在windows7中安裝ionCube PHP Encoder


下載: http://downloads3.ioncube.com/eval_download_packages/ioncube_encoder/win32_i386/en/ioncube_encoder_evaluation.zip


Installing to a remote WINDOWS DEDICATED or VPS server

1. Upload the contents of this package to C:\windows\system32----將解壓中的ext文件放到此(並在WINDOWS7中安裝setup.exe)web

2. Copy the loader-wizard.php script to the root web folder of a
configured domain on the server    ----放到網站根目錄windows

2. Launch the Loader Wizard script in your browser. For example:



Installation Instructions

    1. Download one of the following archives of Windows VC11 x86 Loaders:

      Please note that the MS Windows installer version is suitable either for direct installation on a Windows machine or for uploading from a local PC to your server.
      A Loaders archive can also be downloaded from http://loaders.ioncube.com/.ide

    2. Put the Loader files in C:\xampp\php\ioncube
    3. Edit the file C:\xampp\php\php.ini and before any other zend_extension lines ensure that the following is included:
      zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_5.6.dll"
      Alternatively, replace your current C:\xampp\php\php.ini file with this new php.ini file.
    4. Restart the Apache server software.
    5. When the server software has restarted, click here to test the Loader.---點擊


ionCube Loader Wizard

Loader Installed Successfully

The ionCube Loader version 5.0.21 for PHP 5.6 is installed and encoded files should run successfully.ui

Please contact the script provider if you do experience any problems running encoded files.this

For security reasons we advise that you remove this Wizard script from your server now that the ionCube Loader is installed.lua



Additional Modules

Module Name
ionCube Loader