響應式設計的設計原理是經過CSS3的Media Queries來調整頁面元素在不一樣屏幕分辨率下的顯示。javascript
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<section id="content"> <article> <h1>Malesuada</h1> <img src="p1.jpg"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros purus, suscipit finibus congue sit amet, fringilla eu arcu. Vestibulum pellentesque lacus vitae fermentum vulputate. Aliquam pharetra felis eu tempus imperdiet. Proin ultrices justo turpis, et fermentum sapien porttitor quis. Phasellus mauris enim, facilisis at purus vel, dignissim aliquet quam. Fusce quis nulla non tortor hendrerit congue. Cras convallis tellus a tortor malesuada placerat. Morbi et laoreet urna, id fringilla dui. Nunc a justo elit. Vivamus rhoncus, erat id aliquet tempus, leo nunc vulputate odio, quis lacinia velit felis a magna. In et arcu justo. Ut fermentum fermentum faucibus. Nulla sit amet placerat erat, eget tempor arcu. Praesent viverra nulla dictum nibh tincidunt, eget gravida elit lacinia. Aliquam semper malesuada sem eget tempus.</p> <p>Morbi lectus ex, tempor at velit quis, consectetur suscipit ante. Etiam vehicula diam ac hendrerit tincidunt. Nullam rhoncus tellus eu urna rhoncus consectetur. Sed aliquam enim libero, pellentesque ultricies lorem sagittis eget. Duis quis nibh accumsan, tempus diam eget, posuere felis. Fusce aliquam feugiat velit, sit amet mollis felis eleifend varius. Mauris a metus vehicula, egestas nulla in, vestibulum arcu. Nam ac iaculis ex. Donec scelerisque lectus eget lectus ultrices semper. Proin in justo tristique, ultricies justo nec, faucibus dolor. Phasellus ultrices nec tortor eget aliquam. Donec a odio vel magna vestibulum vehicula. Nulla laoreet nibh urna, at pellentesque nisl iaculis a. Donec vitae purus ut nibh tristique fermentum sed non quam.</p> </article> </section>
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<h1>Slideshow component</h1> <div id="slideshow"> <ul> <li><img src="p1.jpg"></li> <li><img src="p2.jpg"></li> <li><img src="p3.jpg"></li> <li><img src="p4.jpg"></li> </ul> <div id="slideshow-nav"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var duration = 3000; //每張圖片的持續顯示時間 var speed = 1000; //圖片切換的動畫時間 var width = $('#slideshow').width(); //得到單張圖片的寬度 var curIndex = 0; //設置當前顯示圖片的索引值 var totalIndex = $('#slideshow > ul > li').length; //得到總的圖片數量 var timer; //設置一個計時變量 $('#slideshow > ul > li').each(function(index) { $(this).css("left", index*width+"px"); //設置輪播圖片的橫向排列 $('#slideshow-nav').append("<span>"+(index+1)+"</span>"); //在導航中添加相應的節點 }); $('#slideshow-nav > span').each(function(index) { $(this).attr("index", index); //存儲每一個節點的索引值 $(this).click(function(){ //當span元素被點擊時 curIndex = $(this).attr("index")-1; //刷新當前顯示圖片的索引值 clearTimeout(timer); //清除計時 move(); //從新執行move函數以顯示該圖片 }); }); $('#slideshow-nav > span').eq(0).addClass("active"); //設置第一個圓點爲active var firstChild = $('#slideshow > ul > li').eq(0).clone(); //將第一張圖片複製一份 $('#slideshow > ul').append(firstChild); //將該圖片添加到列表最末 firstChild.css("left", totalIndex*width+"px"); //將複製的第一張圖片顯示在圖片序列最右側 function move(){ curIndex++; //使索引值加以1 if(curIndex>totalIndex){ //當索引值大於圖片總數時 curIndex = 1; //表示當前應播放第2張圖片 $('#slideshow > ul').css("left", "0px"); //將圖片序列重置到原點 } for(var i=0; i < totalIndex; i++){ $('#slideshow-nav > span').eq(i).removeClass("active"); //清除全部導航節點的active類 } if(curIndex === totalIndex){ $('#slideshow-nav > span').eq(0).addClass("active"); //若是當前索引值等於圖片總數,則說明當前正顯示第一張圖片的副本,所以應激活第一個導航節點 }else{ $('#slideshow-nav > span').eq(curIndex).addClass("active"); //在其他狀況下,則爲當前導航節點添加active類 } $('#slideshow > ul').animate({left:width*curIndex*-1+"px"},speed); //爲圖片序列建立動畫 timer = setTimeout(move,duration+speed); //設置延遲必定時間後執行move函數,延遲時間等於動畫時長加上每張圖片的持續顯示時間 } timer = setTimeout(move,duration); //設置延遲必定時間後執行move函數,延遲時間等於每張圖片的持續顯示時間 $('#slideshow').css("height", $('img').height()+"px"); $(window).resize(function() { width = $('#slideshow').width(); $('#slideshow').css("height", $('img').height()+"px"); $('#slideshow > ul > li').each(function(index) { $(this).css("left", index*width+"px"); //設置輪播圖片的橫向排列 }); $('#slideshow > ul').stop().animate({left:width*curIndex*-1+"px"},0); }); }); </script>
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