ipad iphone開發_如何在iPhone或iPad上打開Zip文件

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If you use an iOS device then you know it’s a pretty complete system and works very well. But, you may have had problems opening compressed zip files, so we’ll talk today about how to best handle zip files on your iPhone or iPad.

如果您使用的是iOS設備,那麼您就會知道這是一個非常完整的系統,並且效果很好。 但是,您可能無法打開壓縮的zip文件,因此今天我們將討論如何最好地處理iPhone或iPad上的zip文件。

Apple’s iOS actually has had support, albeit limited, for zip files since iOS 7 but it only works with Messages and Mail. For example, you’re chatting with a friend and they attach a zipped file full of their vacation pics. Or, a colleague at work emails you some documents that they need you to look at right away.

自iOS 7起,Apple的iOS實際上已經支持zip文件,儘管數量有限,但僅適用於消息和郵件。 例如,您正在與朋友聊天,他們會附加一個包含他們度假照片的壓縮文件。 或者,工作中的同事通過電子郵件向您發送一些文檔,他們需要您立即查看這些文檔。

It’s not a perfect solution, but it works without necessitating any add-on software.


Update: You can now open zip files via the built-in Files app.

更新 :您現在可以通過內置的「文件」應用程序打開zip文件

在郵件或郵件中打開Zip文件 (Opening Zip Files in Mail or Messages)

When you get a zipped attachment in Mail for instance, you can view it using Mail without leaving the app. Here, in the following screenshot, we receive a message with a zipped attachment.

例如,當您在Mail中獲得壓縮的附件時,無需離開應用程序即可使用Mail查看它。 在下面的屏幕截圖中,我們收到一條帶有壓縮附件的消息。

You can open the zipped file to view its contents. iOS does a pretty good job of displaying text files, pdf, images, Word documents, and even Excel spreadsheets.

您可以打開壓縮文件以查看其內容。 iOS在顯示文本文件,pdf,圖像,Word文檔甚至Excel電子表格方面做得非常好。

Viewing zip files in Messages or Mail is, however, only just that, viewing. If you want to actually extract a file and edit it, you’ll need an appropriate helper application. You can tap the 「Share」 button and pick the application you want to use.

但是,僅查看郵件或郵件中的zip文件即可。 如果要實際提取文件並進行編輯,則需要一個合適的幫助程序。 您可以點擊「共享」按鈕,然後選擇要使用的應用程序。

Here, we have a spreadsheet, so we want to select Excel or some other application that can handle .xls files.


You’re not limited solely to opening the file. You can also print it or Airdrop it to your Mac or another iOS device.

您不僅限於打開文件。 您也可以將其打印或空投到Mac或其他iOS設備上。

As this method would imply, if you want to view zip files without ever visiting the App Store, then you’ll have to e-mail archives to yourself and then open them with Mail. This is a little impractical, which is why we recommend trying a traditional zip-handler app like WinZip or iZip.

就像這種方法所暗示的那樣,如果您不想在未訪問App Store的情況下查看zip文件,則必須通過電子郵件將存檔發送給自己,然後使用Mail打開它們。 這有點不切實際,這就是爲什麼我們建議嘗試使用WinZip或iZip之類的傳統zip處理程序應用程序的原因。

使用其他軟件打開Zip文件 (Opening Zip Files with Additional Software)

Obviously, you’re not always going to encounter zip files in mail or instant messaging. Sometimes, you have them stored on your cloud folder, or they could be stored locally, or you might want to AirDrop one onto your iOS device. Regardless of the delivery method, the options outlined above only work for attachments in Mail and Messages.

顯然,您並不總是會在郵件或即時消息中遇到zip文件。 有時,您將它們存儲在雲文件夾中,或者可能將它們存儲在本地,或者您可能希望將它們空投到iOS設備上。 無論採用哪種傳遞方式,以上概述的選項僅適用於郵件和郵件中的附件。

There are a couple of applications in the App Store, which are equipped to handle zip files: iZip being one, and the venerable WinZip. Both are fairly similar in design and function and both will handle local zip files for free. But, if you want more functionality like unzipping, or plugging into your cloud folders, then you’ll have to pay for the full programs. iZip Pro costs $3.99 while WinZip (Full Version) will set you back $4.99.

App Store中有幾個應用程序可以處理zip文件: iZip是一個 ,而尊貴的WinZip 。 兩者在設計和功能上都非常相似,並且都將免費處理本地zip文件。 但是,如果您需要更多功能,例如解壓縮或插入雲文件夾,則必須付費購買完整程序。 iZip Pro的價格爲3.99美元,WinZip(完整版)的價格爲4.99美元

Regardless of the app you use, if you don’t want to pay for the full versions, you will need to first export your zip file to your iOS device and then use the free zip app to handle the file.


