typedef struct { int valid; ulong tag; clock_t time; } CacheLine; typedef CacheLine *CacheSet; typedef CacheSet *CacheHead; void usage() { printf("Usage: ./csim [-hv] -s <s> -E <E> -b <b> -t <tracefile>\n"); printf("-h get help info\n"); printf("-v Optional verbose flag that displays trace info\n"); printf("-V Optional super verbose flag that displays very detailed trace info\n"); printf("-s <s> Number of set index bits\n"); printf("-E <E> Associativity (number of lines per set)\n"); printf("-b <b> Number of block bits\n"); printf("-t <tracefile>: Name of the valgrind trace to replay\n"); } CacheHead CacheInit(int S, int E) { CacheHead cache; cache = calloc(1 << S, sizeof(CacheSet)); if (cache == NULL) { printf("Fail to allocate memory for cache.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1 << S; i++) { if ((cache[i] = calloc(E, sizeof(CacheLine))) == NULL) { printf("Fail to allocate memory for cache.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for (i = 0; i < 1 << S; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < E; j++) { cache[i][j].valid = 0; } } return cache; } int CacheJudge(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag) { int i; int fullFlag = 1; int matchFlag = 0; for (i = 0; i < globalOptions.associativity; i++) { if (cache[index][i].valid == 0) { fullFlag = 0; } if (cache[index][i].tag == tag && cache[index][i].valid == 1) { matchFlag = 1; } } if (matchFlag == 1) return CACHED; if (fullFlag == 1) return NEED_EVICT; else return NO_MATCH; } void CacheInsert(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag) { int freeLine = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < globalOptions.associativity; i++) { if (cache[index][i].valid == 0) break; freeLine++; } CacheLine *target = cache[index] + freeLine; target->tag = tag; target->valid = 1; target->time = clock(); } void CacheEvict(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag) { int firstLine = 0, i = 0; clock_t firstCachedTime = cache[index][i].time; for (i = 0; i < globalOptions.associativity; i++) { if (cache[index][i].time < firstCachedTime) { firstCachedTime = cache[index][i].time; firstLine = i; } } CacheLine *target = cache[index] + firstLine; target->tag = 0; target->time = 0; target->valid = 0; } void CacheTouch(CacheHead cache, ulong index, ulong tag) { int touchLine = 0; while (cache[index][touchLine].tag != tag) touchLine++; cache[index][touchLine].time = clock(); } void Adder(int type, int num) { int v = globalOptions.verboseFlag; switch (type) { case ADD_EVICT: totalEvictCount += num; if (v && num != 0) printf("eviction "); break; case ADD_HIT: totalHitCount += num; if (v && num != 0) printf("hit "); break; case ADD_MISS: totalMissCount += num; if (v && num != 0) printf("miss "); } } void printByte(bytept h, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%.2x ", h[i]); printf("\n"); } void Execute(CacheHead cache, char type, ulong address, int len) { ulong index = (address << globalOptions.tagBits) >> (MACHINE_BITS - globalOptions.setIndexBits); ulong tag = address >> (globalOptions.blockBits + globalOptions.setIndexBits); int status = CacheJudge(cache, index, tag); if (globalOptions.verboseFlag == 1) { if(globalOptions.superVerboseFlag == 1){ printf("\n[address:] "); printByte((bytept)&address, sizeof(long)); printf("[index:] "); printByte((bytept)&index, sizeof(long)); printf("[tag:] "); printByte((bytept)&tag, sizeof(long)); printf("(Decimal)[index: %ld, tag: %ld]\n------------------------------------------- ", index, tag); } else{ printf("(Decimal)[index: %ld, tag: %ld] ------ ", index, tag); } } switch (status) { case CACHED: CacheTouch(cache, index, tag); if (type == 'M') { Adder(ADD_HIT, 1); Adder(ADD_HIT, 1); } else { Adder(ADD_HIT, 1); } break; case NO_MATCH: CacheInsert(cache, index, tag); if (type == 'M') { Adder(ADD_MISS, 1); Adder(ADD_HIT, 1); } else { Adder(ADD_MISS, 1); } break; case NEED_EVICT: CacheEvict(cache, index, tag); CacheInsert(cache, index, tag); if (type == 'M') { Adder(ADD_MISS, 1); Adder(ADD_EVICT, 1); Adder(ADD_HIT, 1); } else { Adder(ADD_MISS, 1); Adder(ADD_EVICT, 1); } break; default: printf("Unknown error.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (globalOptions.verboseFlag == 1) { printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc, char *args[]) { char ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, args, optString)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 's': if (atoi(optarg) < 0) { printf("Unvalid input for <s>. Try Again.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } globalOptions.setIndexBits = atoi(optarg); break; case 'E': if (atoi(optarg) < 0) { printf("Unvalid input for <E>. Try Again.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } globalOptions.associativity = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': if (atoi(optarg) < 0) { printf("Unvalid input for <b>. Try Again.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } globalOptions.blockBits = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': globalOptions.traceDir = optarg; break; case 'v': globalOptions.verboseFlag = 1; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case 'V': globalOptions.verboseFlag = 1; globalOptions.superVerboseFlag = 1; break; default: usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } globalOptions.tagBits = MACHINE_BITS - globalOptions.blockBits - globalOptions.setIndexBits; FILE *traceFile = fopen(globalOptions.traceDir, "r"); if (traceFile == NULL) { printf("Fail to open file: %s\n", globalOptions.traceDir); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } CacheHead cache = CacheInit(globalOptions.setIndexBits, globalOptions.associativity); char traceLine[32]; while (fgets(traceLine, 32, traceFile) != NULL) { char mode; ulong address; int len; sscanf(traceLine, " %c %lx,%d", &mode, &address, &len); if (mode == 'I') continue; if (globalOptions.verboseFlag == 1) { printf("%c %lx,%d ", mode, address, len); } Execute(cache, mode, address, len); } printSummary(totalHitCount, totalMissCount, totalEvictCount); free(cache); return 0; }
最終在 ./driver.py
的測試下,該程序和 csim-ref
按照官方文檔的說明,須要在 trans.c
中寫入一個優化的矩陣轉置函數。儘量地下降不命中率。使用命令 ./test-trans -M <rol> -N <col>
