ipad iphone開發_如何將PDF保存到iPhone或iPad

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Saving a PDF document to an iPhone or iPad

While browsing the web, it’s common to run into PDF files that you’d like to save to your iPhone or iPad for later viewing. Here’s how to do it.

瀏覽網絡時,通常會遇到要保存到iPhone或iPad上的PDF文件,以供以後查看。 這是操作方法。

While viewing the PDF file in Safari, tap on the Share button. The Share button is in a different location on an iPhone or an iPad. On an iPhone, it is in the lower-left corner of the screen.

在Safari中查看PDF文件時,點擊「共享」按鈕。 共享按鈕在iPhone或iPad上的其他位置。 在iPhone上,它位於屏幕的左下角。

The location of the Share button on an iPhone in Safari

On an iPad, the Share button is located just to the right of the browser’s address bar. It always looks like a rounded square with an arrow pointing upwards.

在iPad上,「共享」按鈕位於瀏覽器地址欄的右側。 它總是看起來像一個圓角的正方形,箭頭指向上方。

The location of the Share button on an iPad in Safari

After tapping the Share button, iOS will bring up a list of ways that you can share or save the file, including sending it to others through text message or email.


Preparing to save a PDF file

Swipe down the list with your finger until you find the app you want to open it in.


Choosing to save a PDF file to Dropbox or Books

Many people choose to send a PDF to the built-in Books app for later viewing. Once saved to Books, it is always be available through the Books app.

許多人選擇將PDF發送到內置的「圖書」應用以供以後查看。 保存到「圖書」後,始終可以通過「圖書」應用使用。

Some people prefer to save PDFs to Dropbox (i.e, a paid service available in the App Store), so that they can retrieve them on a computer later. If you have Dropbox installed, this will be an option on the list. You can save it to any file storage service you like, including Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive.

有些人喜歡將PDF保存到Dropbox (即App Store中提供的付費服務),以便以後可以在計算機上檢索它們。 如果您安裝了Dropbox,則它將是列表上的一個選項。 您可以將其保存到所需的任何文件存儲服務中,包括Google Drive和Microsoft OneDrive。

iOS also has a way of saving documents outside of a particular app called 「Files」.


If you’d like to save a PDF to Files, swipe down the list until you see the Files option and tap on it. Then, choose your save location.

如果要將PDF保存到文件,請向下滑動列表,直到看到「文件」選項,然後點擊它。 然後,選擇您的保存位置。

Saving a PDF file to Files on iPhone

Later, in the Files app, you can see the PDF you just downloaded. Or, if you saved the PDF to Books, you can open the Books app and read the PDF there.

稍後,在「文件」應用中,您可以看到剛剛下載的PDF。 或者,如果您將PDF保存到「圖書」,則可以打開「圖書」應用並在其中閱讀PDF。

This view in the Files app shows your recently saved PDF

It’s also possible to save a website as a PDF file for later viewing, which can come in handy.


Simple and easy!


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/656855/how-to-save-a-pdf-to-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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