In this example, when we use the free version of WinZip, we first select our zip file from our cloud app first, then we click the 「Share」 button.


From the Share menu, we’ll select 「Open in…」 to show us a list of apps that can handle this type of file.


Next, we choose our free zip app. In this case its WinZip but iZip will work just as well.

接下來,我們選擇免費的zip應用程序。 在這種情況下,它的WinZip和iZip也可以正常工作。

Our archive now open, we can view its contents such as we did when we were viewing an attachment.


If we want to actually open a file, we need to again tap the 「Share」 icon and then choose the appropriate app from the 「Open in…」 menu selections.


If this is just too many steps, then you can purchase full versions of either zip app and plug your cloud service right into it, among many other features. WinZip Full Version, for example, has support for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and iCloud while iZip Pro has support for iCloud, Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive.

如果這只是太多步驟,那麼您可以購買任一zip應用程序的完整版本,並將您的雲服務直接插入其中,還有許多其他功能。 例如,WinZip完整版支持Dropbox,Google Drive,OneDrive和iCloud,而iZip Pro支持iCloud,Dropbox,Box和Google Drive。

If you want to know the differences between the free version of WinZip and WinZip Full Version, here is a handy chart you can peruse. Similarly, here’s a comparison between iZip and iZip Pro. Note, iZip has a Pro version for iPhone that is $2.99, the iPad version is a dollar more.

如果您想了解WinZip的免費版本和WinZip完整版之間的區別, 可以使用下面的便捷圖表 。 同樣,這是iZip和iZip Pro之間比較 。 請注意,iZip的iPhone Pro版本爲2.99美元,iPad版本則高出1美元。

Here’s our archive on our Dropbox. With the full version of WinZip we can access it right from the application.

這是我們在Dropbox上的存檔。 使用完整版的WinZip,我們可以直接從應用程序訪問它。

You have a few options from here. You can tap the arrow next to the zip file and send it as a link, copy the link (and then paste it into a message), AirDrop it to another iOS device or a Mac, or you can actually extract (unzip) the file’s contents.

您可以從這裏獲得一些選擇。 您可以點擊zip文件旁邊的箭頭,然後將其作爲鏈接發送,複製鏈接(然後將其粘貼到消息中),將其拖放到其他iOS設備或Mac上,或者您實際上可以提取(解壓縮)文件的內容。

If you unzip a file, you can unzip it in the parent folder or create a new folder. Regardless of how you handle zip files, if you actually want to open their contents, you will still need the correct app to handle it.

如果您解壓縮文件,則可以將其解壓縮到父文件夾中或創建一個新文件夾。 無論您如何處理zip文件,如果您實際上要打開其內容,仍然需要正確的應用程序來處理它。

This isn’t an issue for things like images and music files, but for stuff like documents, presentations, and spreadsheets, you will probably need something like Microsoft Office to handle them.

對於圖像和音樂文件而言,這不是問題,但是對於文檔,演示文稿和電子表格等而言,您可能需要諸如Microsoft Office之類的東西來處理它們。

Using either the free or pay version of a zip app will also allow you to directly address opening archives via AirDrop. When you AirDrop an archive from your Mac for instance, you’ll see a list of choices for how you can handle it.

使用免費或付費版本的zip應用程序,還可以讓您直接通過AirDrop處理打開的存檔。 例如,當從Mac AirDrop存檔時,您將看到如何處理存檔的列表。

Choose your preferred zip app and you’re good to go. You can then manage the archive’s contents in any manner detailed above.

選擇您喜歡的zip應用程序,一切順利。 然後,您可以按上述任何方式管理檔案的內容。

We hope this helps with clarifying how to open zip files on an iPhone or iPad. Unfortunately, a perfect native iOS solution doesn’t exist as of yet, however, even with a free app you can access zipped contents with fairly little hassle. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about dealing with zip archives on iOS devices, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我們希望這有助於闡明如何在iPhone或iPad上打開zip文件。 不幸的是,還沒有一個完美的本地iOS解決方案,但是,即使使用免費的應用程序,您也可以輕鬆訪問壓縮的內容。 如果您有關於在iOS設備上處理zip存檔的任何疑問,意見或建議,請在我們的論壇中保留您的反饋意見。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/212703/how-to-open-zip-files-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

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