能夠查看這一轉置函數的不命中數。生成的 trace.fi
文件還能夠利用 PART A 寫的緩存模擬器檢查命中狀況。優化
從官方文檔得知要在 PART B 中獲得分數須要完成三個測試並知足對應的不命中數條件。ui
因爲程序使用的緩存 block size 爲 5,也就是有 2^5 的塊大小,爲32字節。sizeof(int) = 4
,因此能夠存儲下 8 個整數。
int i, j, tmp; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (j = 0; j < M; j++) { tmp = A[i][j]; B[j][i] = tmp; } }
這一函數的運行結果出現了 1000 多個 miss。提取一小部分原始的文件,利用 csim 查看詳細的 miss 和 eviction 信息,能夠發如今讀取的時候發生了嚴重的抖動,致使了大量 miss 的出現。
因此能夠利用矩陣分塊的思想。每一行數組均可以被存入 4 個緩存行中,一共有 32 個緩存行,因此每過 8 行就會出現一次和前面相同的組索引,發生 miss 和 eviction。因此考慮將 32 * 32 的矩陣分紅 16 個 8 * 8 的矩陣,每一次都將一行的 8 個 int 分別存儲進 t1 – t4。
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
其中每個小塊都是 8 * 8,每一行可以完整存儲到緩存行中的矩陣。這種狀況在 transpose_submit()
if(N == 32 && M == 32){ int i, j, k; int t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8; for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) { for (j = 0; j < 32; j += 8) { for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { t1 = A[i + k][j]; t2 = A[i + k][j + 1]; t3 = A[i + k][j + 2]; t4 = A[i + k][j + 3]; t5 = A[i + k][j + 4]; t6 = A[i + k][j + 5]; t7 = A[i + k][j + 6]; t8 = A[i + k][j + 7]; B[j][i + k] = t1; B[j + 1][i + k] = t2; B[j + 2][i + k] = t3; B[j + 3][i + k] = t4; B[j + 4][i + k] = t5; B[j + 5][i + k] = t6; B[j + 6][i + k] = t7; B[j + 7][i + k] = t8; } } } }
和第一種狀況測試相似。可是因爲大小變成了 64 * 64,每過 4 行就會出現一次衝突的狀況。因此能夠先分紅 8 * 8 的塊,而後再把 8 * 8 的塊分紅 4 個 4 * 4 的塊。讀取一行,但存儲進的位置如圖所示。逆序存儲以後再逐行處理 C’ 和 B’ 處的數據。
因爲以前是逆序存儲的,因此在 C’ 會把 0 加載進緩存,而在 B’ 會把 24 加載進緩存,再利用 t1, t2, t3, t4 四個變量做臨時變量存儲,交換 0 行和 24 行的位置。
else if (N == 64 && M == 64) { int t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7; for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 8) { for (int j = 0; j < M; j += 8) { for (int k = i; k < i + 4; k++) { t0 = A[k][j]; t1 = A[k][j + 1]; t2 = A[k][j + 2]; t3 = A[k][j + 3]; t4 = A[k][j + 4]; t5 = A[k][j + 5]; t6 = A[k][j + 6]; t7 = A[k][j + 7]; B[j][k] = t0; B[j + 1][k] = t1; B[j + 2][k] = t2; B[j + 3][k] = t3; B[j + 0][k + 4] = t7; B[j + 1][k + 4] = t6; B[j + 2][k + 4] = t5; B[j + 3][k + 4] = t4; } for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) { t0 = A[i + 4][j + 3 - h]; t1 = A[i + 5][j + 3 - h]; t2 = A[i + 6][j + 3 - h]; t3 = A[i + 7][j + 3 - h]; t4 = A[i + 4][j + 4 + h]; t5 = A[i + 5][j + 4 + h]; t6 = A[i + 6][j + 4 + h]; t7 = A[i + 7][j + 4 + h]; B[j + 4 + h][i + 0] = B[j + 3 - h][i + 4]; B[j + 4 + h][i + 1] = B[j + 3 - h][i + 5]; B[j + 4 + h][i + 2] = B[j + 3 - h][i + 6]; B[j + 4 + h][i + 3] = B[j + 3 - h][i + 7]; B[j + 3 - h][i + 4] = t0; B[j + 3 - h][i + 5] = t1; B[j + 3 - h][i + 6] = t2; B[j + 3 - h][i + 7] = t3; B[j + 4 + h][i + 4] = t4; B[j + 4 + h][i + 5] = t5; B[j + 4 + h][i + 6] = t6; B[j + 4 + h][i + 7] = t7; } } } }
這一測試中因爲矩陣不規則,並且也不是 8 的倍數,因此在行與行之間沒有特別明顯的衝突不命中的關係。能夠嘗試用分塊矩陣的方式優化。通過嘗試 8 * 8 的分塊和 16 * 16 的分塊後,發現使用 16 * 16 的分塊方式能夠將 miss 數下降到 2000 如下。
else { int i, j, k, h; for (i = 0; i < N; i += 16) { for (j = 0; j < M; j += 16) { for (k = i; k < i + 16 && k < N; k++) { for (h = j; h < j + 16 && h < M; h++) { B[h][k] = A[k][h]; } } } } }
能夠獲得 1992 的 miss 數。
最終在 ./driver.py
的運行結果中,Part B 得到以下結果:
一如既往地,如今又是凌晨了 orz.